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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by heyvcom

  1. I get my numbers up a bit by drinking some calories everyday. I agree that the basic physiology is not changed with surgery. For myself, the sleeve is a way to not have to suffer hunger while dieting. It works on portion control only, and I have to work at the rest of my food choices consciously.
  2. I found some really good advice and information on here. I especially love 'Introversion', she is always kind and helpful.
  3. Hi, My little sister had the sleeve, my MD tole me NO, so I watched her for 6 months and she was losing so much and feeling so good that I went to a different doctor and got the sleeve too!
  4. Hi, myself and my sister both had surgery (same surgery, 1 year apart) and then had periods of depression after. We both take medication continually, had some breakthrough depression.
  5. heyvcom

    4 months post op

    Thank you for such a great post! I love your new clothes. You look happy and excited, and that is so nice to see! I am also finally in a size 16- and feel the same way...THRILLED!!
  6. I can cover quite a bit of skin with a sexy nighty, or a matching set that has a jacket that covers up some of my arm and behind.
  7. Hi evybody, I had surgery 7/24 (just about 2 months ago) and have keep having an ache in my stomach.. Not pain really, just a kind of deep uncomfortable-ness that seems to stay with me all the time. Not bad enough to see my doc, and thought you guys might know what it is. After eating it gets worse and is really bad in the morning when I wake up. Any ideas what this is? Thanks!
  8. heyvcom

    Uncomfortable Stomach Ache

    Wow, I will definitely talk to my Doc! I am on acid meds, but hadn't even thought of a possible ulcer. Thank you for the kind and timely advice. Hug
  9. heyvcom

    Uncomfortable Stomach Ache

    Thank you! That helps, mornings are the worst for me too.
  10. I want to wear a tight dress and high heels and go dancing at a downtown club that only 'cool' people go to. he he
  11. heyvcom

    Full not satisfied

    Totally agree. I watch my family eat 'normal' amounts of food and cant believe I used to eat even more than that...lol! What I figured out was that my body was still really hungry even tho my tiny pouch of a tummy would not let anymore nutrition get into my bod. I *think* that is called head hunger??- (somebody correct me if I am wrong) I kinda think with me it was that I was so used to large amounts of food that my body was still really hungry with the few ounces I was able to eat.
  12. HI, IKR?? One day is all I got too, then I was mostly asleep for 4-5 days at home. I really did need help for the first day or two, then I could fend for myself. Stock up on water and easy to grab stuff that you can reach easily if you don't have a helper. It is exciting to have your date!! Luck
  13. Hi, I used the BMI chart and picked the highest "normal" weight for my height. I actually want to go lower- but I can live with just getting my foot into the door of normal again. I *hope* I can do a secondary goal on this site after I reach the first one. I think I've seen others that have that information in their profile and it is kinda cool.
  14. My sister had the surgery and warned me that depression was a side effect. THANK GOD SHE TOLD ME! , If I had that terrible bleakness hit me about a week after surgery without knowing it was normal I would have thought I was going crazy! Keep your chin up though- I am at 2 months and the depression has long since lifted and I am figuring out how to live and work with my tiny tummy. Hugs
  15. HI, I like the syntrax nectar (they sell it in the store on this site). I got the sampler pack and it was fun to try different tastes - I mix it with a complimentary flavor* of yogurt and it is good! I tried the mix in water and it was not great tho. *Ex: I mix the peach flavor with peach yogurt. Caribbean Cooler is good in any fruit flavor yogurt. Hope this helps.
  16. heyvcom

    First Time Dating... Ever

    The loose skin thing is hard for me too, I have had nightmares about it! LOL! Plus I am shy- eek!! But anyway...I will tell you what my Mom told me. My Mom told me that guys only expect you to "be there" and "smell good" ... My mom never had a problem with attracting men. (and Mom had lots of extra skin) I don't think anyone who cares about you will give a hoot if you have saggy skin- they will be thrilled you are there and want them! Good luck- try to have as much fun as you can right now- your twenties should be for fun, learning who you are, and what the world is all about. Hug
  17. I didn't tell anyone other than my Mom and Sisters. (three of four sisters have now had WLS, and Mom was my driver for surgery) I really just feel it is a private matter (for me). I did not tell my adult child. I think I feel some shame because he suffered from having a 'fat Mom" his whole life and I am uncomfortable telling him- not sure why??
  18. A few light weights? I have read that weight training is beneficial for building muscle and revving up metabolism.
  19. My surgeon said he sees people go from 1/2 chicken breast to full chicken breast after a year. That is the answer he gave me to this question. I respect introversion and his/her posts always seem very helpful and forthright to me. I am scared now that my surgeon might have been massaging the truth.
  20. The sleeve helped me get the control I couldn't seem to get otherwise. Sent from my SM-S820L using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. When I started to wake up...6 days after surgery! Lol Sent from my SM-S820L using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. I get ya, I had to give up my fav drink...couldn't even stand the smell. Shock!! Sent from my SM-S820L using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. The malabsorption is a biggie for me, also recovery would be longer...but 95% excess weight loss IS enticing. Sent from my SM-S820L using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. heyvcom

    My Friend's Weird Rumour About WLS

    Lol, please keep posting I laughed and laughed. (sure hpe you meant to be funny).
  25. heyvcom

    Isopure Unflavored Protein

    I like syntax nectar. I heard lots of great reviews for isopure, but I couldn't stand them (I bought bottles at GNC-all different flavors). Sent from my SM-S820L using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
