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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About karen_marie

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 02/11/1983

About Me

  • Biography
    Like many others, I've been overweight almost my entire life. I looked into gastric bypass back around 2010 but my insurance didn't cover it. Now, years later, my current insurance covers the procedure and I'm sooooo ready for it!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Classic cars, interval running, my dogs, family get togethers, video games, YouTube, true crime shows
  • Occupation
    International Project Specialist
  • City
    Pingree Grove
  • State

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  1. Had my surgery on Friday 10/27 afternoon. I was doing so well in recovery that they released me after only one night in the hospital :) I've been super fortunate so far, only needing one pain pill in the hospital, and right now just taking liquid ibuprofen. I've been burping since the hospital, but today was my first day at home with protein shakes and finally started passing gas - yay! lol Most of my discomfort is from soreness from the surgery and gas pressure. No issues getting my protein shakes in and keeping them down. All of my docs were super happy with my recovery, and my surgeon said the procedure went perfectly. Here's to the start of my new life!:1310_thumbsup_tone1:

    1. Taylor5


      Congratulations & Good Luck!

    2. Sosewsue61


      Yay Karen Marie! So glad you are doing well. I am strugglig to get in enough nutrition to not pass out, I can drink ok but just having trouble forcing those shakes down. Keep us posted.

    3. karen_marie


      Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time with the shakes @Sosewsue61 :( have you tried different shakes? I had bought the chocolate and banana Premier Protein shakes from Costco, and some 4oz plastic cups with lids (like you'd get a side of guacamole in at a restaurant). Then I just pour out a 4oz serving 6x a day. Once I get cleared to blended/pureed, I think I'll be down to 4-5 meals a day. It can get boring, but having the pre-mixed shakes have been a huge time saver. I'm just focusing on getting enough water in between my shake portions now.

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