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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ThinMinnie

  1. ThinMinnie

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Lost 2 more pounds since my last post. :confused:
  2. Polycystic ovary syndrome abbreviated PCOS or PCO (also known clinically as Stein-Leventhal syndrome, Sclerocystic ovary syndrome, Hyperthecosis, ovarian, Polycystic ovarian disease PCOD ) is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 5% of all women .[1] It occurs amongst all races and nationalities, is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, and is a leading cause of infertility.[2][3] The principal features are weight problems, lack of regular ovulation and/or menstruation, and excessive amounts or effects of androgenic (masculinizing) hormones. The symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly between women. While the causes are unknown, insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all strongly correlated with PCOS. (reference Wikipedia)
  3. ThinMinnie

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    That is so exciting. Congratulations. I love to pull something out of my closet that use to be to small just to see if it might possibly fit now-and its already to BIG!!! I love that feeling-ENJOY that feeling!:embaressed_smile:
  4. PCOS sucks. I know where you are coming from. I have been dealing with PCOS for about the last 15 years. Before the band I had tried everything to lose weight with no success. My weight loss with the band has been slow. But I have to remind myself before the band my weight loss was NONE. I have had to stop comparing myself to others who were banded the same month as me. For me it helps to make small goals instead of looking at the entire amount I have to lose. I take it 5 lbs at a time. Right now I am 2lbs away from my current goal, once I lose that I will make another 5lb goal. Remember we are all different and are going to lose at different speeds. I just keep telling myself: Slow and steady wins the race!!!
  5. ThinMinnie

    Who eats Carbs and is banded

    I occasionally eat carbs. I cannot tolerate much though. A couple of bites of pasta and maybe one bite of bread if it is crispy. I really crave protein and have not had an issue giving up refined carbs-this is amazing coming from a former bread addict.
  6. I am truly in the same boat as you and I hate to exercise. Always have. When I was young I would do fine as long as I didnt look at it as exercise so that is what I am trying to do now. I was banded 4/2/08 and have only lost 37lbs. Here are a few things I have started doing to increase my activity and keep my brain from thinking I am exercising: 1. I started mowing the lawn. My husband is loving this. It is good exercise and it doesn't feel like exercise. 2. Turn on the radio or music on TV and dance around the house. (worked for me as a teenager so thought I would give it a shot). 3. Playing with my son. Whatever: soccer, baseball, basketball-alot more fun than a treadmill. 4. And as someone else said playing with the dogs. I have 4 dogs and they love to play.
  7. Thanks for posting this information. I just told my husband last night I did not think I was getting enough protein, I tend to be a lot hungrier when my protein intake decreases. Which makes me crabby :biggrin:
  8. ThinMinnie

    Emotional eating

    This has been so evident to me since I got the band. Never realized it before, but now that I am limited on the amount and what I can eat it has reared its ugly head. I really think this has been the hardest part for me. I now realize that food gave me comfort when I needed it.
  9. ThinMinnie

    so its been a W-H-I-L-E

    If yes, this is a normal discharge before ovulation.
  10. ThinMinnie

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I was banded April 2nd and am down 36 lbs. It has been slow:frown:, but I am still happy :biggrin: because I know I would not have lost it with out the band:thumbup:.
  11. I am with you. I had a fill Thursday. She said I had 1cc in from surgery and she had 4cc to my 10cc band. I feel a little restriction but not much. I read these boards and it makes me feel better to hear other people stories. I have faith it will work we just have to be patient and keep working towards our goal.
  12. ThinMinnie

    Approved in 3 days...WOW, WOW, WOW

    Congratulations-I love to hear good stories!!
  13. ThinMinnie


    I am not an "old timer" but I thought I would bump this thread for you. I was banded on 4/2/08 and while I do not feel the sadness you are feeling I am feeling very irritated right now. I am wandering if I wasted money (self pay) and wishing I had not told anyone about the surgery. I feel like when I see the people who know they are thinking "surgery sure didnt help her". I know I need to be patient but it is so hard. I am so hungry all the time and can basically eat anything. I get my first fill on 4/30 and am hoping this will make a difference, but from all I have read the first fill usually does nothing. I hope a year from now I can look back and laugh at the feeling I am having now. :tongue_smilie:
  14. I will get my first fill on 4/30. It will be 4 weeks post op. I am hoping it does something. Right now I am depending on self control and exercise because I can eat anything and as much as I could before surger. I hope I get restriction soon before I gain more weight than what I started with.:tongue_smilie:
  15. ThinMinnie


    Not real severe. Just enough to let me know I am full. I am worried now because I am on the mushy stage and I have cheated some because I am so hungry. It feels like a pulled muscle would feel. If it persists or gets worst I will definetly call my NP. Thanks for your response.
  16. ThinMinnie


    Anyone have a pain about mid sternum? I was banded 4/2. The last 2 days I have had a pain mid sternum. Feels like a muscle or something. Anyone else have similar pains or know what this is?:biggrin:
  17. Tell me what your MD ordered for a post op diet. I am starving and just wandering what others are doing. I was banded on 4/2 and had to do clear liquids for 5 days (that was easy I wasnt hungry), then full liquids for 5 days(bad now appetite came back yesterday), then I will do 5 days of mushies before starting solids.
  18. ThinMinnie

    Your diet

    Oh wow-I want some of that meatless lasagna now!!
  19. ThinMinnie

    Just banded 3 days ago

    I got my band on 4/2 and feel the same as all of you. I was a little concerned about having no appetite at all but figured as long as I am takin in fluids it will be fine. Friday and Saturday were the worst 2 days for me, more pain with some nausea, but today was better I actually did some laundry and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I have to work tomorrow so we will see how it goes, I went back Friday but it did not go so good so I am hoping tomorrow will be better. Good luck to all of you-I am so excited about the future.
  20. ThinMinnie

    What do you do with your clothes?

    Ebay or a resale shop would be my thought.
  21. ThinMinnie

    Back from surgery!!!

    Welcome back Kat and congratulations on your surgery. I was banded also on 4/2 and feel about the same as you described. I have not had a lot of hunger though-kind of worried because I dont want to eat. I have been taking in lots of fluids and do fine when I eat I just dont have the desire. Good luck to you.
  22. I was banded 4/2 and only my wonderful husband and son know from my family. They support everything I do and want me to succeed. I have about 3-4 friends who know who are all supportive. One of them has a band and she actually was part of my decision. Other than that I will decide as I go who I will tell. I know my family would not be supportive so I chose not to tell them and so far I am happy with my decision. I have found some people who are negative because they actually want to do it also but for some reason they cannot.
  23. ThinMinnie

    I'M HERE! 4/2 is the day!

    Thinminnie: You went back to work already? Wow, I am due back on Monday but I think I might wait a few more days. I think at least a full week for recovery is what my body is asking for. How did it go? What kind of work do you do? Big Hugs!! I am a nurse, but luckily I do not do patient care. It did not go as good as I had hoped though. I was so tired and could not take my pain med because it makes me sleepy. By the time I was done I had made myself nauseated from the pain. I hope Monday goes better. I recommend if you can take the time off then do. I just dont have that option right now.
  24. ThinMinnie

    is this normal??

    My surgery was 4/2 and I am feeling the same way. I need lots of little naps through out the day. I am worried because I have to work tomorrow-no choice-and I get tired so easily.
  25. ThinMinnie

    A little discouraged...

    Yep, that seems to be common. I like to have control but through this process I learned that I was at their mercy and I had to do things on their timeline.

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