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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tracyringo

  1. If you have any kind of heartburn what so ever you may as well do the bypass, otherwise I would do the sleeve. Its really your choice when it comes right down to it. I had just started having mild heartburn and it runs in my family so I should of had that bypass to begin with instead of the revision to bypass.
  2. She is right. I had the revision done a few weeks ago and I could eat more calories if I wanted or needed to. I am doing 700 no problems. There is no restriction for me like with the sleeve so all liquids and full liquids and even some soft foods just slide right on through. It is really weird ! I can see how people could gain so easily with this if they just ate slider foods.
  3. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    My tube was pinned to my gown so I really didn't see it or feel it for that matter. Don't let it bother you. It really isn't that big of a deal and there is no guarantee you would even have one.
  4. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Everyone is different. I have read where some people have restriction after bypass. I never thought that I would not but so far there is nothing and I am not trying to overeat to find out, lol. I don't feel hunger at this point. I am sure you would lose weight but I am hearing its not easy for some as you might think . It has been totally different for me this time. I do not feel like I had a WLS, maybe that will change when I am all healed up inside.
  5. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Thank you, I actually have felt pretty good for the last 2 days. I had one drain in until the morning I left and I am assuming it was because of the hiatal hernia repair. I didn't notice it for the most part. I had a binder on the whole time and I don't know how people manage without them those first 10 days.
  6. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Can you describe what that full sensation feels like to you ? I ate the 2 oz of chicken and a few bites of corn. I didn't feel anything but I do burp when eating so I am taking that as my que to stop I guess. I took a drink 30 min later and had pain in the right side of my rib cage. Not sure what it was.
  7. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Do you feel food in your pouch or does it just slide on through you too ? The Dr. said I could try flaky fish or moist chicken and I am going to try the moist chicken tonight. He did not say how much so I am going to weigh out 2 oz and have nothing else with it and see how it goes .
  8. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I was looking at my fat count per day and its averaging around 25 gm. I never paid too much mind with the sleeve either when it came to that. I was more focused on hitting my protein goals and keeping carbs under 50 gm. The last few days I am only hitting around 550 calories because I have been busy and I am not hungry. I am going to add an extra healthy snack to my meal plan today to get me to 700. I have not felt hungry since I have had the surgery. Do you have hunger pains ? The only thing I can say is I have felt weird a few times and knew I needed to eat .
  9. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    He said it was the size of a shot glass. I chew my food with this pouch to a pulp and am wondering if it is just sliding through ? I haven't been sick or felt bad from eating. I did however feel ill tonight after taking a calcium chew on an empty stomach. I wont be doing that again.
  10. Tracyringo


    Glad you are okay. I wanted to ask you about the baseball underneath the incision . What is that ? Is that where the hernia repair is ? I have one also and it feels weird !!
  11. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    You are over 6 months out. I would think you wouldn't be sore anymore. Hope you will be seeing Dr. soon so you will have peace of mind knowing.
  12. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Maybe that is it. I don't know. I would think that if it was too much I would feel sick or something. I am wondering if because I was sleeved for almost 3 years that I have a loose pouch. With the sleeve I would eat an egg, 2 or 3 slices of bacon, and grits.
  13. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Weighing in at 173.4 this morning. Yesterday I had scrambled egg, 1/2 slice of bacon, and 1/4 of a biscuit for breakfast. I had no issues at all nor did I feel anything. I do chew chew chew out of fear that something could get stuck or so I have heard. I am trying not to find out, lol . I can hardly wait for June 23 to go to see Wendy ( NP for the bariatric center ) I need to pick her brain and hopefully I will feel better on what I am suppose to be doing with this pouch. No one ever gave me measurements for food so I have been eating like I did in the beginning with the sleeve but smaller portions because of fear. I did call the Dr. office on Thursday because of the pain in my right side. I was told it might be from the nerves being cut. I think I pulled a muscle really good. Either way it is starting to feel a little better. It still hurts to cough and laugh.
  14. Tracyringo

    Can anyone help, or....

    This may sound nuts but if your problem is that you have no room because too much was removed, how about a bypass ? Everything will slide through except proteins and I haven't gotten to those yet to know but I do know I am 2 weeks post revision from sleeve to bypass and everything just flows right through so far. I have not felt restriction. I am taking in 700 calories 2 weeks out and could take in more without much problem. Just a thought Good luck to you
  15. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    So I went to Sams yesterday to buy a box of premier protein shakes. $17 and some change for a 12 pack. I spotted Fairlife protein shakes for $15 and some change. I bought the Fairlife choclate with 30 gm of protein and it is pretty good stuff. I will be drinking this brand from now on. I am staying in the 600 to 700 calorie range and getting my 60 gm of protein in each day. I am not having any issues getting in my liquids . I am also on a vitamin regimen which is going fine also. Still having pain on right side. If I stay still I am fine. Coughing or laughing hurts.
  16. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I had to for the erosive esophagitis.
  17. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I weighed in at 174.8 this morning. I am still not feeling any GERD, which is great but I also am still on my PPI for a few more months. Hoping the GERD is gone and the PPI will heal my esophagus. I am still not feeling hunger but I didn't figure I would since I didn't have much of it with the sleeve either. I am afraid to eat now to be quite honest and it is messing with my head. I keep thinking I have a stoma and not a valve and wonder if I will hurt myself. Hoping I will feel better about eating when I start to have feeling again.
  18. Tracyringo


    You need to get back on the wagon. I honestly don't see how a revision could help anyone lose weight if they aren't following a program to begin with. You can do this please try and go back to clean eating. Have you tried the 5 day reset ?
  19. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I will PM you
  20. Tracyringo

    CBD Honey

    He/she said CBD honey and there is also CBD marijuana.
  21. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    Things are still moving along. I never did lose my energy which is great except I am still having pain on right side. I still think it is a pulled muscle from not being still. I am giving it until Thursday which will be a week from when it started to call the Dr. office. I had a scrambled egg for breakfast yesterday and today with no issues. I did have coffee this morning with my fake sugar and creamer and it doesn't appear that I will be a dumper . I have not been sick or nauseated since surgery. Could someone please tell me what are portion sizes this early out for bypass. I still don't have feeling and the few times I had cottage cheese I used 1/4 cup to measure. I did measure with sleeve the first 18 months but even in beginning I didn't eat the whole portion we were allowed because my sleeve said no. My understanding with this pouch is you don't want to eat one bite over so I have been pretty careful.
  22. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I am starting to think its a robot.
  23. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I put these in my cart, thank you.
  24. Tracyringo


    I use to sweat and get hot on a cup of coffee in the morning with sleeve. I decided to not drink it with this revision but I changed my mind and took a chance this morning and nothing happened. Go Figure lol
  25. Tracyringo

    Revision completed

    I feel pretty good overall. I think I have a pulled muscle on my right side. I need to just stay down a few days and heal more and see if it stops. Mentally its getting better. I know I need to come to terms with this and move forward. Crying about it and looking back isn't going to help me.😉

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
