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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Well this is terrible news for you :-( Did they scan you GB before surgery? I ask because I've read a few posts from people who got their GB out with their bariatric surgery. And because I'm worried about my GB :-)
  2. Apple203

    Raw veggies / smoothies

    Salads are 3 months for me. I always throw spinach in my morning smoothie pre-surgery, and I didnt think to ask my nutritionist if I could continue after surgery. Hmmm....
  3. Apple203

    Time Off - vent about my boss

    Ugh, what a lousy person to say that to you! How big is your company? Bigger than 50 people and you are protected with FMLA laws.
  4. Apple203

    Where are these trolls coming from?

    I'm still pre-surgery (with my apologies to @goldenbarbie for daring to post an opinion, LOL), and I'm still struggling to completely eliminate wine. So I get it!
  5. Please, God, let me have an experience like Fluffy's!!
  6. Apple203

    Change Your Hospital

    You can also ask the original bariatric program for a copy of your original pysch evaluation. During my pre-op with the surgeon, we went over ALL of the tests he ordered -- they were stacked right there on the table, and a written (and surprisingly long) psych eval report was there, too.
  7. Apple203

    Any February Sleevers?

    Wow! I heard it added a few minutes!
  8. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Ah, we have a Fago de Chao here -- now THAT is a place I sadly won't be going to again after my surgery, LOL. If you've never been to a Brazilian steakhouse and you have guys to feed, these kinds of places are quite an experience!
  9. Apple203

    Have you seen the new Shakes?

    Ummm those look good -- thanks for the tip!!
  10. Apple203

    Change Your Hospital

    I would get a second pysch consult ASAP. Don't overshare, be boring and upbeat. Sign up for the informational meeting on the 10th to get the ball rolling with the new center. Once you get the psych stuff straightened out, send that and your health information to that center (presuming you like it). Wishing you all the best.
  11. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    I just had my last crab cake for a while. It was delicious!! Its 79 degrees today, and I met my husband at a local waterfront restaurant for lunch. I know its not forever, but I was a little sad to think that I probably won't be back there until this fall at the earliest. They do make the most stupendous gazpacho with lump crab in the summer, though. Hmmm.... Is anyone else having "last meals" before the 2-week pre-op starts?
  12. What do your doctors say? That's who I would trust.
  13. Apple203

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Sorry about your troubles. I do think if you switch programs, your pre-testing results would certainly be transferable. Hang in there!
  14. Good luck! I've read it can be hard for the first few days, but I'm sure you can do it!
  15. Apple203

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Hey, glad you decided to stick with it. Sounds like you have a great plan in place! :-)
  16. Apple203

    So Who do You Look Like?

    Back in the day when I was thin, and when Terminator was still new, complete strangers would come up to and tell me I looked just like Linda Hamilton.
  17. I'm just curious! I will stay 2 nights.
  18. "Sfh" pure protein, from whole foods Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Apple203

    March-April Rny-ers

    Nice, congrats!!
  20. Wow! I had my foot reconstructed, outpatient but at a hospital. Bones, tendons, ligments, fascia. Dang it hurt at home, and no intravenous drugs to help out! Good luck!
  21. I've opted to tell only one person here at work, and I know she'll keep it under wraps. I signed out of office for 2.5 weeks and offered no explanation. A couple of colleagues have asked what I'm doing (assuming vacation) and I simply said minor surgical procedure. Fortunately, they are too polite to ask for more details, but I was prepared to go the hiatal hernia route if pressed, because it IS true.

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