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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Pregnancy after rny

    I would talk to your OB/GYN and your surgeon about that issue. None of us are qualified to discuss medicines safe for a baby on board situation. Sorry your tummy is burning, but glad the urps and nausea is leaving! Congrats on 9 weeks!
  2. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    Good for you. I thought you always did that. I was referring to me having a reference. (And, FYI, I'm pretty happy with my lifestyle as well!)
  3. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    Shew!! TY Virginia! There is a Santa Claus!!! I’m done at about that same mark with a 3-4 oz burger! #happydance
  4. FluffyChix

    I screwed up

    See above. AJ who is a hearty jokster talks a lot about his love of lots of vodka! So I’m referring to that...
  5. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    Dang! That looks moist and tasty! Ok, truth...was that a super tiny burger?
  6. I'm a member of an online face-to-face support group that meets weekly. PM me if you want more information.
  7. FluffyChix

    1 week post op

    Walking always helps! It will help get your gut moving again. Definitely stay on liquids until your gut is moving! Do you notice it's happening with protein drinks or only your broths? Also, get Gas-X Strips at Amazon.
  8. FluffyChix

    Almost one year post op UPDATE

    Wow! Congrats girl! What a difference a year makes, right? That's an amazing accomplishment and a super happy post! WTG!
  9. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    Did you order it?
  10. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    @MarvelGirl25 Here's your information on the Brussels Sprouts Chips with Truffle Zest & Parmesan! Instructions: Wash 3 large brussels sprouts (about 75-85g). Cut end off stem end. Peel off leaves. Trim a little more end off and peel more leaves. Keep doing that until you've done the entire sprout. Cut remaining remnant in half to be about the same thickness as the rounds. Save the cut off rounds and air fry with the leaves! Repeat with remaining sprouts. Spray sprouts with EVOO spray (I use a mister.). Sprinkle with granulated garlic and freshly ground black pepper. Toss well. Preaheat air fryer for 3 minutes on 400º. Place leaves, remnant sprouts, and stem cross section cuts into the fryer. Cook on 400º for 2 minutes. Open fryer and turn sprouts gently, using a spatula or spoon. Cook again at the same temp for 1 minute. Stir. Repeat in 1 minute increments until sprouts are as done as you prefer. Remove brussels sprouts from basket and sprinkle with Tartufi Truffle Zest with Cheese seasoning or use your favorite truffle salt. Shave a bit of parmesan on top. Eat IMMEDIATELY. There are dynamite when hot from the air fryer. As they cool and sit, the stemier part gets softer and chewy. But I still love them that way. I only use about a gram or 2 of shave parm. Let me know how you like 'em! I love them more than tator chips!
  11. FluffyChix

    Immune system support

    Well you increase it slowly cuz it will give you the poops and it might make you ravenously hungry. LOL.
  12. FluffyChix

    Coronavirus / COVID - 19

    they are letting us video phone with the office here.
  13. FluffyChix

    Coronavirus / COVID - 19

    We stocked up on supplies here. And we're practicing good hygiene and trying to limit exposure to large groups. Both of us are immune compromised and are approaching the 60 mark. We have hand sanitizer, Chlorox, Eukenuba (black elderberry extract), etc.
  14. FluffyChix

    Coronavirus / COVID - 19

    Could you move your dad in with you for the next few weeks until we see where this all goes?
  15. FluffyChix

    Coronavirus / COVID - 19

    Honestly, ANYONE with a cough and fever NEEDS to call their doctor and ask what they want them to do. Fever and cough is NOT normal. Is NOT a cold. LOL. It is almost always gonna be flu or infection somewhere (sinus/respiratory). But you could already be exposed and exposing others by NOT talking to your doc.
  16. FluffyChix

    Recreational Drugs

    and powdered sugar, right?
  17. FluffyChix

    Major Stall

    Congrats dude!!!! Are you weighing, measuring, and logging EVERYTHING goin' down your piehole? If it's a few months, I think you need to go see your nutritionist and tighten up the plan? You might have to start trickin' your body by changing things up now and then. I still do that to maintain. I almost never eat the same number of cals/carbs/protein, or fat each day. Some days are SUPER DUPER wlm low with IF. Some days are pretty high for me 1400-1500 cals. But over all average is 1100 in maintenance. Congrats on the 248lbs! That's outstanding!!! Also, switch up the intensity of your exercise.
  18. FluffyChix

    Protein pudding?

    Ok, 2 recipes for Protein Pudding. First One: so. ding. dang. easy. peasy. 1 scoop of your favorite flavor (or 1/2 if you have a delicate tasting palette and things taste over-sweet to you). I LOVE bananas & cream from Isopure. I also love the vanilla ice cream from isopure. 1 cup Greek nonfat plain yogurt or your favorite low sugar low carb plain yogurt. They have fairly good vegan ones-Daiya and So make them I think? Stir together until pudding consistency. That's it. Second One: so. ding. dang. easy. peasy. 1 small box Jell-o Instant Pudding (sugar free) Use Premier Protein (any flavor) to sub for 100% of the milk. Make as directed. I used my hand mixer to blend to pudding consistency. version 2: Use 1/2 Premier Protein (any flavor) + 1/2 nonfat Fairlife Milk. Make as directed. I used my hand mixer to blend to pudding consistency.
  19. FluffyChix

    I screwed up

    Ok, so former smoker...and you know what they say about us...well it's true. And I watched my mom die of lung cancer. She smoked 44 years... But you all DOOOO see the irony here right? You get a life changing surgery that GIVES YOU BACK your life. But AJ in your case, not only are you choosing to drink heavily, you are choosing to smoke too...one just has to ask, WTF did you have this surgery? Why not remain MO? Fat, drunk, and smoking is sure a fun way to go through life, isn't it? Jasus, Mary, and Joseph...SMH.
  20. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    I'll try to get it for you later today! Super easy. Go buy some brussels sprouts and get out your air fryer. Have spray olive oil on hand, and this magic dust: Tartuffi Truffle Zest with Cheese (affiliate link)
  21. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    In honor of St. Patrick's Day! I made a Reuben Lettuce Wrap (non-traditional hehe) with Turkey Pastrami and Near Zero Cal Russian Dressing. So. Dang. Delish. And I have a snack for later. There were afters. I didn't eat all the tomatoes - those were for props. LOL. Only 2 ended up staying on the plate. And that bowl in the background held my "chips". I made brussels sprouts chips in the air fryer today with Truffle Zest Cheese spice. So good. (Oh and I found Kim Chi Salsa that is soooooo good! Spicy but not hot spicy! Even better than Kim Chi!) I'd be a panic if I couldn't have my veggies and salads. I heart them so much! So here are the nutritionals on the wrap--of course I suck at spelling but I did fix it. LOL: Here's the nutrition on the Near Zero Russian Dressing I made.
  22. Congrats on ALL. THE. THINGS! Woot! Size small and smaller shoes AND no cancer! Score!
  23. I love the idea of the "I don't have cancer wardrobe"!!! Way to work it, right?
  24. FluffyChix

    Hispanics! Any post op diet ideas?

    No offense. I'm Irish. I had to break up with potatoes for my health and weight loss. I'm Southern, and live in an area that was formerly rice fields. I had to break up with rice for my health and weight loss. I have a little Italian in me and had to break up with pasta for my health and weight loss. I'm English and had to break up with sticky toffee pudding along with other sweets for my health and weight loss... See where I'm going here? I understand food experience and cooking styles are heavily influence by our heritage. But you CHOSE to have bariatric surgery to change your life and give you a chance to live a long, healthy, new, SKINNY life. And that means, you will have to figure out a different plan for how you eat culturally. I get around this by using the spices from my heritage in new and exciting ways. Sometimes eaten with completely different foods! I love using Italian bread spice on fish! On Chicken! No need for bread! I would look at the proteins of your culture and use the spices and low fat, low sugar, low carb ingredients and condiments and methods of cooking that are healthy, light, and lean. Create new light, lean versions of your Dominican dishes you used to love! For instance, instead of refried beans, I make refried pumpkin (lower carb), refried cauliflower/zucchini mash (low carb, lower fat), Mexican cauli rice, chicken instead of pork shoulder, pork loin instead of pork shoulder, turkey to replace ground beef, etc... Does that help? Above all else, break up with any added sugar and the highest carb foods of your culture and keep the rest.
  25. Oh mah gosh! What a relief and answer to prayers!!!! ((hugs)) I know you are still probably on edge, but this is really brilliant news!!! And now you know about an unknown kidney issue that you can help protect and maybe heal or put into remission through lifestyle choices and weight loss!!! Woot!! Awesome sauce, hon!!!

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