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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. the rates of pregnancies after tubals and vasectomies are VERY VERY small, and even then, YOU ARE HAVING SEX!!! Our sexual organs were created for the sole purpose to make babies!! We cannot have sex without realizing that it is a possiblity that we will become pregnant. To use a term from Marjon, its silly to think so. If I had been given time I would have gone forward and had the baby, putting it up for adoption. It is "silly" to think that the rates did not increase. Yes, it is hard to have firm figures, but I can guarantee you that it is pure blindness of the obvious to say that we had no firm numbers so there was no increase in legalizing it. I want to pose a question to those who are pro-choice and believe that it is not a baby... You believe that it is just a bundle of multiplying cells, and is not a real life until after it is removed from the mother's body. I believe it is a life from the moment the cells start multiplying. If I am wrong, what harm is there? Some women are inconvinienced because they have to deal with the reulsts of their sexual actions. What if you are wrong? All those babies that have died. Not even looking at it from a christian point of view. Just a pure...Life is important....point of view. What will you do if you are wrong?
  2. I understand where you are coming from completely. I was just curious as to why this was a difficult decision for you, and if it was because you were upset about taking a life, or the pain from the procedure. For me, on top of it all, the procedure was very painful. and i did not stop bleeding for a long time. they had to keep me there for a long time whenall i wanted to do was run home to Rob and cry and confess to him.
  3. Yes, I do. I believe that abortion is the killing of a life because it inconviniences another. Its going to cost money, take up time, make your body hurt a bit for 9 months. No one even says you have to keep the kid after. Yet it is so inconvinient to support a life for 9 months and its so much easier to just go have it vaccuumed out. I guess I am curious as to why if someone beats the shit out of a woman while she is pregnant, and she miscarries, that person can be charged with the murder of that child. And if a woman is pregnant and goes into a bar she is warned that drinking can be fatal to the baby she is carrying. But the MOMENT that woman does not feel like being responsible for her actions any longer it is just a bunch of cells that can be simply disposed of.
  4. No! One bad deed does not allow another. The few useless killings of innocent people the better. In fact I think that our laws are not harsh enough for most offenders. When I murderer can get out of jail in 7 years, but some car theifs can be locked up for 20? We need to lock those that kill up for life. Lives are precious, all of them.
  5. I completely understand what you are saying. And in your point of view this was the best choice. But can I ask, if you thought it was just a division of cells at the point that you had it done, why it was so difficult for you?
  6. I respect you view on my choice being the most responsible. I feel it was a rash decision to an irresponsible act. Its pretty plain and simple. do not have sex unless you are certain you will not have children. I did feel i was doing something wrong, but at the time I was so confused, being manipulated, called frequently and coerced, and at two times under medication. I was not thinking clearly, and was being moved through with the rest of the girls. If I had been given information and allowed to think about it for a long time I would have had more time to talk with my family, my boyfriend, and i KNOW i would have come to the decision to have have it done. Abortion has been around forever, but at MUCH lower rates. Should we say that in other case, like molestation, it happens so if we regulate it and counsel those that wish to commit it then we will be a better society? Maybe that is what we can use all the unwanted children for. But I can use a term from Marjon here...that would be silly. Because that would be awful to submit innocent children to something so heinous.
  7. So my thinking that abortion is killing a baby and using it as an argument is silly. Because it is my opinion and it differs from yours. If you reread my post to lisah I did not state that she was wrong. I told her that there were lots of people that agreed with her, as well as a lot of people that agree with me. The fact that i bring in "for instances" to support my argument, whether you agree with them or not, is in no way silly.
  8. As I have no doubt I am 100% right. The only difference is that in my 100% rightness I also believe that people are committing muder on a daily basis. Its a heavy weight. Aso for me believing it wasn't the best thing for him or her, since when is death not the best thing for someone who is healthy and has an entire life in front of them?
  9. No....the sex was irresponsible, because I was in no position to deal with the consequences responsibly if the the birth control had failed, which it did. I am not going to blame the birth control. It was not the pills fault. it was my fault, my actions, and I am responsible for those actions. I do not see living with the consequences of your actions as punishment. If that were the case then everything I do that results in a difficult reaction would be deemed a punishment. If pregnancy is a "punishment" in someone's eyes, then they should not be having sex, period. Birth control has faults. I can guarantee you that. If someone chooses to have sex they must be ready for all aspects of the end results, one of those being a baby. It does not mean you have to keep and raise that baby, but it should not mean that the baby must bear the brunt of your irresponsibility. As for me feeling abortion was bad, I honestly did not have clear feelings either way. I was young, stupid, still trying to become educated, thinking i knew everything and really knowing nothing. One of the hardest things for me to face when i became pregnant was knowing right then and there that I knew NOTHING. At that time I did not look at it as killing from a political standpoint or a religious standpoint. What I did know is what a mother feels. I had a life, inside my belly. It was mine, my baby, a part of my Rob and I, and that it already had a heatbeat and brainwaves. it was feeding from me, and relied on me to care for it. And I was snuffing that little life out.
  10. BJ this is a very interesting point, and it is one that I have pondered. Did God put me in this position, to make a choice through free will, then to learn from it in order to counsel others and fight for the rights of the unborn? Yes. I believe he did. Did this work out as a perfect solution. Well my life has certainly gone the way I had planned from early on, minus a few bumps in the road, but the life of my unborn child did not go on. it was never given a chance. So I do not believe it worked out for the best for him or her.
  11. You keep saying silly arguments. I am not sure what part of my opinion or my experience you find silly. I guess you will need to point this part out to me.
  12. I understand what you mean lisah. I am sure there are a lot of people out there that feel this way. As much as I am positive that there are people out there who feel that they have every reason and right to kill other adult people, and who feel that they have the right to steal from others. One thing to keep in mind is that pro-life advocates see this as KILLING BABIES. If you took an issue that you felt very strongly over, felt that someone who could not defend themselves was being treated badly, molested, or killed, you would fight and try to help them in every way possible. This is how a pro-lifer feels. these are unborn babies that do not have a voice, and they need protecting. Understanding the reason behind it may help pro-choicers understand why those of us who are agains abortion are so strong on this issue and require govt intervention.
  13. wow! must be nice to live life so callously. i know if I were that way it would remove a lot of guilt and decision making for me. i'll have to check into that.
  14. I am happy to answer these questions. I was having irresponsible sex. I was not married. Its not like I thought that I could just go get an abortion so it was no problem, but the emphasis on the importance of abstinence was something that I was never brought up with because society does not think it is important any long. However I was on birth control pills. I took them regularly, and never missed. I do not understand your question about being punished for it. In what sense do you mean? By God? My family? The govt? I will answer the next two questions together. When I went into the doctor's office to have the pregnancy test my boyfriend was not with me. He was in class. We were both in college at the time, and i felt i should find out if I am pregnant before talking to him. this was my first mistake. I should have trusted him enough with sharing this decision with him. But when the test came back positive my world fell down around me. I did not have any time to process anything before the nurse sat down with me and started telling me that I should not tell my boyfriend because that would cheat him into a mariage, and I would never know for sure if he really married me because of the baby or because he really loved me. She also started talking about how I was too young to care for this child and that I had no money. That I would have to go on govt assistance and I would never climb out of that hole. That I could not put it up for adoption because it would end up in an abusive household and would never have permanent parents until it finally went out into the world on its own at 18. I got a lot of the same rhetoric from the counselor at the abortion clinic. Some of it was almost word for word. The law would have definitely changed my mind! For one, I would have seen only one option...adoption. For another, the nurse would have more likely not "attacked me" with all of her propoganda if she did not have a clinic offering her a finders fee for bringing in abortion patients.
  15. Again, I do take responsibility, but I also understand the power people have over people who are under distress. And until you work a post-abortion help line for 3 years, you may not want to make statements such as "these things do not happen". they do, more often than you can imagine. I believe that the government should step in and make this option illegal. that way it would have not been so easy for me to make the decision, or any other young and stuck girl like I was. Laws are very powerful things. They make people think twice about taking other people's lives, taking drugs, stealing, and doing lots of other illegla, and IMMORAL actions. If abortion was outlawed there would still be people taking actions into their own hands, or going to dirty doctors, but it will also cut WAY down on the number of abortions being done. And then, maybe, women will take having sex irresponsibly more serious.
  16. You know there are so many debates out there as to when life begins, and when it constitutes as murder vs a medical procedure. But what if you all who think that life does not start until the baby is born are wrong? What if it is determined that life does start that early. Will you all change your minds and cry for the millions of babies that have been killed?
  17. I am the one responsible for the decision. I made it, I had it done, and I regretted every moment of it. But I KNOW that a major part of that decision was based on the manipulation that was done by the people around me. My boyfriend (now husband) did not know of my decision until after when I no longer had the "support" of the people that were trying to get me to have this done. I was taken back home and left to fend for myself. I think that what most people do not comprehend is that when you are young, and faced with an unplanned pregnancy you are vulnerable, not thinking clearly, under distress. In legal matters, you can't sign a contract under these circumstances, so why would someone be allowed to make a decision of this magnitude without proper support? When my husband found out about the nurse and her actions he contacted our PCP. She was fired for her actions. If this was proper support do you think she would have ben fired?
  18. I had heard about this thread from someone on another board, and thought I would come and check it out. i read everyone's posts, and felt I needed to share my story. I did so by posting it to Gadgetlady because i was busy, and felt it was not right for me to come back posting here after all of the hulabaloo with a past member. But I feel that my story may not have the impact that it should if it comes second hand, and the last few posts are evidence to that. So that being said, let me respond to a few things said here. Wheets, how are ya girl? I understand the need to take a cynical view on this. We all have our stances on things, and believe that our opinions are right. My story is a true one, however, and I want it known that I was in no way "forced" but more "manipulated" into doing this. The nurse that I first saw was at my PCP office, not at the clinic. A phone number for a "pregnancy support line" was actually a pro-abortion line where I basically received all the reasons NOT to bring a child into the world. I was talked down to, and treated like a 13 year old. I was 19, but was still a child. I was at college, away from my family, not many friends, and totally needing to look to someone for support. What I got was a group of people with an agenda. The time it took from my finding out I was pregnant to the time I finally had the abortion was 4 days. The nurse from my doctor's office called my home number often for the first 2 days, under the guise that she was checking to see how I was doing. She was the one to drive me to the clinic. And the one to take me back AFTER SEEING THAT THIS WAS SUCH AN UPSETTING THING FOR ME. She did not care about what I was going through, only caring about bringing another patient into the clinic. Are you aware that nurses and individuals get referal fees for the patients they bring in? This is common practice for a lot of the clinics, as well as a common practice in many fields of medicine. And setting up ringers in a clinic is also comon practice. As a business woman I know it to be smart business as well. These people are known as "closers" and are essential in a type of business that needs convincing. Its not far fetched, and anyone with any clue about business would know this to be true. Marjon, I do not know you. You joined long after I did, and long after I left. I do think, in all due respect, that your judgement is clouded by your bias to your opinion. Just because you feel that something seems out of line in a practice you support does not mean it does not happen. In reading this thread it is made very clear that Gadgetlady stated that there is a foundation of truth in the "feminists using abortion as a rite of passage", but because this may rub you the worng way you automatically conclude that it must be BS. The same goes for my story that she shared for me. Why would this make you so upset? is it because you find some form of shadiness to this practice? That maybe the pro-choice movement is not as "helpful and endearing" as they would like the world to think it is? After my ordeal I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how I could heal my mind and soul from this awful thing I had done. I spent a lot of time doing post-abortion counselling and I was not at all shocked to hear the same story as mine over and over again. And this is nationwide. I took calls from women all over the country. Its difficult for me to understand how someone can support an act, but then be shocked and disbelieve the tactics used to create clients for these clinics. So that being said, I hope you all understand that I came back here for this issue only, and to support my story which was shared by a good friend. Good to see you all again. Aim
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    Who here has had their "apron" removed before you lost all of your weight? I am kicking around the idea of having this done when i go down to Mexico to have my lap band put in. My lapband doc works with a plastic surgeon closely and I could have it done the next day. It would make life so much easier to not have it there when working out and moving around! LOL If anyone has please respond, or pm me directly. I have lots of questions.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    Ok, I know there are those of you out there that are huge Christmas fans like me. No ,its not because of the gifts, but I LOVE the season and everything it means and what it does to people. Our friends call Rob and I Mr. and Mrs. Claus because we are such huge Christmas fanatics. Do you have a christmas goal? A christmas craft to share? A favorite christmas memory? A sweet christmas story? A cool christmas website? Lets share in our insanity for the season together. And countdown the next 6 months to our favorite time of year!! ************************************************** CHRISTMAS WISH LIST :Banane05: :Banane03::Banane05: :Banane03::Banane05: :Banane03::Banane05: :Banane03::Banane05: :Banane03::Banane05: :Banane03::Banane05: :Banane03: Lets make this holiday season a healthy and skinny one!! Hop on the sleigh and add your name to the Wish List with your Christmas Goal. What weight do you want Santa to make you this Christmas? Be realistic! And lets make this season a jolly one!! :Banane11: :Banane11: :Banane11: :Banane11::bananapartyhat: :Banane11::bananapartyhat: :Banane11: Almostready76 - J 239 / C 239 / G 199 Barbara465 - J 250 / C 250 / G 200 Christy668 - J 370 / C 370 / G 330 dsrjrr - J 201 / C 201 / G 175 EmileeKaye - J 204 / C 204 / G 170 FunnyDuddies - J 318 / C 314 / G 230 (-4 this week) JenMomTo3 - J 307 / C 306 / G 240 (-1 this week) Jenn28 - J 230 / C 230 / G 205 Jorjet - J 224.5 / C 224.5 / G 200 Kim2bhealthy - J 271.5 / C 269 / G 220 (-2.5 this week) LindaV - J 269 / C 267 / G 220 (-1 this week) MarcyD - J 300 / C 300 / G 250 MiaHalliwell - J 186 / C 186 / G 165 Mousecrazy - J 225 / C 225 / G 199 (-0 this week) MyChevyGirl - J 271 / C 271 / G 225 MySherriJo - J 243 / C 242 / G 199 (-1 this week) NJChick - J 214 / C 214 / G 189 Paula - Renew her relationship with God PhotoNut - J 222.5 / C 222.5 / G 170 Sallyjo - J 186 / C 181 / G 150 (-5 this week) SherryW - J 230 / C 230 / G 195 Teresita - J 390 / C 390 / G 340 Terrriho - Wants to be banded for Christmas TheBestMe - J 179.2 / C 179.0 / G 165 (-.2 this week) Warmmorningsun - J 289 / C 288 / G 230 (-1 this week) Wavydaby - J 297 / C 297 / G 275 Woodys - J 173.4 / C 173.4 / G 125 **************************************************
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Yeah, I'm bringing it up again

    But I am leaving after this. I can't feel right in a place like this. Especially since there is no consistency. And here is what I mean. Lisa came back after being banned, again, with a party of people at her side talking about how "honest and real" she is and how she tells it like it is. This is a crock of shit. I have lurked on this board longer than I have been a member. And I have people that are close to me that have been here even longer. Lets go back shall we? Way back. To when all these folks who think Lisa is so "honest and real" were here an the pseudo newbs weren't. I have people telling me about how during the BigChix incedent that she swore up and down that she was NOT BigChix, and formed an all out witch hunt to trash anyone who said otherwise. We now know that is not the case. She was BigChix. Yet Lisa an her ban of cronies stood by her and attacked anyone that said otherwise. Well...guess she wasn't "honest and real" about that. Good job on sticking up for her during that time. I hope you feel righteous about it. Now lets look at the time right before Lisa took her big break. Lisa posted some of the nastiest, most crude and hurtful things about different members on this site. She claimed that she was being stalked, and that different folks were harrassing her. Go back...look through the threads. OH! that's right! You can't. Why not? Cause Lisa is so foul mouthed and insane that entire threads were not only locked, but deleted. Not only that she is married to a man who took over her account and came on threatening the lives of a particular member. Wow. That is so cool to have a friend like that! I wish all my friends were as evil and twisted as her! I bet I could really gain a lot from that relationship. I know others who have been friends with her, and now are so fucking terrified of her that they would rather run and change their names than speak out against her. Hmmm. Sounds like a true human being. "Real and Honest". Are you proud to stick up for someone like that? Now some of the posts she was crude and evil, but not so much that the thread warranted being shut down and deleted. So go back and do a search. I bet your eyes will be opened. But wait...there's more! Lisa comes back. She comes back to new friends. Friends that used to think she was sick and twisted as well, but pm'd people so much about it that they told them to back off. These people, feeling rejected, ran to the other sie and picked up Lisa's torch. so be it. With the friends like these... But then these people start doing Lisa's evil work right along side her. The go through the posts, taking things that people share looking for support, and turn them into ... are you ready for this... more foul and disgusting and repulsive posts that get more threads locked. Threads that have nothing to do with them an everything to o with the support of the lap band patients. They jump from thread to thread screaming obscenities and making wild accusations of other people stalking them. So Lisa gets banned. Woohoo! We all breathe a sigh of relief. OH WAIT! Not all of us. there is still this group that thinks Lisa is wholesome an pure and has never done anything but tell the truth! Was it a big shock to you when she came back and told you she was a huge raving lunatic liar this whole time? that she had deliberately made a seperate account to brow beat another member (wow doesn't that sound familiar!). No...she still had her core group. Lisa can do no wrong. Even though she was BANNED and told not to come back, she did. So then that brings us back to the last few days. We have all been witness to her losing her mind on the boar, running from thread to thread, begging for photonut to come out and fight her. Yeah...cause a sane person can't just let it lie. And she brings people (according to her) to the site to also brow beat people. No.name, Nothanks aka PSusan, Happy Gilmore. Hmmmm.....is Bukkake777 you as well Lisa? I guess time will tell what personality shows up next. Lisa and Dody and 3loves go on a posting rampage, spreading their hate and filth all over the board till this morning they finally get banned. Can you hear it? Its laughter. People enjoying themselves in a lisa free environment. People conversing on the boards without fear. People having fun on LBT again. What a wonderful afternoon it was! For a little while. In comes noname and nothanks and happy gilmore. Noname and nothanks break into the threads telling everyone to "fuck off", an telling the moderators they have done a piss poor job of shutting all of us "assholes" up. And Happy Gilmore chasing photonut from thread to thread with sarcastic remarks. I guess Lisa just can't stay banned. And why not? She is so loved and cherished and adored by 5% of the LBT population! that has to count for something right? And look at all the good she has done. She started posts and gives support, and spreads rumors of members having alcohol an drug problems, and calls them fucking cunts and phucknutz and tells the entire board publicly that they can go fuck themselves. Absolutely!! Who wouldn't want that here?!?! I know life just isn't the same without a raving lunatic running around!! But the weird thing of it all. Photonut gets banned today. No warning, which I KNOW Lisa got a thousand of. Just BAM! Banned. Ok...I can respect the "ban all involved" to make the whole situation go away. I know even Photonut respects it. She is fine with the decision and has walked away, never to pull a "Lisa" and make new names to come back and seek revenge or take others down with her. But let me ask you this... Why are noname, and nothanks, and happy gilmore still here with full priviledges? Why is Lisa, who so OBVIOUSLY is trying to stay here to wreck LBT, still here? If it is going to be "ban all involved and the problem goes away" then why are not all of them banned. I know I personally reported the posts of noname and nothanks and happy gilmore way before Photonut got banned. I know I am prolly gonna get banned after this post, and frankly I don't care anymore. I got a lot of good support from this board, and I really enjoyed most of my time here. I made some awesome friends, and hate to say goodbye to all of them. I am going through a tough time with my band right now too, and really need the support. But I just don't feel safe here knowing that the boar is no longer even trying to keep Lisa out. I might have been next on her list. Or maybe one of my other budies would have been. She has it out for so many. It must be har to sleep at night with so many imagined enemies. Lisa, I pray for you. I really do! I have prayed for you from the moment I read about you losing your band. And I say this to you now as a totally sincere person, with no anger or resentment. Please get some help. I worry that you are spiralling, and it scary to me. It must be terrifying to you. And I really do hope, from the bottom of my heart that you find peace. What you are doing here is counter productive, and is only truly hurting yourself. You may have "won" with photonut, but you are losing yourself in the process. I want you to know that I forgive you for the things that you have said to me. I have to in orer to move on from this. But I post this letter so that everyone else can see that you need to be steered in the right direction, and supporting these actions will only hurt you more. Goodnight, godbless, and if anyone wants to get in touch with me they can at amy.fromlbt@gmail.com. See ya'll in the funny papers!
  22. I go in on Wenesay for my first fill, and it will be with flouro. I have a few questions... 1. correct me if i am wrong, but the flouro helps the doctor to see the port so that he hits it correctly right? 2. I know that you drink while having the fill uner flouro to see the restriction...is it barium? Or just Water? I don't handle barium well. 3. Is this done in a x-ray type room? Or just in a doc's office? My kids will be with me, and while they will sit and be good in the oc's office with me, i don't want them going into an xray room. I guess it would be bad for them to be in a room with the flouro going period. thanks!! I hope i get some good restriction. I am wide open now. I can eat just about anything.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Going to Vegas, who's with me?

    Rob and I have been wanting to go to vegas for a bit. We go twice a year. So we decided with things pretty flush now is the time to go lose all our money. LOL We are flexible on the plans, and wanted to know if some bandsters wanted to go and meet up with us there. PM me the dates that are good for you, and we'll do the town. Penny slots and free drinks!! Anyone in the vegas area want to meet up, or anyone wanting a trip to get away from it all?
  24. FunnyDuddies

    The Funny Truth!

    Watch me!! My powers of persuasion overcome all. plus i'm smokin hot!!
  25. FunnyDuddies

    The Funny Truth!

    I want to be the rich robber baren's wife that plots to kill off family members so that i can take over our fortune. there is a diamond necklace i have my eye one and i need foodstampchamp's cut of the funds to buy it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
