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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Hi, Star. Have you attended any pre-op classes, or were you spared? I'm sure your surgeon will have specific 2-week pre-op and post-op instructions. Everyone has different requirements.
  2. Haha, well done, Claire! I'm still debating where I fall in the continuum, because I don't see a bucket for posters who drink and post weird stuff occasionally. That was a sloppy omission, Creek!!
  3. New pic is my labradoodle, Murphy.  Sweetest dog ever!  :778_heartbeat:

  4. Apple203

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Just report the post to Alex... Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Apple203

    Little Green getting little(r)

    LG, I got my date in December -- even all of my followup appts were booked then! It was maddening that it was so far out back then, but I am actually a little grateful to have put aside the doubt about when it would be. Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I pray to god we will, lol, just a small piece, occasionally. That is all I ask :-)
  7. LOL, I hope she isn't lieing -- I have 5 weeks before I eat solid-ish food. My pre-op diet is a super-basic, low-carb, 1,200 kcal diet. Carbs are limited to veges and 3 fruits a day. Post-op is pretty much what everybody else does: 1 week clear liquids, 2 weeks protein shakes, 2 weeks shakes/softs, then until 3 months: 4 meals with 2.5 oz lean protein + 1/4-1/2 cup fruit or vegetables, 65-75 g protein.
  8. He's a lucky man -- my husband and son (he's 23) will be on their own for the first month or so after my surgery. They get a small break because I don't have to do the protein shake thing pre-op.
  9. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Same here -- March 14th, start pre-op Feb 28, and ready to get the surgery done! I personally like sfh Pure protein powders -- I get them at Whole Foods. I like to add a little espresso powder to the chocolate, and tart mixed berries to the vanilla to tone down the sweetness. I'm curious to know if I will like these flavors after surgery! Oh, and I ordered PB2 as a flavor add-in, but I haven't tried it.
  10. Apple203

    Dr. Matthew Weiner

    LOL , me, either! I think it was the wine talking!!!
  11. Apple203

    Dr. Matthew Weiner

    @Little Green Ugh, I've lost my way. Who is "he"? What is your surgeon's post-op diet?
  12. Apple203

    Dr. Matthew Weiner

    I disagree. Dr, Wiener is a Whole30 kinda doctor. All of them are basically saying the same thing. Release your guard rails...
  13. Apple203

    March-April Rny-ers

    March 14th for me. Seems like its been forever, amiright?
  14. Apple203

    March-April Rny-ers

    LOL you are back!
  15. Apple203

    2 week liquid diet

    I'm low carb/cal for 2 weeks pre-surgery, too -- TG!!
  16. Apple203

    Dr. Matthew Weiner

    Dr. Voung is a Pescatarian who enjoys the occasional steak. :-) I have a mostly vegetarian adult son who won't eat chicken because its "fowl" << haha I'm reading up on various options for meeting protein requirements after surgery. Thanks for the link to Dr. Greger.
  17. Well done, @FluffyChix! I enjoy reviewing your food logs -- lots of good ideas for the full liquids stage. What's your post-surgery plan look like? How many weeks of full liquids before you move to purees?
  18. Apple203

    Approved for surgery!

    Me, too! I thought I was the only one! I was scheduled in November. I think this may be a sign of a well=prepared office.
  19. Apple203


    It is nerve-wracking, and we all get so emotionally invested. Hope you have a favorable outcome!
  20. Apple203

    Dr. Matthew Weiner

    Vuong is OK. His two books are: Big Ass Salads, and Healthy Green Smoothies. I have both of them, free with Amazon Prime. People get bent because he suggests focusing on your diet and getting that square before you start with a committed exercise regime (aka, beyond walking, etc). I have Weiner's book, too, and his approach is just like Whole30.
  21. Apple203


    Hi, I'm not there yet, but I got this great book with some really great ideas: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Book-Organic-Baby-Food-ebook/dp/B01M15F1O1/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1518203280&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=the+big+book+of+organic+baby+food&psc=1 I kid you not, and some of the combos look great!
  22. Apple203

    Not Enough Stomach Removed

    @Creekimp13 Can you point to a specific study that supports this? I ask because I'm about the have 80% of my stomach surgically removed and I want to be well-informed about how to maximize my results..
  23. Apple203

    Not Enough Stomach Removed

    Damn, what if I dont have FRX?
  24. Apple203

    The struggle is real!

    @EndlessGoals#2018 My surgeon recommends Aloe Vera from NutraMetrix. You may want to run that by your practice first, since it doesnt sound like anyone else on the board's surgeon's use this line of products. And MoM, but you've already tried that. Ducalax worked wonders for me after a hysterectomy, sorry it made you sick...
  25. Apple203

    I hate my doctors office

    Sorry to read this. Why can't you go to another surgeon? I'm in Maryland, too, at AAMC, and I think they've been solid.

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