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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to pinkcaddywant2b in Ladies - How did you handle the shopping transition from plus size?   
    Wouldn't be great if we had some kind of bariatric cloths closet .. I get three shirts in a 1x and send in 3 shirts in a 3x .. be great if doc office did something like that for patients ..
  2. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to CheerMom17 in Calling all October sleevers!!   
    Me too!! Oct 17th
  3. Like
    GeTnBackuP got a reaction from aln1218 in Finally   
    Finally woohoo!!! I go in the 17th, I'll be rooting for ya girlie [emoji12]

  4. Like
    GeTnBackuP got a reaction from mamamac2 in What blender do you recommend   
    I have always loved my Vitamix, so amazing for all sorts of foods, looking forward to using it for the puréed stage.

    I got mine from QVC or HSN, one of them! They have five "flex pay" options so you can spread out payments for the high dollar items. You get it right away, it's not layaway!!

  5. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to NZFinallyFree in Surgery date: October 17...Is 1 day in the hospital enough?   
    One day is definitely enough in my opinion. I had surgery at 6pm and was up showered, dressed, on minimal pain meds and drinking the following morning (only30 mls an hr but no problem).
  6. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to angyplus5 in Surgery date: October 17...Is 1 day in the hospital enough?   
    congratulations on your date!

    Sent from my SM-S907VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to Youcangirl3 in Surgery date: October 17...Is 1 day in the hospital enough?   
    One day is enough.....I thought the same way.
  8. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to kidchick in Surgery date: October 17...Is 1 day in the hospital enough?   
    I'm scheduled the same day as you with an overnight stay as well. A friend just had WLS recently with an overnight and said it was no problem.
  9. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to QueenTiff in When does the light shine   
    So these past two weeks have been a little rough for me. Wednesday the 23 will be two weeks post op and I'm just praying going on to week 3&4 it will get better with food. I been drinking Protein Shakes and I'm starting to think those are messing with my stomach and I need an alternative. Protein Powder is disgusting. I'm just so tried right now and I feel like crying and I need to see where the light is. I don't even care about the weight loss. I see my doctor on the 23rd but I'm over this right now. When does it start getting better?
  10. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to gwbicster in When does the light shine   
    It gets better, but slowly. I am at week 10 and I still have struggles, but they are less and less. In the meantime, as the payoff for my struggles, I have lost 78 pounds. I can stand up without exhaustion and walk every day on my treadmill and people don't look at me like I'm an alien anymore. So it's worth it.

    Those people who say this is the "easy way out", just don't know. Keep on keeping on!
  11. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to GotProlactinoma in Nobody ever responds   
    To get you started, how about nothing bready or starchy or sweet at all? This way, you will starve out any gut bugs who are causing cravings for any of those foods. No juice, fruit, fake sugar drinks, fake sugar desserts, bread, tortillas, rice, pastas. Instead, focus on Protein foods and make sure one meal has protein powder in it because no food has as much protein in that low of volume food. Protein first. Three bites protein for each bite veggies, and protein first.
    Bake, grill, sauté veggies. Buy a bunch of root veggies and greens and cook them up. Have a whole bunch of cooked veggies in the fridge each week ready to snack on or fill out your protein meals. I slice them, rub them with olive ol, sprinkle sea salt, and bake at 400 for 30-50 mins depending which veggie is being used.
    The more fruit you eat the more sweets you crave. My nutritionist says fruit is really just sugar bombs. Get your Vitamins from colorful veggies. Add other spices too, make it yummy. Eat your favorite Proteins, fill up on them.
    This is a good start, and you can still follow or make some other more formal eating plan, but focusing on your protein and veggies is at least a step in the right direction.
    And of course drink that Water.

  12. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to _Mini_Me_ in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to tomi71 in Before and After   
    PS: weight loss doesn't include the extra 175 lbs of soon to be ex lol
    So total I count is 293 lbs
  14. Like
    GeTnBackuP got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in Need a mentor and a friend...   
    Hello, my name is Terri and today is a good day.
    The only persons I have told about my surgery is my two grown sons and to my surprise they are being very supportive- but that's the end of it. They're gone, they're grown with their own lives and they dont want to hear what Mom's going through on a daily basis lol. And that is A-OK with me...I haven't told any of my girlfriends and that's what hurts, I'm guessing the level of trust and faith that they wouldn't judge me isn't quite there. Chalk it up to another life learning experience. I'm happy I found this new Forum Topic, I could sure use a mentor right about now
    I was told by my doctor to lose 10-15 pre surgery pounds and after a very rough start with a Keto plan I said screw it and opted for the Liver Reduction Plan- I have been living on Bariatric Fusion shakes and homemade broth, SF Popsicles and SF Jello, V8 and Diet Cranberry juice for the past 20 days. After about three days my body got used to the transition and I was no longer hungry, have been sleeping very well on my new CPAP machine and the days flew by. Went in to see my surgeon and lost 13 pounds. I haven't felt this great in a very long time!! Physically and emotionally. All of the paperwork is in and they will be seeking approval.
    Now I am faced with this thing that I've educated myself on, mentally plowed on through endless needle pricks, weigh ins and signatures. This thing that I want so bad is finally here and I feel all alone and scared shitless. Yikes.....
  15. Like
    GeTnBackuP got a reaction from Sosewsue61 in Need a mentor and a friend...   
    Hello, my name is Terri and today is a good day.
    The only persons I have told about my surgery is my two grown sons and to my surprise they are being very supportive- but that's the end of it. They're gone, they're grown with their own lives and they dont want to hear what Mom's going through on a daily basis lol. And that is A-OK with me...I haven't told any of my girlfriends and that's what hurts, I'm guessing the level of trust and faith that they wouldn't judge me isn't quite there. Chalk it up to another life learning experience. I'm happy I found this new Forum Topic, I could sure use a mentor right about now
    I was told by my doctor to lose 10-15 pre surgery pounds and after a very rough start with a Keto plan I said screw it and opted for the Liver Reduction Plan- I have been living on Bariatric Fusion shakes and homemade broth, SF Popsicles and SF Jello, V8 and Diet Cranberry juice for the past 20 days. After about three days my body got used to the transition and I was no longer hungry, have been sleeping very well on my new CPAP machine and the days flew by. Went in to see my surgeon and lost 13 pounds. I haven't felt this great in a very long time!! Physically and emotionally. All of the paperwork is in and they will be seeking approval.
    Now I am faced with this thing that I've educated myself on, mentally plowed on through endless needle pricks, weigh ins and signatures. This thing that I want so bad is finally here and I feel all alone and scared shitless. Yikes.....
  16. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to Tracy4 in Need a mentor and a friend...   
    I am three and a half months post opt and totally understand where you are coming from! The only person I told was my husband and kids. I didn't want anyone to know, I didn't want them to try and talk me out of it or hear any stories they had heard or read online🙄 The day before my surgery, I let my close family know, and then just went in he next day and had it done. The people work with still don't know I had the surgery, I told them it was something else, I work with mostly men so they don't even notice what I'm eating or drinking most of the time! At first I thought I had ad axe the biggest mistake! He first few weeks were rough, but now I am so glad I did it! I'm here if you need anything or have any questions
  17. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to LauriDJ in Things you wish you had   
    I was really happy to have my tablet because I was in the middle of watching a TV Series on Netflix when I went in. I was really glad that I brought a 10 foot cord with me. After I was taken to my room my husband set everything up for me. Definitely do NOT forget to bring earbuds. Luckily I remembered to bring those! I actually brought 2 pairs in case 1 went south while I was there.
    Also don't forget the plug to plug in your phone/tablet cord into.
  18. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to RickM in Keto diet   
    Yes. There are legions of people out there who have tried and failed at Atkins diets over the years who need to be convinced that there is something new to spend their money on. Plus, there's a new generation of dieters to whom Atkins is just too "old school", so a new name and a new scientific gloss and you get a new diet. That's marketing at its' best.
    Much like some restaurants that will inject steam into their day old dinner rolls to make them "fresh baked". Same thing.
  19. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to Christina.Rose in Keto diet   
    Is Keto basically a new age name for the Atkins diet? It sounds awfully familiar, high fat low carb, body in ketosis.....

  20. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Keto diet   
    I'm a clean Keto eater. I almost never make recipes. They are expensive with a lot of replacement products.
    My grocery list is
    Pork chops
    Heavy cream
    Cream cheese
    Olive oil
    liquid stevita
  21. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Keto diet   
    This book is a good place to start so you can understand the science.
    The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005CVV2AE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Bus7ybP5P45SW

    Just like WLS understanding the science behind it makes it easier to understand, follow and make the right choices.

    /r/keto on reddit is a great place to start. I am just going to warn you. Keto is a commitment just like WLS. It isn't a diet it is a lifestyle and a way of eating. If you stop eating keto and go back to carbs the weight will pile on. Keto is not some fad diet you can follow for a little while drop weight and go back to eating trash. If you can't commit to it for life, there is no reason to even start.
    Keto replaces carbs with fat to keep you satisfied and once you are keto adapted your body runs on fat.
  22. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Keto diet   
    I have been a low carber, Keto person off and on for about 16 years.
    I would lose weight but plateau and I didn't understand stalls so I would quit. I also had a Portion Control issue. People in the keto community feel like you can eat without portion control as long as it is high fat.
    Being sleeved helped me control my portions. In the beginning when I was healing I just followed a normal low carb diet.
    Around 6 months when I was healed, I switched to keto. Personally I feel like if I didn't switch to Keto I would not have lost this much weight. I would have topped out at about 100 pounds lost and bounced around like most WLS people.
    Just as importantly eating keto has allowed me to maintain my looks. I have lost 182 pounds and I look very young and healthy. I do not look sickly. My face looks amazing. Keto is great for women because the fat is great for your skin. If you look in keto groups the women that keto almost glow.
    I am a strong advocate for Keto. If you can portion control you can lose a lot of weight on keto. If you can't portion control wls is a great option to help you with that. The sleeve has helped me with portion control and made making the right food choices easy.
  23. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to Precious517 in 4th WLS procedure coming up this week!!! No judgement!   
    Hope everything goes well. I'm here for you. I had a RNY on 5/17/17. That's my only wls. However, I know alot of ppl who had or need revisions. Two whom I'm very close to. I share my wt loss info from my f/u appts. Also, we go to h2o aerobics and the gym.We go @our own pace I don't mind sharing and welcome you and anyone else to join me for aerobics, walks, trips to gym or just an ear to listen.
    Most important- Don't give up!
  24. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to rpothier in Cellulite at Goal - Did It Go Away?   
    My niece who is 15 and tiny has cellulite. So obviously it's not dependent on weight.
  25. Like
    GeTnBackuP reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Cellulite at Goal - Did It Go Away?   
    Uh ... Not meaning to be harsh, just realistic, with this post.
    Unless you're 18 years old, and you haven't lost and gained weight several (much less many) times before losing weight via WLS, you aren't going to wind up looking like a swimsuit model when you reach your weight goal.
    BTW, most swimsuit model pix are airbrushed. About three women in the world look like we all think we deserve to look.
    I gotta say I think there are some unrealistic ideas of what we're going to look like at goal. Most of us have really abused the bodies we were born with. We've stretched our skin and under-exercised our muscles for the most part, some of us for most of our lives. And we have not fed them the most nutritious foods or enough Water. Some of us have damaged our joints and spine. We aren't starting with a clean slate.
    I say this really to say that we have so much to gain from WLS. But we should also be realistic about what we can expect as our best outcomes.

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