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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    HI there! I'm scheduled for March 14th, praying I get approved. Here's the prep work I've done, beginning a few weeks ago: Dropped wine and coffee Limiting carbs to fruit and vegetables Started taking bariatric vitamins and calcium (I chose a liquid product) Stocked up on clear and whey protein drinks, variety Vigilantly hydrating myself Practicing not drinking water 30/30 around meals, and chewing I haven't been perfect on any front, but I'm working it. Tomorrow get a CPAP machine, so I'll add that to my routine.
  2. Damn, he's an ass. I'm with the others: have your surgery and let the chips fall where they may. I'm 53, and I gotta say, extra weight gets harder the older you get.
  3. I havent told DH about that -- don't want to get his hopes up!
  4. Oh, and the August group was complaining about new members posting questions that have been asked and answered 1000 times already.
  5. Apple203

    Pre Op Appointments

    Mine were $35 each, group sessions.
  6. PSA: NutraMetrix Isotonix liquid multivitamin and calcium complete isn't bad at all!! Tastes like Tang. The vitamin tastes better than the calcium. Its basically 4 ounces of liquid in AM and PM, or 8 ounces all at once. The smell of the BA chews was very off-putting to me, even now, pre-surgery. Just thought I'd put it out there if there are others like me.
  7. Apple203

    Liquid Vitamins

    Got it online from NutraMetrix. Surgeon only approves three options: this, BA and Celebrate. I just can't do the chews, nope.
  8. @JavaKnut Hey, this is very useful information for us, thanks for sharing!!
  9. Apple203

    Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet

    I've proactively reached out to my office manager, too, and offered to help chase down anything that was still outstanding so that the office can submit my package to the insurance company after my 7th dietitian visit next week. So close, can't wait!
  10. Apple203

    Favorite Recipes!

    Great topic! I had Buffalo Brussell Sprouts yesterday << who ever heard of such a thing? And they were DELICIOUS!!! I know they had Pete's Hot Sauce, Gorgonzalo cheese, hint of lemon, haven't tried to make them at home yet, but I certainly will! Multiple recipes online.
  11. Apple203

    Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet

    I like the red hair, and admire your commitment to lose weight following chemo! You got this
  12. Apple203

    Back to Work

    Aww, thank you, he is fine now. :-) He found out about it after the fact (it was small) and got stents put in.
  13. Geeez, not to reveal innocent bystanders, but my chunky cousin became s chef and lost a ton of weight.
  14. Apple203

    1 Year Anniversary

    I've never evaluated the cost of protein shakes verses food-sourced protein. Can you work with a local dietitian to find an economical approaches? My dietitian, for instance, supports canned veges so long as you rinse them. I wish I had more to offer...
  15. Apple203

    Back to Work

    I'm pre-op, but last year I had a total hysterectomy (which is close, right?) and I was back to work in 2 weeks. And right after I got home, my BIL had a heart attack and I had my sister, and then him, to care for! It did take me a a couple on months to totally re-energize.... Working moms are pretty tough
  16. @kakatlady612 Just want to say that I think it is awesome that you are getting this surgery at 72 -- you may well live 30 more years, after all! That's a lot of living ahead and well worth a few tough months of surgery.
  17. Apple203

    Heartburn Completely Gone!

    Glad to read that sleevers are having success with GERD. Did y'all have hiatal hernias that were fixed, too?
  18. Good for you -- welcome to the other side!!! (wish I was there - ha!)
  19. You aren't in the last 2-week pre-op, just preparing for it, right? I am doing the same, but using my dietitian's recommendations: 1200 kcal, 20/40/40 macros. So 60 g carbs, 120 g protein. Here is how it pans out: Breakfast -- protein shake with 1 c mixed berries Snack -- 2 celery stalks, 2 T peanut butter Lunch -- 4-6 oz lean protein, salad w/ 2 T dressing Snack -- Oikos triple zero vanilla, fruit Dinner -- 4-6 oz lean protein, 1-2 c vegetables
  20. Apple203

    Progress pic! 6 months post op

    Great job -- very motivating!
  21. Meeting #6 with dietitian tonight -- woot!   Surgery is creepy closer, I'm tired of waiting!!! 

    1. FluffyChix


      ((hugs)) Just keep swimmin' Dory! :D Congrats on numbero seis!!! It's gonna be overy 'fore you know it, hon!

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      You are almost there. Just a little bit longer. It will be soo worth the wait.

  22. Apple203

    Chewable Vitamins

    Quick question: do we need to chewables forever, or can we move to capsules at some point?
  23. Told my husband and adult kids, my brother, a SIL, and good work friend. They are all supportive in general, but they think I can lose weight without the surgery. I can't, or I'd be much thinner. I told my mother, and I don't think she's on board, but she is thankfully in FL for the winter and we don't talk about it. I haven't decided whether to tell my boss so I can use sick leave, go with the tried and true hiatal hernia repair excuse, or that I'm simply taking a vacation.
  24. Hang in there -- I know I'll feel the same way when my time comes!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
