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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Apple203

    lower bmi and gastic sleeve

    @Kat1969 So... "in the medical field" -- what does that mean? My PCP was a huge advocate for surgery -- I guess she has a lot of overweight, struggling patients that she's seen benefit from surgery. (She did warn me that she has a few that are not happy). Regarding the husband, you are gonna have to throw crazy research and data to convince him, unfortunately. I'm a 37 myself, looking forward to less weight on the joints! @Introversion I'm up 5# in 4 month -- ugh
  2. Apple203

    Feel like a liar

    Yes to what you said. I had a total hysterectomy last year, only my immediate boss knew. Its just...personal, right? (she says on a public forum...) And I absolutely love that you fence -- wha???
  3. Apple203

    Feel like a liar

    My PCP brought up surgery to me first, glad she is in my corner. Regarding people's opinions...I haven't had the surgery yet but I did raise a kid with Type 1 diabetes. The things people would say about his diet, oy! Mainly from confusing type 1 with type 2 diabetes. I'm not planning on telling anyone that I don't have to.
  4. Any chance you have sleep apnea?? It seems to be pretty common with overweight people and is a listed comorbidity. Check your neck measurement -- over 18" is correlated.
  5. Apple203

    Surgery Today 12/14/17 and Scared

    Hope it went well!!
  6. Apple203

    Air fryer!!!

    An InstantPot means you can get rid of all of the crock pot(s), rice maker, and steamers you have. More room in the pantry for an air fryer!
  7. Apple203

    Air fryer!!!

    Fluffy, I think you deserve BOTH!
  8. B-Pals, I need your advise. I am eligible to retire -- either permanently or maybe just for a "gap year" (hey, if college kids can do it, so can I!). I can't decide whether to retire BEFORE surgery in mid-March, or when things settle down afterwards? Is retiring AND surgery too much to tackle all at once? Its a good quandary to have, not gonna lie, but the decision is twisting me up in knots, and I really need to make a decision.
  9. Apple203

    leggings that make you laugh.

    gotcha, thanks for the idea. File this trend under: who knew? :-)
  10. Apple203

    Anyone gluten free??

    I was erroneously dxd with CD a few years ago (positive endoscopy, negative blood tests -- its opposite world!!) A second round of tests recently un-dxd me. I did eat true GF for a couple of years -- its is a tough job, not sure it will change post-surgery. But it truly is tough and I wish you all the best!
  11. Apple203

    leggings that make you laugh.

    OK, where to buy? Peeps want to know!
  12. Apple203

    Nearly 2 Wks out...Going to Disney World??

    I've never seen the Christmas decorations, but I've heard they are amazing. The landscaping is out of this world in January. I've been a few times -- there is a LOT of walking. Are you staying in a super luxurious hotel on campus, I hope?
  13. It looks like a hard surgery to recover from -- aren't you glad its over for you?? I know I will need it at my age, but I'm not sure I will be brave enough. Will have to hunt down this thread to remind myself how much better my tummy can look!
  14. Apple203

    Should I retire before surgery?

    Good lord, tornado then flood? I'd've been afraid to have surgery with that streak of bad luck!! Are you still living there, or have you moved? Retirement scares me a little -- which is why I am thinking of it as a gap year until I know for sure. I do know I want to work someplace different afterwards, something a little less stressful and a little more fun. As I sit at my desk on a personal forum, LOL.
  15. 35# down -- great job! Are you able to eat everything now?
  16. Wow, your results are remarkable! I really appreciate you posting your journey -- can't wait to see where you are in 6 months! :-) ps -- my son's a nurse -- graduating on Friday UMSON >> proud mama
  17. Apple203

    leggings that make you laugh.

    haha -- love esp the last one!
  18. Last night I made a recipe with a high grade szechuan peppercorn shells.  I read about the numbing properties, thought I'd be OK, but WOW, holy mackerel!!  I thought I was gonna die!  I had water to wash it down and the water tasted SO WEIRD.  Made me wonder if this is what I might expect after surgery.  I lived/ haha

    1. Apple203


      2 t, but it was for 4 servings. I'm totally with you in wondering what to expect post-surgery, like will my favorite things still taste OK? And if they don't, will it be permanent or temporary?

      So did you get your date yet?

    2. FluffyChix


      *sigh* No word here. My oncologist just got to the letter this week. I also had my 5th RD appointment last week. So I'm sure they may only just be doing it...if they decide to do it at all? I guess I'll check in with them next Monday for grins. I've kinda decided to just sit back and enjoy the ride for the next 3 months instead of trying to stress about it. You know? I'm gonna have a couple of "food funerals" and a couple of glasses of wine during the holidays and try not to go off the deep end with the diet. Kinda 90/10 approach since I technically don't have to lose any more weight.

      How are you doing with changing habits and doing your RD stuff? Do you have a specific amount to lose? Mine was 5% of total weight and she said I'm done with that and am about 2-3lbs from being at the 10% mark--which my insurance doesn't require.

    3. Apple203


      The waiting sucks, no other way around it. Food funerals -- yep, having those. I gained about 5 pounds since August -- but I've settled into a 1500 cal 40-40-20 diet now. No pre-surgery wt loss requirements for me, Its awesome that you've lost weight ahead, because its going to go a long way to getting you to a solid final weight.

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  19. Apple203

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5406732/: "The number of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomies (LSGs) performed worldwide as a primary bariatric procedure has grown exponentially in recent years, given the simplicity of the technique, the low complication rate and the good short- and mid-term results regarding weight loss and the resolution of co-morbidities. However, there are a limited data from long-term studies. In this study, a standardized LSG proved to be safe (no mortality and a leakage rate of 1.2%) and highly effective in terms of weight loss after 5-year of follow-up, particularly in patients with a low preoperative body mass index. This manuscript provides additional evidence supporting the role of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as a stand-alone procedure for selected morbidly obese patients". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4879937/ "Perceptions of the mechanisms responsible for the beneficial metabolic effects of metabolic/bariatric operations have shifted from being mostly restrictive and malabsorption over the last 10 to 15 years to being more neuro-hormonal in origin".
  20. straw man ˌstrô ˈman/ noun 1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. ad hominem followed by straw man ˌstrô ˈman/ noun 1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. straw man ˌstrô ˈman/ noun 1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
  21. @Alex Brecher ...and MORE personal insults...
  22. @Alex Brecher another personal attack for expressing a different opinion
  23. This is ad hominem attack directed toward ME instead of the topic @Alex Brecher
  24. Apple203

    Hit a Goal

    Bet you DO feel great!!
  25. Man, that is tough to hear. My surgeon was very specific about having a BMI of 35 when he submits to insurance at the end of the process. At the initial seminar, our first homework assignment was to get our insurance's bariatric policy in writing. Good for you for finding a backup plan, but the out-of-pocket costs must be irritating.

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