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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Oh no! My hair is falling out!

    OMG. I haven't even had the damn surgery yet, and I have a full brush every week that has to be emptied and cleaned! I swear I'm gonna be bald as a billiard. Skinny and bald...what a way to go through life huh? All magic has a price!
  2. First thing I'd do is switch from splenda. It's cut with maltodextrin (aka sugar) and has those 2g of carbs. I'd switch to a different coffee that doesn't have carbs. Cuz that's cray cray. Mine has zero just for the brewed coffee. I use liquid stevia (Vitacost brand in the eyedropper bottle), liquid sweet n' low (store brand), Swerve or Truvia (both have zero net carbs). Also, Half n' Half and Cream do have carbs in them, but MFP doesn't observe them. They do add up. My feeling is, if you're drinking your coffee any way but black, then you might as well throw some protein in there too and use Premier Protein drinks as the creamer, cuz then you at least get protein along with the little bits of carbs in the PP drink...it's about the same carbs as from cream or HnH. I'd also switch your preferences in MFP so the carbs and fiber "live" next to each other. It's easier to calculate. Next, I'd do the protein so the first 3 things you track are carbs, fiber, protein. It makes taking net carbs easier. I net which means I subtract my fiber from the total carbs. When I'm not following my crazy rules from the RD/surgeon, I kinda look at splitting my day this way to get about 30g net carbs. Mine naturally will fluctuate between 20-30g net carbs when I'm doing hardcore low carb: Breakfast 5-6g net carbs MS (optional) 1-2g net Carbs Lunch 10-12g net carbs AS (optional) 1-2g net Carbs Dinner 10-12g net carbs BS (optional) 1g net Carbs If I do snacks, then I subtract out 1-2g of carbs from a meal and use them for snacks. That's cuz boiled eggs, cheese, lunch meats, 1/2oz nuts all have slight amounts of carbs: 1-2g per snack size portion. Looks good so far!
  3. FluffyChix

    November RNY updates

    @smv328 Sorry you're still on diabetes meds! ((hugs)) Would you mind sharing your pre-surgery blood sugars and post-surgery blood sugars? Are your diabetes meds reduced? How long have you had diabetes before the WLS? TIA sweetie!! Congrats to everyone! You're doing great!
  4. FluffyChix

    leggings that make you laugh.

    bahahahaha! Hilarious! Have already shared!
  5. FluffyChix

    Dear Santa...

    *snort* (a sober snort...not an Otis snort)...
  6. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    Go pee on em. Seriously. What? Like you've never done that before! Good girl ladybug!
  7. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    @PaulaUSN Come on baby. Pay the fuc*in' piper and get on the scale tomorrow morning. You got this. A temporary pity party/train derailment is nothing us pros from Dover can't handle. Right? Am I right? You can DOOOO this Paula! Let's do it together...and bread is evil. LOL. The little bastage! ((hugs))
  8. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    @Luisajfc What a great report!!! So glad you're feeling better!!! Yay for eggs!!! (hugs)) @PaulaUSN Put the cookie down and climb up here next to me, sweetie!!! It's not gonna do you any good and can't put it's arms around you!!! ((hugs)) Hope you hear back fromt he doc soon!!!
  9. FluffyChix

    Overate ate at 7 days!

    @YummyMummy303 I really was trying to frame a perspective and not trying to be shitty. For instance, I'm 55 years old. I grew up in an era when it was ok to spank. As an example, if I was a 2 year that grabbed my mom's scissors and started running through the house with them in my chubby little paws, my mama woulda tore after me hell for leather screeching at me at the top of her lungs to "stop this instant!" When or if she got to me, she swoop in and tear the scissors from my hand, and land a swat or two on my fanny just to make sure she got my attention. Then she would tell me, "Bad! Bad!!! Bad! You do NOT get to run with scissors!" At which point I would start bawling and be extra defiant and in a high dudgeon that Mommy yelled at me and tore that which I wanted from my grip! But, it didn't mean that Mommy didn't care. She reacted as she did BECAUSE she cared and because she was very fearful for my safety. And she wanted to be especially sure that I learned the lesson the first time, because of how dangerous it is to run with scissors! To that point, when I was 20-something I called Mom up cuz I hadn't heard from her and said guess what? I told her I was bored and had just run through my house with scissors and was planning on eating a couple of cookies before dinner...we both laughed at my absurdity. So I think there are some posts/threads that are so scary that those of us predisposed to scream first and ask questions later, get our adrenaline pumping and respond with that in mind. I don't think people are saying, "Jane, you ignorant ****..." But I do think they are saying, "Warning! Will Robinson! Danger!!!! DANGERRRRRR!!!!!" I just found myself responding to that level of alarm on another post about someone quitting psych meds and not taking them all of a sudden after surgery...it scared the crap outta me for them! So I responded sharply. I posted my silly icon, not to be mean or rude, or judgemental...I was trying to throw in a little clownish diversion to be silly...sorry. I think in general, generations who came after mine, are not used to spankings or pops. They are used to parental reasoning, bargaining, and time outs...and they are used to participation trophies and self-esteem boosting talks... I miss the old days. I'm old. Crotchety. And value the lesson of a good pop now or then... Hope you heal well. Edited: Sorry to hear about your friend. I missed that part. And clearly, it wouldn't matter about them at all, if you ruptured a suture and bled out in 4 minutes after eating your slice of pizza. There were no extenuating circumstances that Mom woulda listened to about why I needed to run with scissors.
  10. FluffyChix

    Overate ate at 7 days!

    @YummyMummy303 Would you mind telling us your age please? I want to reply to this thread and it would help to understand to whom am I speaking? TIA!
  11. So this is VERY serious! Start taking them again asap. Only quit them when you're working with your psych! Dayum!!! Quitting cold turkey can send you into a reactive phase that will literally double you over with bone/muscle pain. It makes all your neurotransmitters get proverbially locked up! In general, it takes almost as long to taper off meds as you've been taking them -- kinda...such as for every month you were taking them, it takes 1 week to 1 month to step down the dose depending on the individual. It's too late now, but honestly this stuff should have been reconciled pre-surg!!!! It's part of why we have so many hoops to jump through and so many doc appts! Your meds in general should only be crushed if they aren't enteric coated or time release. Psych meds need to be switched to non-time release. Think Effexor is one that can easily be changed. In addition to this, what @dreamingsmall said!! Truly magical thinking to think otherwise. ((hugs)) and get some meds into your system asap. Make an appointment with your psych asap and formulate a plan!
  12. FluffyChix

    Coffee question

    The RD said I will get decaf black coffee on my first tray! I've been practicing and highly endorse @JerseyJules suggestion of protein drink as coffee creamer! LURVE it! Also love @Diana_in_Philly frappuccino recipe!
  13. FluffyChix

    Need some help with stats, please?

    Welcome! Ok, so this should be funny, the technologically challenged leading the tc! Under your name (top right) left click and see the drop down menu? There's a "My Ticker" button. Click and go to it. Set one up. It's fairly easy to walk through the 3 steps. I go there every time my weight changes and it changes everything globally. I pick tickers for the season to be festive! Ole! You can also go to the next button My Surgery, and fill in the blanks to let us know your status. Change it as you update to keep everyone sitting on the edge of their seats! Under the Account Settings button you can change or add to your signature blurb. Many of us update that to show our milestones, weight loss record, etc. Use it at will! Hope that helps! Now post like a ho and entertain us!
  14. FluffyChix

    Overate ate at 7 days!

    bahahahahaha! Just spewed at that one! (OT: have you ever tried the Utz brand pork skins tossed with a little olive oil (or sprayed with it), then seasoned to your taste...we heart granulated garlic, paprika, cayenne, etc, and baked for about 10 minutes until crispy. They are the same size as popcorn and taste awesome! In fact, I need some for this thread right now!
  15. FluffyChix

    Plastics or no plastics ?

    bahahahahaaha! Nice! I will settle for Mr. Fluffy not needing to don a sleep mask when I unleash the thighs of death. So in your running shorts piccy, you don't see any wiggle in the jiggle? Where's the chicken skin girl? I know you're younger and healthier than me, but to know you can go from saggy baggy elephant to tight-er legs maybe makes me want to let my heart go on--for at least one more day.
  16. FluffyChix

    Just came home from surgery

    Dang dude! Sorry for your troubles! But, I think posting--as in hyper posting--on all subjects, especially the Lounge will help you feel better quickly! Have I told you lately I admire your name? Every time I see it, I smile and kinda a snort a little.
  17. FluffyChix


    @Sullie06 Why no "pork" bacon specifically? I have to run and check, but I think I have a no beef rule for the first 3 months? Can't remember since it's so far into the future? Thanks! Inquiring minds... And as far as turkey bacon goes...what part of the turkey does the turkey bacon come from? *scratches head and looks mystified and a little bit horrified*
  18. FluffyChix

    Dear Santa...

    @Introversion Ha! From your lips to Santa's ears! It's just as likely, given the amount of adult language cussing in the above post, he might just bring me a one way ticket to "banned camp."
  19. FluffyChix

    November RNY updates

    Holy crap you superlosers!!!! That's an amazing job you're doing there!!!!! Super congrats to you both!! So happy for you and excited to hear updates. Thanks for starting this thread. I hope all you losers check in and inspire us today!
  20. FluffyChix

    Air fryer!!!

    Ok y'all...is it REALLY like fried food? I've been on the fence...I want one of these and an instant pot, but dayum...I've got small appliances coming out of my ass! Literally! Out. OF. MY. ASS!!! Am I yelling? But at night, these 2 little cooks' helpers whisper my name and croon to me to buy them and make them mine... Is the air fryer TRULY worth it? Or will I feel used and abused by morning?
  21. FluffyChix

    Plastics or no plastics ?

    @jenn1 Hey girl, one question please? Did you every have baggy saggy thighs before you started your workouts and running? Dear God, I would feel Christmas came early for me if I ended up with legs like yours! *no pervynous here btw*
  22. Wah. So being a sausage ho isn't a good thing? Funny, I felt proud!

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