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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Goal100

  1. Congrats and good luck
  2. Goal100

    7 days into pre op diet

    Hello, This is my first post on this forum. I just love this forum. Anyways, I get banded on 4/8 and they moved my surgery date up so they started me on my pre op diet only 1 week before surgery. I have to drink 2-3 protien shakes a day (myocel) and they are nasty. Also, I can have 2 small meals consisting of anything green and 6 oz of lean meat (turkey, fish etc). I was having a hard time and just started today as my shake was awful. They gave me a recipie to add frozen fruit to the Protein shake but it doesnt' help as it just makes more to drink. I am thinking about just downing my next one and mixing with Water only. Anyone have any good shake brands that I can switch to? Good Luck everyone.

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