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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Leftovers, eh, not interested!

    @heycrystal2052 Can you please hook us up to your Jason's Deli chili recipe, purty please?
  2. FluffyChix

    Frustrated and Need Help

    *ding. ding. ding! counseling for the win!* I soooo agree with this. As Introversion said, you have get your head in the game. I used to have a coach in high school who would tell us that winning was 90% mental and 10% ability/physical. Of course, what do I know? I am not walkin in your shoes and am still a pre-op noob, so honestly I shouldn't even be giving advice other than to say, "Hang in there! You can figure this out and make corrections!!!" ((hugs))
  3. FluffyChix


    Welcome! This is such a great board and the people are very kind and helpful. You will love it. Congrats on your tests and on deciding to take this journey! I'm pre-op too and doing my wl diet.
  4. FluffyChix

    Weighing Food

    @Berry78 That's ingenious! First time I'm seeing anything like this plan. Love the idea of your list of 15g carbs! I used to keep a list of 50cal low carb "snacks" for emergency use only. LOL. I saw a spreadsheet on protein (on another board) that was pretty brilliant too. Thanks so much for this idea and for sharing how you make things work!!!
  5. FluffyChix

    Food Channel

    Love it! We binge watch soooo much. *snort* I am trying to use these kinda like "desserts" so it doesn't lead me into the valley of "ohtohellwithitlet'seatsomethingyummay!". LOL. Don't you love how the photography looks so much like art? These guys are such geniuses. No wonder they have Michelin stars and successful restaurants! Right?
  6. Hurricane is looking like it's coming to Texas and will come up through Houston, leaving a CRAP ton of rain. *ring. ring. Hello Allison, you little ******, why do you have to send your kid brother Harvey to visit?* le sigh. Anyone else in the path of the storm? Stay safe peeps! :780_sparkling_heart::460_circus_tent::224_monkey::222_hear_no_evil::220_monkey_face::224_monkey:

    Water (check)

    Propane tanks full (check)

    LC Dry food in the pantry (check)

    LC Munchies available (check)

    Decaff coffee and decaff tea ready (check-and *sob* for no booze being an option; hurricanes + sobriety=bs)

    Flashlights, batteries, candles (check)

    Cards and games set out (check)

    Gas in the cars (check)

    New batteries in my digital scale *snick* (check)

    All work sent to the printers so it's off my desk/computer (working on)


    1. Newme17


      I'm a pretty strong woman but I don't think I'd wanna handle a chainsaw! lol. You're way stronger than me with that @Apple1 lol

      no power till wed evening about 10pm, that's the eta. Hopefully it'll be sooner but with the weather cooled off, it feels great with all the windows open. I slept real good last night too.

      Its very sad seeing the devastation in houston and other areas as well. I've said it a few times already, I'm so ready for all of this to be over.

    2. Apple1


      No, I am really not that strong.... lol.... The chainsaw does all the work. I can't lift even half what you do.

      Glad the weather is cooler for you all. I hope the ETA on your power holds.

    3. FluffyChix


      @Newme17 Holy moses!!! That lean was scary Larry for sure! Thank goodness you have friends at church to help you. No WAY would I let Mr. Fluffy up there to cut something like that down. me=super chicken with power tools and chainsaws are a huge nightmare for me! @Apple1 Now I have even more respect for you and your chainsaw wielding self!!!

      I'm so glad it's been cooler down in Corpus and that you get a good breeze! It would be miserable otherwise. And so glad they project Wednesday for power. That's really pretty awesome speed! Yippee!!

      The devastation here is enormous. None of us really know what the aftermath will be for our town. Houston is huge now, but when I was a little girl, it still felt like a hometown and we couldn't go out somewhere that we didn't see people we knew. So to see it like this and to see how many people have lost everything, is really heartbreaking.

      Thank you both for thinking of us down here and for your prayers, especially you Newme17 who suffered the first wave of a terrifying storm right in your own backyard! ((hugs)) So glad you are safe!!!

    4. Show next comments  1,140 more
  7. FluffyChix

    Weighing Food

    @Berry78 Congrats on your great success! So a question? Do you mean that you plan out your day to get all your protein in, eat it first, then look to see what else you have to eat in your plan for the day and eat that? Or are you saying, you eat each meal, protein first and if still hungry, then eat veggies? TIA!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    Food Channel

    I'm really hoping after surgery that being able to normally interact with food will be part of my outcome. I know the surgeon said it "may" or "may not" happen. I'm guessing she was inferring the whole chromosome 13 thing without really saying it? You are SO lucky to get to do this now. I bet you have the chromosome 13 thing! I just watched the show on Grant Atchaz. Did you see that one? Oh, and I saw one episode of the French one. It's so well done!!
  9. FluffyChix

    Low defenses?

    Wow! Sorry you've got it coming and going! Hope you get it figured out with your doc soon, and feel better! Congrats on surgery!
  10. FluffyChix

    Full liquids post op

    Wahoooo! You got to creamed soups! You got to creamed soups! *do the cabbage patch dance*
  11. FluffyChix

    Leftovers, eh, not interested!

    I have to admit, if I had boundless energy, time, and budget, I would make new food for every meal, every day. LOL. But snap! That's not my reality. I'm getting to the point of being very tricky. For instance, I will make "bases" (i.e. ground beef/turkey/chicken/or pork with onion and garlic, s/p; grilled chicken "planks" or strips or cubes, grilled sirloin strips, grilled pork chops, etc) and will make or buy "base sauces." Then I package and freeze them so we can weigh out 3 or 6 ounces (for me or Mr. Fluffy) and combine them with different sauces (i.e. LC/LF Alfredo, marinara, "cream" gravy, pot pie gravy, enchilada sauce, red chili, green chili) that are also frozen in small containers. It's like having garanimals for your food and for me anyway, it doesn't feel as much like having leftovers as other meals. That way, I literally cook only 1 or 2 times per week (other than throwin a salad or veg together). It kinda takes the pain out of leftovers and makes them Lucky Leftovers instead!
  12. FluffyChix

    Weighing Food

    Even though I'm pre-op, I weigh and measure (mostly weigh, cuz it's so easy peasy). I like the reassurance like others have said, that I'm getting the food I need, without making math mistakes that add up. I also find I'm in love with spread sheets lol! For instance, thanks to weighing measuring and recording on spread sheets, I know it took me exactly 33 days to get through the 260 decade and exactly the same to get through the 250 decade. LOL. Good times!
  13. FluffyChix

    Food Channel

    @heycrystal2052 Is Chef's Table the show where each episode is about a famous chef? If so, I'm watching that on Netflix right now and it's the bomb!! @mch080208 - I have to be full to watch the Food Channel. LOL! Cheers!
  14. @Apple1 You really don't look that tall in your avitar....
  15. @Apple1 LOL! See? This is why you shouldn't take advice from schmoe's on the internet! *snort* I completely missed looking at your height! Doh! I was thinking in reference to my height--5'4" ish. My bad! I don't know if it's a guarantee. But I have heard it's about 10% (maybe as low as 5%)? I do know of some people who are still right on the nose on the maintaining.
  16. @Apple1 I'm betting your naturally stop at about 119-ish. If it were me, I'd hang loose at that weight and not worry where it stops so that when the regain begins, then you'll have a better chance of a stress-free weight gain outcome of the +10% stuff "they" talk about...whoever "they" are! LOL!
  17. FluffyChix


    Oh man! Walking inclines are super great exercise, but so hard! For me, they feel harder than the stairs! It's good that you don't walk in the early morning. I'd still prolly want to walk with a friend at any time! Don't you ever watch NCIS? bahahahahaha. It ALL goes down in Rock Creek Park or in a parking garage, girl! Love the idea of keeping the belt. But I also think you can go to "the Army" or Goodwill and snag a belt for a buck and please all sides of you! I'm glad the doc is happy with you and you are happy with you!!! 264 rocks!!! Congrats! LOL on being in Nashville, guess there's no reason to do music in Gatlinburg then! The mountains and just chillin' sound like a perfect vaca to me. I'm not much of a doer. Of course, that might change once I lose weight and get healthy/skinny! LOL. You might not be able to hold me back. But now, I just love sittin' by the river, playing some cards or dominoes, and visiting while relaxing. (And in the old days: eating and drinking...le sigh...but life changes and we move on to better lives. Right?!!) Anyway, getting ready for the hurricane here in Houston. I think we will only get dumped on with water. The south coast will be hit the worst, but we already went to the store (twice, hehe), and now there's more stuff to do to prepare for "whatifs." LOL! Have a good one, sweetie!!! Great update BTW!!!
  18. Ok, so color me weird, but dayum do I toasted seaweed?! Hell. Dayum. Yes. I do!!! Do any of you have success eating it now that you're healed from surgery or is it nearly impossible to chew to smithereens so it doesn't bother your pouch/sleeve? kthanksbye, Curious in Houston
  19. @Half-Tum (btw gotta love that name ) (LOL at "the itis) I'm still pre-op hon, so don't want to mislead you into trying them!! But @heycrystal2052 Crystal's results/report are enough for me to keep them hangin' round! As if...hangin' around...indeed! *snort*
  20. Hi y'all and TIA! So, here's a question for you? I totally "get" the whole protein forward approach using dense protein to anchor satiety and weight loss once we're able to tolerate a "full" post WLS diet. But here's the question--do any of you eat a pleasing combination of dense protein + veggies to get your meals? OR does eating in the first year, especially, really look like: MOSTLY dense protein + a bite or two of cooked veg? I ask this not because I'm in denial about the way I will need to eat post surgery (after the healing), but rather to prepare myself and get my mental game ready for reality. I adore meat. But I adore veggies too and love having my mixed low carb meals: protein + veggies + healthy fats. So will you share what your meal composition looks like please? TIA!!!
  21. @heycrystal2052 Do you eat the whole package? I LOVE them with leafy Asian salads and am already planning on coming up with a salmon or tuna salad that will work with this post WLS! *drool*
  22. @heycrystal2052 What a relief you can eat them/digest them post WLS! I LOVE (am I yelling?) these tiny squares of delight!!! Define little serving, pls? LOL! I find them at HEB here and one pack costs $0.99. A serving is 5g and is 1/2 the pack. And OMG the teriyaki are the best!!! I also really like the spicy red pepper (not too hot).
  23. FluffyChix

    To eat daily, or not to eat...EGGS!

    @heycrystal2052 Please allow me to jack another one of your threads! *snort* TY! I don't know why I'm super nerv? The nurse called yesterday to ask me some questions about the fluid around my heart thing...the anesthesiologist wasn't "feelin' it" and needed reassuring. I found out there would be fentanyl involved since I'm allergic to benzos...is that ever a bad thing? ROFLMAO? Said no one EVER! I'm about to go get ready now. I have another appointment before the EGD to see the pysical medicine doc. Hopefully will see ya'll tonight!
  24. FluffyChix

    To eat daily, or not to eat...EGGS!

    @heycrystal2052 Good times!
  25. I know vets will have a better idea than I, so hopefully they will be by soon. In a low carb world where fat does not cause dumping, the simple answer is to add fat. It's not that much fat either...1 oz of avocado = 47cals/3g carbs/2g fiber; 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil=40cals/5g fat. The rule as you know in LC is that fat, of all the macronutrients, causes blood sugar to rise very little (about 10% of the consumed dietary fat acts on blood sugar is the number I've read--due to the glycerin backbone that metabolizes down into "sugar"). But with you eating a WFPB diet, you're now eating high-er carb. And we all know that carbs + fat = ^^insulin = fat storage. From what I've read, if you eat higher carb, 30% fat composition is not low enough to be cardio protective. The fat has to be almost around 10% diet comp which is crazy low!!! I would probably add extra plants/protein or maybe an extra serving of low glycemic fruit, or maybe some nuts that also have fiber or add avocado since it too has fiber, keeping fats as low as possible. And I would probably add the extra calories at 100-150cal increments until the scale stops. I'm betting with your running, it will take another 400-500 cals to stop your weight loss at this point.

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