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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Apple203

  1. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    I'm so confused with two almost identical March boards!! Today is Day #4 pre-op for me. Just ran out to Sams Club and scored the new PP cookies/cream and peaches/cream flavors. I'm not a member, but you can ask for a one-day pass (for free) but you have to add 10% to your charges. So, the boxes were $16.66 - $4 OFF savings + 10% (or $1.20) = $13.92/box = deal! Tomorrow is my pre-anesthesia appointment, one last hurdle...- Hope everyone is faring well on their pre-op diets!! Who's up first?
  2. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    I am almost through Day 3, and I'm hungry, too! Thank god I don't have to do only shakes -- but I'm still hangry. Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow
  3. Sargento Balanced Breaks 7g protein, 170 cals
  4. I'll play! Bumble Bee Tuna "Snack" Packets, Seasoned $1.31 each 2.5 ounce serving size -- check out all of these flavors! http://www.bumblebee.com/products/ready-to-eat-kits/
  5. Hey Chix, so do you move to purees after the first week? Can't wait to see what you concoct! Oh, and I'm going to use my first weigh-in with the surgeon as my starting weight. Unlike you, I didn't lose anything before I started pre-op. You've done an outstanding job losing weight over the past 6 months, and I bet it all but ensures you get to a normal BMI.
  6. @Presurg1 If you read the forum for a while, you'll find many people that don't make their goals and/or cant maintain their weight loss. The one common thread I see in the successful members is that they stick closely to the rules, track what they eat, etc. No doubt you will see weight loss for the first 6-12 months eating carelessly, but if you aren't careful with your nutrition and supplementation, you are compromising your long-term health.
  7. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Day 2 of 14. Long meeting away from the office. It started with donuts and ended with pizza. Seriously, why??? I held firm, tho -- skipped the donuts, had salad for lunch, then inhaled a protein shake and a banana when I finally got back at 3PM. Got my eyes on the prize! Slight headache.
  8. Apple203

    Olympics, Curling

    Am I the only one watching this tonight? I'll also tune in to tomorrow's hockey game USA vs Russia
  9. Apple203

    Last pre op appointment!!

    Congrats!!! It is a long journey to get to this point!
  10. Apple203

    Pureed /blended stage

    Here's some ideas, but you may want to skip the breast milk (): https://www.vitamix.com/us/en_us/browse/recipes/s_baby+food/
  11. Apple203

    Can You Drink Too Much Post Surgery?

    I pulled out my binder so you could have another point of reference. Week 1 is 8 ounces of clear liquids every 2 hours, (not very helpful, amiright?). But then in Week 2, I am directed to have up to an 8-11 ounce protein shake in 30 minutes, with 30/30 rule before and after. So there is a huge jump in the rate of consumption from Day 7 to Day 8. Bottom line is I'm sure you are fine, but a quick call to your surgeon's office may allay your worries. :-)
  12. Fluffy, you are back in fine form!! Love hearing how well your are faring post-surgery.
  13. What's your plan? How's it going? Got any tips? For me, its Day #1. I've been instructed to eat every 4 hours, 3 meals with 4-6 ounces lean protein and vegetables (or protein shake), one snack with nuts, and 3 fruits and/or yogurts. I'm going to make some chicken broth later today. 952 kcal, 76g carbs, 118g protein today.
  14. Apple203

    my mistake

    I know I clicked to find out!
  15. Apple203

    Undies question....

    Outpatient surgery is a mixed blessing. Less chance of infection, less pain management.
  16. Apple203

    6 Months Post Op Pics

    You look fantastic -- nice job!!
  17. Apple203

    Any March 2018 Sleevers?

    You know the difference between someone just about the start pre-op and someone in the middle? I am still excited!!! Tonight is the final of my "last meals": a big 'ole prime strip steak, a sweet potato and a martini. My pre-op diet is easy compared to others (except for @ahnormandeau!!): 3 meals with 4 oz. lean protein & veges, 1 snack with nuts and veges, and up to 3 fruits and/or yogurts. So... pretty easy, right? I saw my surgeon's PA for my pre-op consult, and evidently my liver is on the smallish size (which is remarkable considering my wine consumption!)
  18. Apple203

    Calling March Sleevers

    Hang in there, pre-op-ers. I will be right on your heels, starting Tuesday.
  19. Exactly what I am having tonight! NY strip steak tomorrow. Sent from my SM-G935V using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Apple203

    3 days after vsg surgery

    Sounds like she has the same post-op instructions as me: 50% water mixed with 50% juice or gatorade until you are cleared for full liquids like protein shakes. @stabb009 I hope today is better for you!
  21. I was ruined to pork rinds when I saw how to make them!
  22. I have two friends that had emergency GB surgery -- no picnic for sure.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
