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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Lapband - Moving on to solids

    Hey hon, quick question please? I love this kind of protein smoothie. I'm having one for breakfast right now! So I don't do hemp or flax cuz of the phytoestrogens in them and hormone positive BC...but I do love chia seeds. How do you mix them into your smoothie and how long did you wait before you added them into your smoothie after surgery? Do the seeds give you any kind of problem? (I hate milling/grinding chia seeds and love the kinda agua fresca/bubble tea texture they add to things...) Thanks!
  2. FluffyChix

    Surgery early tomorrow...

    bahahahaa! This tickled me: "the words water, protein, and vitamins are floating around..." You're gonna do swimmingly! Can't wait for a report.
  3. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    Hope you get it cleared up @Linz13!! So excited for you!
  4. FluffyChix

    Snow, snow and more snow

    Stay safe!!! Better snow than poo. Right? My mom used to say an optimist could be a room with a shovel and pile of poo and be happy all day cuz with all that poo, there had to be a pony in there somewhere right? ha!
  5. FluffyChix


    You guys are all so McSchmarty! Thanks for helpin us out!
  6. FluffyChix

    How much exercise?

    @BigViffer Thanks for the inspiration and the hope, bud! I guess for now, I'll keep walking my 20 minutes as fast as my little legs will allow!
  7. FluffyChix


    @JohnnyCakes Thank you!
  8. FluffyChix


    So which doc are we supposed to work with to get off our BP meds after the surgery? Is it the surgeon or our prescribing doc, which is my PCP/internist? James, did you do this on your own or did your doc tell you how to taper off? @shedo82773Me too. I'm on 3 and my BP still stays up over 140/80 each day. So I'm trying to be patient and get rid of the stress. But dang! It's hard isn't it? ((hugs))
  9. FluffyChix

    Anyone gluten free??

    Wishin you girls the best!!! I think this is a unique opportunity to do a kind of elimination diet! Then add things back that are very pure and very slowly and keep your food journal of specific events after eating. I did this and have been keeping a spread sheet. I'm still pre-op, but did a "play acting" post wls diet complete with only protein drinks when I first started the march to WLS in May. I have found SOOO many useful notes on food additions! Good times!
  10. FluffyChix

    How much exercise?

    @BigViffer Dayum shazam! (Where's the "I'm not worthy" emoji when you really need it?) How do you do it? Does your heart feel like it's beating out of your chest at that level?
  11. @Creekimp13 You're rockin it girlie!!! Congrats! Your menu sounds delish! I bet you were sooo lookin forward to the full liquids/runny purees huh?
  12. Hahaha! I'm glad your's actually answered the question! Cudos girlie! Mine was butt-askeered to even discuss it. That was my burning question for her last week and we spent 30 minutes dancing around the question. She then got me to compromise that for the first 8 weeks, I wouldn't be concerned with calories/carbs/daily intake of anything other than protein goals and water goals. She said in return, after that, we'd sit back down and hash out a plan for my 3mo/6mo/9mo/12mo progression. I do know she already falls into the same camp as your RD. I just think she was choosing her battles with me.
  13. FluffyChix

    Needing advice about eating

    ((hugs)) Are you getting your liquids in? Please be sure you're at least well-hydrated, otherwise, I'd be tempted to go to the ER and let them call the doc. But please do what the others suggest and call the doc? Stay safe, hon!
  14. FluffyChix

    RNY in TWO DAYS!!!!

    I can't speak for whether or not it's ok. ((hugs)) Just wanted to say good luck and you're in my prayers!!
  15. FluffyChix


    Thanks sweetie! @Sullie06 @GassyGurl hehe For some reason "textured meats" made me giggle.
  16. FluffyChix

    November RNY updates

    Good Gawd! You guys are bustin' a move!!!!! Congrats ya big losers!
  17. FluffyChix

    Why no meat????

    I still have my 2 weeks of liquid diet hell to look forward to! It's ALL over the place with the docs pre-op plans! I know they have their reasons and logic. My RD explained that they're strict because if you give a patient an inch, they'll take a mile. For instance, if they say, "OK, you can have 1oz of berries in your dinner smoothie." Pretty soon, we'll be adding chocolate syrup, peanut butter, 3oz of frozen banana, 1 cup of berries and 1/2 an apple. Then they'll get to the surgery and the liver will be swollen and inflamed and blammo! Cancelled surgery. This way, they have a little more control over the outcome (plus they identify people who are gonna wash out and ring the bell BEFORE they have a chance to moiderize themselves with turkey and dressing 3 days after surgery. It amuses me to think of it as my surgeon's personal welcome to me, "Welcome to hell WLS noob, your ass belongs to me for the next year...beginning in the these next 2 weeks." *surgeon laughs a little maniacally* The End.
  18. @BigViffer Gosh I wish our realities were the same!! I think for some of us poor schmucks we have to seriously monitor our carbs. I'd love to be able to eat whole grains, beans/legumes, etc. I seriously jones for them and miss them. You're menu looks pretty drool-worthy to me. I also agree that not everyone has to be a carb miser. I agree with everything you're saying for many people--especially you guys/gals who've normalized your insulin and blood sugars post surgery. Sadly though, since I'm a post-meno PCOSer with a very high HOMA-IR and high fasting insulin, I'd be at a diabetic level A1c eating 175g of carbs a day--especially since I'm unable to lift heavy and do resistance training (yet). I went from averaging 20-40g net carbs and an A1c of 5.3 to eating an average of 40-60g of net carbs (RD and doc want me doing that for now) and my damn A1c went up to 5.7 and my HOMA-IR is well over 3. Sucks to be me...
  19. FluffyChix

    leggings that make you laugh.

    hahahaha! I seriously want the button ones! Now I'm super jelly of @proudgrammy cuz she'll be wearin her's soon!
  20. And I'd go commando to make peein easier and to not have any constriction at your groin - don't cross legs. Spend time in the back seat with your legs up and take pillows and Blankley. Yes, walk often! The risk of thrombosis (blood clots) is still very real at 2weeks. I'd personally be very leery of a 9hour trip at 2weeks out...
  21. FluffyChix

    Oh no! My hair is falling out!

    You're right of course. *sigh* Skinny, cute, bald--pick any 2.
  22. FluffyChix

    I don't want to eat.

    @Sosewsue61 ((hugs)) I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet, so take my advice with a large grain of salt! So first off...congrats on your losses!!!! Outstanding sweetie!!! I think you're one of the lucky ones who have real appetite suppression. Embrace it! It's a gift and will go away in time (or so "they" say--you know who you are). And you will appreciate the days when you weren't hungry once it comes back and you're struggling with weight regain. You are also in deep ketosis just looking at your menu, so that adds to extreme food antipathy and drop in appetite. Because you are eating so little, and so little red meats, your cholesterol consumption from your diet is VERY low. That means your body isn't crankin out many sex hormones and since you're post meno with not that much to lose, you may not have had a crap tone of stores in your fat to give you a boost in sex drive. You're tired cuz your aren't eating a whole hella lot. But you may already have nutritional/thyroid issues at play even at this early date. So call your doc and get an appointment and tell them about your fatigue... ((hugs)) Hope you get it figured out soon! Are you able to eat meat yet? I'd sure as shootin, add rare beef to the menu or liver or chicken livers or something about 1x per week?
  23. Pretty girl! You look fantastic! I can really tell!!! Congrats hon!

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