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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    It's lose not loose (smh)

    Yeah (sarcasm). So in my original post, I clearly used the modifiers (preach-y and b***h-y, as adverbs to the verb "come on." I used judgmental as an action. They all answer the question "how" an action is occuring. Action = coming on = verb. Trust me. If I wanted to call you a name, I would not veil it in innuendo, nor imply, infer, or suggest. I would say straight up, "Girl! You are such a b***h!" So please do not attach meaning to my clearly written word. I don't "do" semantics. And I was addressing the tone and behavior to which you presented your pet peeve. See ya round.
  2. Hey sweetie, what is the SF coffee Mate? is it caffeinated? I'm such a panty waste, caff makes my heart go crazy. Isn't it supposed to be high in ECGC goodness? And lastly, where can I buy it? TY doll!
  3. FluffyChix

    It's lose not loose (smh)

    I actually commented that your behavior="you come on," was "preachy, bitchy, and judgemental." I did not call you a name. I can only go by your empirical data. You now have 59 posts and 39 likes and I don't see how long you've been a member here.
  4. Oh man, I so know the bone on bone pain! It makes me so sad you have to endure that too!!! ((hugs)) I truly believe that weight loss will help that pain...but it probably won't eliminate it. For me and my hips, the doc won't do hip replacements unless I'm under 170lbs. Not that I want them, but if it be my future... *big gulp*
  5. FluffyChix

    Plastics or no plastics ?

    Ha! Isn't it sad that boob droop isn't a good attribute to develop after weight loss? LOL. I said it yesterday...the world's an unfair place. Guys lose a few pounds and find 4inches of extra penis surprise. Women lose a few pounds and get hanging boobages and baggy saggy lady bits DT. *smacks head and sighs in discontent*
  6. FluffyChix

    It's lose not loose (smh)

    Yeah, so ordinarily I am opposed to "pack hunting" in forums, especially support forums. But in your case I made an exception. Your original post made me seethingly mad. I'm sure I'm using that adverb incorrectly and dangling a participle or something dire like that. I'm probably even ending a sentence on a preposition. Dear God! Oh, the humanity! Somebody better draw and quarter me forthwith! Damn, there I go again, ending a sentence on a preposition. Not only do you come on preachy, bitchy and judgemental, but you do it before any of us have had a chance to get to know you and your sparkling wit and repartee! You've only had 56 posts. Ye gods! And btw, as it's already been posted, I'm sure you mean "a lot," because ALOT got eaten. Didn't you read the meme?
  7. FluffyChix

    It's lose not loose (smh)

    I'm pretty sure you missed that I was being facetious, hon. That's ok. Cuz I woke up with happy feet and just have to dance! Everybody dance, everybody dance! Everybody cut footlose!!! Woot!
  8. Happy Birthday!!! I love what everyone has said. Great advice! You know, we're ready when we're ready. Each has a different time line. I have 23 years on you, and I can tell you that's it's fairly rare to carry the weight we do while still feeling good. It became impossible for me. I was out of breath just wiping my bum or taking a shower! I had to rest in my recliner for at least an hour before going on to my next task. I'm thrilled you have a positive body image. That will only help you even further as you take life's journey. But I truly don't believe it's possible to be happy, healthy and severely morbidly obese. At 318lbs and at my highest 325lbs, that is the category we fall into. To think anything less would be absurd. At 32 your knees already hurt and you are short of breath. Just wait another 23 years until you have spondylosis and arthritis in your hips and SI joints as well as in your neck and shoulders. There are new studies out that show better long term health benefits the earlier the intervention. But conversely, all the surgeries on our guts will not keep us from regaining if our head isn't ready and in the game. You honestly have to be "all-in" for surgery to work--in my opinion. It took me 2 years to get ready mentally and emotionally. During that time, I researched like cra-cra. Hope you find your certainty!!! ((hugs))
  9. FluffyChix

    It's lose not loose (smh)

    There They're Their Honee...
  10. @MissLindseyR Not meaning any disrespect, but how old are you right now?
  11. FluffyChix

    Gum and Beans

    Since Mr. F. is not a beany kinda fella, I no longer cook them for myself. For now, I can have a spoon or two at a time, but any more than that and my blood sugar spikes. So I'm waiting for surgery so I can enjoy them again. Here's my favorite black bean recipe! 1. Buy a can of black beans--any brand without added sugar. 2. Open can. 3. Pour contents into small saucepan. 4. Add 1 bayleaf, granulated garlic, dehydrated onion, cumin, ground coriander (optional), black pepper, kosher salt to taste. 5. Add a couple of spoons of salsa. I like the HEB Hatch Salsa-Hot (red or green) 6. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. 7. Add 1tbsp butter and let it melt. (It reduces the amount of "canned" taste.) 8. (Optional: Eat vegetarian or add 2oz of any kind of leftover meat. Pork of any kind, including sausage crumbles, rocks. Bacon--the bomb.) 9. Stir. Serve. It's a lot of steps. And I realize it sounds complicated, but you should totally give it a try!
  12. FluffyChix

    Sense of Smell

    @DropWt4Life I'm pretty sure that's the definition of Hell. Was there a fireplace and a big spiky couch by any chance?
  13. FluffyChix

    Very saggy lady bits and only half way there!

    @karen_marie What a super report girlie!!! I'm just so thrilled for you--after only 6 weeks! Can you believe it's been 6 weeks already?
  14. FluffyChix

    Very saggy lady bits and only half way there!

    bahahahaha! This is an encouraging report! And I've been wondering (yet oddly afraid to ask) what a FUPA was! Sadly, I'm in that club and it doesn't appear to be a fun one. *smacks head* How ya feelin these days hon?
  15. FluffyChix

    Do you have take out/Fast food?

    So as in a junior cheeseburger triple? Or as in 3/4lb of meat? You're piccys are amazing and inspirational btw!!!
  16. Oh I so agree! I didn't put 2 and 2 together until I eliminated them from my diet. Recently with the fall birthdays and holidays I've eaten a bite or 2 of stuff like that and realized that it really makes my joint/bone pain so much worse. You might try eliminating then testing them! Wine def makes me hurt more!
  17. Mindfulness Question: Do you put your fork down between bites? I am only managing to do this about 50% of the time. We now eat dinner at the table every nite. After almost 20 years, I FINALLY find out that Mr. Fluffy actually prefers to eat at the table! Go figure?! Each day presents a new opportunity for improvement! Monday Menu (11.27.17): Had PT today and as usual-I was a hungry hungry heffer afterward! I did manage to stave off temptation and cravings in return for a creamy and semi-decadent low carb version of a former high carb love. I used to love my mom's turkey tetrazzini she'd make with the TDay leftover turkey. So, instead, I used Lite Asiago Romano Alfredo by Classico and used shiritaki fettucini that I cut into long noodle lengths. I added a wad of fresh broccoli and super greens trio to make it "healthy" (um, and a busload of parmesan! B: psylli iced coffee (4floz PP vanilla, 16floz decaff, 5g whole psyllium husks, vanilla stevia liquid) MS: 28g hummus; 2oz baby carrots L: 1/2 pepperoni veggie Lite Flatout pizza (1/2 Lite FO skin, 1/4oz red onion, 1/4oz rbp, 1oz mushrooms, 1oz BH pepperoni, 1oz part skim mozz, .8oz BH Munster, 1tbsp grated parm, 1/4c CM Marinara, red pepper flakes); salad (1oz baby spin, 1/4oz rbp, 1/4oz red onion, WF Italian) AS: 1 mozz string cheese; 14g toasted almonds; 2oz GS apple; psylli tea D: LO turkey tetrazzini (3oz turkey breast, 1pck shirataki fettuccine, 120g Classico Lite Asiago Romano Alfredo, 5oz steamed broccoli, 1oz super greens trio, 1oz mushrooms, 1clove garlic, 1/4c grated parm); 1/8c LO WaWa's dressing BS: 1oz frozen blackberries; 14g toasted almonds; 8g Lily's SF dark choco chips Daily Totals: 1412 cals; 69g prot; 80g fat; 91g carbs; 36g fiber; 55g net carbs
  18. Can't wait!!! I'm sooo excited for you. Can you believe it's really happening right now? Today??
  19. FluffyChix

    Hard food day yesterday

    *sigh* Yeah, real hunger on top of head hunger is a huge b***h!!!! ((hugs)) and hang in there. It sounds like you're doing everything the doc wants!! Just don't give in or give up. Keep working the plan and take those baby steps. They will add up over the course of time and will equal success. Success is about small steps taken with great regularity. They don't feel like much at the time, but when you review, you will see how far you've traveled!
  20. FluffyChix

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    bahahahahaha! *takes bow with gratitude* (I'm a 55 old fart. ROFLMAO. I have to ask for translations all the time. Around here we call it, "Askin' what the captain REALLY means!) That meme is hillarious!
  21. I'm still pre-surg. I've been doing the pre-surg diet since May and hope to have surgery in February or early March. I'm 55 and post meno by total hyst. I just found out I'm hypothyroid and started with Synthroid as well as B1 (low in it). It's made a lot of difference for energy. Also, when I eat processed sausage like pepperoni, or eat beef, or lots of cheese, my joints hurt SO badly! I'm 6+ year hormone positive breast cancer survivor so am on Femara. The Femara is an androgen blocker--a biologic hormone therapy for BC recurrence. So losing is impossibly difficult. I also have had PCOS since I was a kid. I can totally relate to your struggles!!! Hang in there. The only way I survive is to focus on low fat protein (adequate, not high protein), and lots of low carb veggies. I've also added back 2 small servings of low carb fruit and 1oz of nuts each day. I don't do well with carby stuff like grains and starches.
  22. FluffyChix

    Very saggy lady bits and only half way there!

    Ok, I'ma just say it. Sometimes, the world is just so unfair! LOL. Like you know, guys get better looking as they age, and mostly we do not--or at least that's what we're conditioned to believe. And now this!!! LOL. Girls lose a crapton of weight and we get saggy, baggy elephant parts DT. Guys lose a crapton of weight and their penises grow by 6 inches! *sigh*
  23. FluffyChix

    Do you have take out/Fast food?

    I'm so happy for you!!!! So true story. Yesterday I was driving back from PT. And I'm hugely proud of myself for going 3 times per week. You have to know, I'm doing BABBBBYYY exercises and am seriously de-conditioned and have fluid around my heart. But you know, at least I'm doing it for 1 solid hour. And I embarrassingly break a sweat while doing these tiny exercises. Afterwards, I'm always starving. Like Starvin' Marvin status. And I'm driving home and pass a Whataburger. And for some reason I think of My 600lb Life show and how they seem to love showing the people go through a drive thru and secretly eat in the car before coming home to make dinner. And I just got this huge rush of pride that I don't do those things. No judgements. But for some reason, I guess cuz Mr. F. knows everything about me, I've never hidden my huge appetite from him. So I don't sneak eat. But I got home, grabbed a healthy snack before heading out the door with Mr. F. to go to Lowe's to go buy a wooden board to make a Christmas tree stand. Now don't get me wrong...after Lowe's I BEGGED and PLEADED to stop for Whataburger Chix Strips. But Mr. F. has already received the memo not to feed the Gremlins when they're hungry and beggin...LOL. When I was driving from PT to home it was just a surreal feeling of being another person...like, small baby changes...
  24. FluffyChix

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    I so agree with @BigViffer. They were sayin' you were "smokin' hot" and that you were even "bill worthy." But, yeah, pigs and immature... But, if I ever get that response from someone, it will make my freakin' week. Just sayin'. I've never been a smokin' hottie in my life and would like to know what that feels like some day...you know. Bucket lists and all... Congrats on your success hon.

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