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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Apple203

    Bypass , sleeve, lapband?

    This is probably the ONE topic you should have with your surgeon instead of a message board :-)
  2. Apple203

    Christmas Round-Up

    I got a thumbs down on Tespo vitamins for now -- not enough information out there yet. I'll have to go old school and dump a capful of liquid into a cup with 2 oz. water -- so old school, the horrors!! LOL
  3. Apple203

    Christmas Round-Up

    Nice job on needing new clothes! I stopped buying myself clothes after intro WL seminar -- miss new stuff!!
  4. Apple203

    Christmas Round-Up

    Yes! Code is "Gimme50"
  5. Apple203

    Christmas Round-Up

    I sent my surgeon's dietitian an email to see if the composition of the vitamins in the Tespo packs is OK with them -- it is markedly different than their one approved liquid vitamin (nutrametrix).
  6. Apple203

    Christmas Round-Up

    I like that Ninja -- the one with the food processor and spiralizer? I'm almost through my second 30 oz water. Now, I consider myself to be a daily water drinker, but today has been a real eye opener -- 64 ounces requires concerted effort (and I can gulp as I am 2.5 months pre-surgery)!!!
  7. Apple203

    Christmas Round-Up

    Are you having bariatric surgery or a baby? Those small serving freezer containers are actually a really good idea!
  8. Apple203

    Nervous about outpatient VSG!

    I had my foot reconstructed as an outpatient procedure. I can be done :-)
  9. Christmas is exhausting, for sure!! I love my family and friends, but it really is too much. Bah humbug, :-P
  10. Apple203

    VSG right before Christmas. What was I thinking?

    You were thinking about hitting the ground running after the holidays to create the svelte, healthy, new you in 2018!
  11. Apple203


    That's pretty funny -- and you don't even remember it!
  12. So, I was actually shocked when my PCP mentioned it last summer. Then I did some research and I was very grateful that she did and moved forward to make it happen.
  13. Apple203

    Better Buy: Blender or Food Processor?

    Interesting question -- I've personally never understood opting for the mess of a juicer when a powerful blender (I have Vitamix) renders the entire fruit/veg to a drinkable state. I wouldn't personally opt for a separate food processor (I rarely use mine), but I did see the Ninja system at Costco last weekend and almost bought it for for my son -- seems like a GREAT deal and I think it also spiralized???
  14. @Stella S Seriously -! I know there's a lot to keep up with for FPs, but bariatric surgery is really having a moment and its borderline malpractice to not put forth some effort to learn the latest.
  15. Husband isnt overweight, but loves it when I go on a diet 'cause he loses, too.
  16. Apple203


    Best wishes for safe surgery @Gnat ! Start of your renewal :-)
  17. You look fabulous -- I love reading posts like this, very inspiring!
  18. @TexasMommy80 Run, don't walk to the nearest exit! Wow, what a crappy PCP!!!
  19. Knocked out Nutrition Class #5 of 6.  We covered the pre- and post-op diet, and I am THRILLED to report that I get to eat real food pre-op!  Four meals a day with 4-6 ounces lean protein, veges and salad (and 2T dressing), plus 3 fruits or yogurts a day.  Now that December is almost over, I am getting excited again.  :)

    1. Apple203


      Hey @FluffyChix

      I have a 7th appt one-on-one with nutritionist, so technically I have 7 appts, too. I have my date -- March 14th. I keep waiting for someone to start a March 2018 thread -- hey, a girl can dream!!!

      Do you know what your pre-op is? All protein shakes is an option for us -- LMAO -- who would pick that? Granted, if that is what they recommended, I would absolutely do it, just not CHOSE it.

    2. FluffyChix


      Why don't you start the thread girlie? :D My pre-op is 2 weeks of liquid protein. I can have 1 of them per day that has 1 oz of frozen spinach and 1oz of frozen blueberries and 5g of psyllium. LOL. Livin' the dream. Livin' the dream! I think you should do it for no other reason than to be my supportive bud. ;) hehehe!

    3. Apple203


      Thats basically my everyday breakfast -- except I opt for flax seed instead of psyllium. YOu'll rock it -- you've done great so far, like poster-girl territory for your nutritionist, I am sure!

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  20. @ttampa77 Sorry about the type 1 diabetes -- I have a 25 YO son with same. Its tough! I'm sure your dr understands that you have to treat hypoglycemia, right?
  21. @Road2NewMe raises a good point. There's some "mythology" on line about the benefits and perils of different surgical approaches. For instance, I thought I was going to be RNY because I was dxd with mild GERD during my endoscopy, but it turns out that GERD when it comes with a hiatal hernia is quite easy to fix when you are sleeved.
  22. You really need to get to the root cause of your anemia. I struggled with this for YEARS and it does make you feel lousy, so I'm sorry that you probably feel that way. Its my understanding that iron infusion are pretty dangerous. Vitron C -- I took that stuff for years. Celiac disease is a hidden cause worth considering, and easy to investigate if you are already getting an upper endoscopy pre-surgery. Bariatric vitamins come with and without iron, fwiw.
  23. YOU have a great attitude!! Let us know how surgery goes!
  24. Hope you turn the corner soon, Brandi. Sure sounds like sleep apnea.
  25. Apple203

    lower bmi and gastic sleeve

    Well, that means a lot, of course, but still, he sees the rare problems, right? What about sleevers? My husband is on the fence, but supportive, mom is the opposite. Its hard when people that matter aren't on board 100%. Kat -- I assumed you were a sleever - can you explain why you are going for a GB instead? This is something many of us worry about.

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