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About Smitge

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  1. Hi all, I'd like to wish all of you who've recently had the surgery congrats to a new way of healthy living and those thinking about it, go for it. The only regret 7 yrs later, I wish I would have done it sooner. I was at 210 when I finally said enough because I had spent hundreds of dollars on every weight loss program you can imagine. I knew I could lose the weight but it was keeping it off, my weight was up down a yo-yo way of life over years. I wasn't one who struggled with weight my whole life, my problems began after I had children. My children were pretty much grown when I realized I was doing everything for everyone else but me! So I researched various procedures which at the time were only lap Band or by-pass. I also knew I couldn't afford the cost for a procedure here in the US so I started researching Canada, Mexico, and Europe. I found Mexico to be the most cost effective and if something happened it would be a quick drive back into the states. So yes I had my procedure done in Mexico and I did qualify because the Dr.'s their believe in preventative health care, they don't want you to be 100+ lbs over weight with an array of health problems. Their philosophy is get ahead of it before you weigh 300 to 400 lbs which was the path I was headed. Even if you are in that weight range they do perform the procedure with lots of pre and post care treatment programs. When I got there I had a consultation with the Dr. to go over my lab test, ex rays, etc. He thought I was a good candidate for the sleeve rather then the lap band I had registered for. I liked it because I wouldn't have to hassle with fills or potentially needing to move the port. When I had my procedure I was 198 and 18 months later I was 128. I'm 5'4" and today I weigh 135. I typically teeter between 135 to 145 but when I hit that 10+ ceiling I go back to the liquid diet/soft food My experience has been overall positive and only regret I hadn't done it sooner. My sister and daughter both later had the procedure living healthy life styles and couldn't be happier. Most recent my friend had it done and I can't wait to support her through her journey. I think the first year is your biggest adjustment with not just losing the weight but learning to adapt to your new life style. Good luck all, I hope my story helps since I had the procedure done 7 years ago, most stories I read people are either getting ready or recently had the procedure. Sent from my HTC6535LVW using BariatricPal mobile app

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