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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to Presurg1 in Smoking and Eating bad hysterectomy and lots of questions   
    I won't block you I don't do that when someone says something I don't want to hear. Congrats on your hard work, Just because I made my first post doesn't mean I am "new" on here OR that I don't know anything and just because you have been here awhile doesn't make you all knowing. I have been reading these posts for months. Like I said, I have many friends that have had the surgery. I am probably twice your age from the looks of you too, so I know a wee bit. Good Luck and no I won't block you. I am a grown woman, I can take it.
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to Presurg1 in Smoking and Eating bad hysterectomy and lots of questions   
    I quit smoking 4 years ago and quit for 3 years and started again about 8 months ago after some stress. I hope they don't do that test. I am also taking some supplements hoping that it helps with my liver like milk thistle. I wasn't a heavy smoker (a pack every 3 days or so)
    If it were so easy to do all this pre-op none of us would need the surgery, we'd all be thin. We wouldn't have the food issues we have. I have read a lot on here and there seems to be a lot of judging from people on here and I am assuming everyone one here having the surgery has food addictions.
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    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from GreenTealael in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    Everything gets smaller, including the diameter. I haven't really heard anyone else talk about it so I'm not sure if this is a common thing but I feel like a teenager again, lol!
  4. Haha
    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to abefroman329 in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    Oh I, too, feel like a teenager!
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to Healthy_life2 in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    ummm yes. smaller lol
    TMI - For the men ---look away!
    Sad to say... but. I would like some plastics there as well. Also hubby and I realized I have a pubic bone..lol
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to SouthernGirl76 in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    Yes!!! Even he is like um what did you do? Ok I feel so much better now!
  7. Haha
    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to PCOSSUCKS in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    Aaahhhhh all the things to look forward too [emoji38]

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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to abefroman329 in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    So... for “smaller” read “tighter,” then?
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to GreenTealael in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
  10. Haha
    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to kakatlady612 in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    Thank you for this, sweet Lord. I was afraid my biscuit(as they call it on Honey Boo Boo) was going to become 2 tired pieces of liver. Of course with my panni drooping I wouldn't get much business anyway. [emoji307] all of you my sisters. Please keep me laughing.
    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to NewShauna in 6 Months Post Op Pics   
    I'm super excited to be 10 pounds away from goal at 6 months!!!!

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    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from GreenTealael in Embarrassing question for the ladies   
    Not really that painful, but definitely different (in a good way). My hubby noticed it before me, lol!
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    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from zallykatz16 in Serious complications still affecting me!   
    So, I had my bypass in Mexico on Sept. 11 and 2 days later had to go back to surgery and they had to completely open me up because of a kinked bowel. I stuck to my liquid diet but I was sick all the time so I could barely get anything down. Nausea, and EXTREME gas, my stomach was vibrating constantly. So my surgeon in Mexico told me I was allergic to whey Protein. I didn't have any problems with it before during my per-op but I quit anyways. Now, I still can't eat, if I do it's a probably an ounce and then I'm sick for hours so the I feel like I'm withering away. I really need to to find a way to get the required amount of protein to keep me going, in small amounts, so it has to have high protein because I can't get very much down. I can't even get my medications down. I feel like I'm starving to death, lol! Anyone else having any problems similar to the this? I'm feeling a little lost.
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    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from bigfatmama in 4 Days till RNY Surgery   
    I'm in the same boat as you! I'm so stressed out right now! Since I quit cooking for my family ( told them if I can't eat it I ain't cookin it! ) my kitchen is a disaster! But I'm to stressed about my surgery to worry about them. They're just gonna have to learn the hard way I guess. The past 2 weeks has gone by fast hasn't it? I bet we don't sleep very good this weekend, lol! We'll be to busy getting everything in order.
  15. Like
    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from zallykatz16 in September Bypass Buddies   
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back with you all about my surgery but things didn't go quite as well as I hoped. I got to Tijuana at about 10 am and started the testing within an hour and because I was the second surgery I didn't go back until 6pm. When I cam out of surgery I really didn't feel to bad at all. Just the normal gas pains. But things changed on day 3 when I went for the contrast ct test where you drink it while they watch it go down. I did both it and the lay down ct but I could barely keep the contrast solution down. I literally felt like I was full to the brim and liquids are supposed to flow through easily. Anyways, I started vomiting and within a few hours I was vomiting straight bile. They immediately rushed me back to the OR, cut me straight up the middle and discovered that I had a kink in my bowel. I stayed in the hospital for 7 days and just got home yesterday. Every one of the usual small incisions were extended and stitched so I look like Frankenstein, lol. But I'm back on the mend now. It really was a one in a million situation and I don't want to scare everyone. But, stuff happens and the actual Roux En Y was performed perfectly. It might take me a little longer to heal up, but nothins gonna hold me back!
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    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from K_aane in Counting weight loss from pre-op vs. Post-op   
    I agree with you! You deserve to count every pound!
  17. Like
    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from zallykatz16 in September Bypass Buddies   
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back with you all about my surgery but things didn't go quite as well as I hoped. I got to Tijuana at about 10 am and started the testing within an hour and because I was the second surgery I didn't go back until 6pm. When I cam out of surgery I really didn't feel to bad at all. Just the normal gas pains. But things changed on day 3 when I went for the contrast ct test where you drink it while they watch it go down. I did both it and the lay down ct but I could barely keep the contrast solution down. I literally felt like I was full to the brim and liquids are supposed to flow through easily. Anyways, I started vomiting and within a few hours I was vomiting straight bile. They immediately rushed me back to the OR, cut me straight up the middle and discovered that I had a kink in my bowel. I stayed in the hospital for 7 days and just got home yesterday. Every one of the usual small incisions were extended and stitched so I look like Frankenstein, lol. But I'm back on the mend now. It really was a one in a million situation and I don't want to scare everyone. But, stuff happens and the actual Roux En Y was performed perfectly. It might take me a little longer to heal up, but nothins gonna hold me back!
  18. Like
    AmylouRouxEnY got a reaction from K_aane in Counting weight loss from pre-op vs. Post-op   
    I agree with you! You deserve to count every pound!
  19. Like
    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to JohnnyCakes in WHy am I so scared of a bypass?   
    to answer your question, CLEARLY you should have had RNY from the beginning. that question has answered itself! the LapBand has been proven so ineffective that it's barely done anymore. and I predict that in 5 years, doctors won't touch the sleeve either because SO many patients (like you) suffer debilitating GERD.
    let me try to address the fears you listed one by one:
    1. i'm afraid i'll never have an ice cream cone again - in my opinion, if the occasional ice cream cone holds that much power over you, you have other food addiction problems you need to address. first of all, dumping is rare in RNY patients. usually around 25% experience it ever. and a lot people who experience it LIKE it because it keeps them off the sweets and avoids regain (something that sounds like it might benefit you too). i have never experienced dumping. and i have no desire whatsoever to eat ice cream. zero. last night there was an interesting dessert placed in front of me at a restaurant. i had a bite purely out of curiosity, enjoyed it, and didn't need/want anymore. best of all worlds if you ask me.
    2. i'm afraid of Vitamin deficiencies - again, this does not happen to everyone. it doesn't even happen to the majority of people who don't take the prescribed vitamins!!! your doctor will definitely tell you to take a Multivitamin for the rest of your life as INSURANCE that it will never happen. but - and this is important - that doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen if you don't take Vitamins. it's still rare. but it is a small risk. so, take a damn vitamin! it's not that bloody hard! it boggles my mind that people who have been heavy their entire lives and suffered thru all that entails can then turn around and whine about having to take a pill everyday. jesus...
    3. i fear i won't be a blessing to stop losing weight. - please tell me of any instance, ever... on this website or elsewhere, that someone has gotten RNY and wasted away to anorexia-like emaciation. IT. DOESN'T. HAPPEN. yes you will lose more than the sleeve and a lot more than the lapland. but your weight loss will stop at a healthy level. because your body will tell you (and allow you) to eat more when you reach that level.
    in less than two months after my bypass surgery, the thing that i marveled at most was how NORMAL i feel. like... the surgery never even happened. i eat the same whole-food, delicious, paleo-style diet i ate before my surgery. can tolerate virtually any food (even beef and salad). i just eat a little less. and I'm rarely hungry and have great energy. no nausea. no throwing up. no GERD. no dumping.
    please take this website for what it is... a place for people to come and complain and make things into a lot bigger deal than they are. the chances are very high that you will turn out just like me and MOST patients of RNY. just fine. BETTER than fine. amazing actually. i mean, life can't get any worse than what you're going thru, right? so you have to look forward to more weight loss and the complete remission/curing of your GERD problems. what is there to be afraid of? i'd be running towards the hospital right now if i were you!
  20. Like
    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to bluepixie2038 in September Bypass Buddies   
    So, I am just focusing on getting enough liquid in the next few days. Will reevaluate at the end of the week, because I am not itching to start puree: the only things on the list that appeal to me are runny scrambled eggs and yogurt.

    Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to LifeChangesLori in September Bypass Buddies   
    Good luck to all who are having surgery this week. Prayers to all.
    Keep in touch as to how you all are doing!
  22. Like
    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to LifeChangesLori in September Bypass Buddies   
    Same here zallycatz16. My surgery is on Tuesday. I can't concentrate and very scattered right now. Feel like my emotions are all over the place. Just want it done!
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to zallykatz16 in September Bypass Buddies   
    @Katariina So glad that things went well. I'm just trying to keep calm but I'm having trouble because my surgery is Monday.
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to Results8567 in September Bypass Buddies   
    Hey love! Thanks for the check in! I'm doing fantastic! Such an amazing feeling!!!
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    AmylouRouxEnY reacted to Katariina in September Bypass Buddies   
    I had my bypass yesterday in Mexico Pompeii Surgical and everything went great. Practically no pain. I was walking a couple of our after surgery. I highly recommend this place. Everyone is super friendly, surgeon is highly knowledgeable, and skillful. Tomorrow I will be released from here and I go their ocean front recovery center for 3 days. I feel like I am on vacation!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
