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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Apple203

    2 week pre op diet

    Good pep talk!
  2. Apple203

    Reached my goal! 104 lbs gone!

    Fantastic before/after pics!
  3. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Like @deirdreyr4, my BMI is 37 and sleep apnea turned out to be my co-morbidity. Insurance approved first try. Hope it works out for you!
  4. Apple203

    Today is surgery day!!!

    Is it done and over with yet? Wishing you a speedy recovery :-)
  5. Apple203

    six weeks postop

    Hi there, I know we all have slightly different instructions, but mine are to eat what I can in 30 minutes and then put the food away, for 4 meals a day. Good luck with your studies!!
  6. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Just had my pre-op with my surgeon. This is getting real!!
  7. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    I don't actually do purees -- I go from protein shakes to protein shakes+soft food to soft foods to regular foods.
  8. Apple203

    Tomorrow I get SLEEVED!!

    best wishes for today's surgery!
  9. Have a safe surgery, I will be thinking about you!
  10. Apple203

    March-April Rny-ers

    So true.., Just realized that we have 3 separate March threads, LOL
  11. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    First off, I am sorry that this happened -- how irritating! But you were fortunate to get a date at the blue start hospital so quickly -- and before you started your pre-op diet. Here's hoping nothing else pops up....
  12. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Hey, same day! You can conquer 3 weeks of anything -- we're here for you! Well, to the extent that an online strangers scan be. :-) Forums are useful so we don't wear out our important people on the topic.
  13. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Ah, same here! I actually like protein shakes in the morning, so I think I'll continue that trend. I may not say that after weeks of shakes post surgery - ha! A lot of people are required to have shakes only pre-surgery, which sounds pretty tough to me. But I bet you'll lose more weight that way.
  14. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Sounds like a good plan. What does your surgeon require pre-op? Seems like the balance of people who post on this board are very low carb, with shakes exclusively or shakes and lean protein & veges. Good luck!! 2 weeks!!
  15. Apple203

    1.5 years out

    This is your proof?
  16. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    Hey guys, I just got insurance clearance, so its actually happening!!! March 14th is my date. Cant believe after 7 long months and the bazillions of specialists that the day is almost here!
  17. OMG -- just got insurance clearance -- pre-op diet starts in a week, surgery on March 14th.  EXCITED !!!

    1. FluffyChix


      Yay!!!! So excited for you girlie!!!! Start a My Weight Loss Story and I will come cheerlead for you!!!! Congrats!

    2. ProudGrammy


      woof woof you made it to the doggy park. soon you'll be be running around chasing your tail lol congrats kathy

    3. Apple203


      haha :-) :-)

      We love the dog park, especially when we go in the convertible! pant pant, lolling tongue

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  18. Apple203

    Obese to Overweight

    Go for it!! At 5'5", I weighed 125-135 through college, so it is certainly a healthy #.
  19. Apple203

    Tom Cruise

    Seriously, there is some serious magic going on here!!! :-)
  20. Apple203

    First visit with surgeon!

    At my first meeting, I got weighed, then met with the surgeon. We talked about my medical history and goals, and then we ended up talking about energy policy, because thats what I do professionally and he was pretty curious. After that, I met with a nurse or tech (I'm not sure) who handed me a binder of information and medical orders for tests, and walked me through it. Finally, the receptionist set up a number of subsequent appointments. ETA, I was pretty nervous, too! It'll be easy :-)
  21. I'm pre-pre-op. Salmon filets baked in foil pockets with spray of olive oil, squeeze of lemon, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano. I'm crazy about salmon these days.
  22. I use bananas for the banana element I, too, feel like someone is going to pull the rug out from under me and there will be no surgery after all of this buildup -- its nerve wracking. Was at Costco yesterday with husband and it really hit home for me that my pre-op diet starts in a week and the way we shop and eat is really going to change.
  23. want to share this: Table below is fantastic! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3744630/table/T2/
  24. Apple203

    Where are these trolls coming from?

    I don't do the gym quite yet. Took my doodle (see pic) for a long walk, did the exercises recommend by physical therapist, ran errands. Maybe after surgery I will be gym worthy
  25. Apple203

    Where are these trolls coming from?

    I know that I assumed you were venting about comments that came up from your post yesterday afternoon about pulled pork. Where you said:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
