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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Oh wow! LOL. Maybe they either teach that or she heard it from him? Good times!
  2. My surgeon actually said the same thing in our first seminar. She calls it the 1 Golden Shot Surgery. She's a Baylor top doc in Texas.
  3. Wow. I don't think that is normal. I think it sounds like you're dehydrated and a mouth breather/snorer. If it were me, I'd make sure I was getting my fluids in--minimum of 64oz a day, but hopefully more! I'd make sure to drink before bedtime to hydrate as well. I'd tend to elevate the head of my bed (but I sleep in a recliner anyway)...
  4. FluffyChix

    Gastric Bypass Day 2

    Congrats on your surgery. Do you have a list of post op diet instructions? Did you have surgery here in the US? If so, call your surgeon's office and get them to send you the diet instructions. Most of us get them from either our surgeon or our RD during the 3-6 months leading up to surgery. Every doc has a different plan.
  5. Congrats on pulling the trigger!!!! You won't regret this! You did the right thing.
  6. FluffyChix

    Two days post op

    Dang saying prayers sweetie! Glad you're passin gas!! Toot! Toot!!!!
  7. FluffyChix

    Stalled and stuck

    Wow! Sorry you're struggling! I recall reading about some of the post-opers who are severely dehydrated. 1. They get nauseated and vomit regularly. 2. I just heard Dr. Alvarez's podcast where he said if you're dehydrated, then your sleeve dries out and get's "sticky" and food sticks, you feel bad, eat less...etc. I too am concerned for you. But I also know from when I worked in a hospital that the rule of thumbs is every time you vomit, you need to replace 4oz per hour of fluids to offset the loss of fluids in the vomitus. It kinda sounds to me like you're super duper dehydrated and need to fix this problem first. If it were me, I'd literally take off 2-3 days from work and do nothing but sip, sip, sip. I'd go back to liquids (maybe even clear liquids/clear proteins) until my fluids were routinely 64oz (at this point...cuz you know, you're a month out and should be at 60+oz per day. I believe that if you get hydrated, maybe some of the nausea can resolve. Maybe you're not constipated--if you're not eating? Hydration helps constipation. Maybe I'd try some MOM, but mainly I'd do hydration and broth/bouillon and clear proteins. Hope you feel better soon! Oh and I'd call your doc!!!
  8. FluffyChix

    Silly Anesthesia Question

    Oh good times! So my guys know me. They know I'm chicken and love having a good time. So they give me fentanyl, because I'm allergic to benzodiazipines, to start trippin. Then we talk and listen to Pink Floyd "Comfortably Numb" as they are getting me settled on the OR table. They know better than to put a mask over my face until I'm totally whacked. Mostly a lot of laughing and joking, then nothing. Zonk. I wake up in recovery sitting up cracking jokes. I'm a happy, cheap drunk. I would probably spill the secrets of the Western world if asked, but I don't think those guys have time. They want to put me under without a freak show and get me safely through to the other side without issue. You'll do just fine!
  9. FluffyChix

    Down 62 lbs

    bahahahaha! kserrynotserry. *snort*
  10. FluffyChix

    Down 62 lbs

    Congrats on the 62lbs hon. That's massive! I think we all "know" what else weighs 62lbs... bahahahaha! So did you take pre-surgery piccys? I'd bust out the photos and look. I know you will be able to tell in the piccys. But it does take a while for our mind to catch up with our new bodies!!! ((hugs)) Hang in there and keep on truckin'. You'll see it soon!
  11. FluffyChix


    Hey Johnny, is the canned a significant factor or just convenient? Inquiring minds and all... You know, I never miss talking about having a satisfyin' poop! TIA!
  12. FluffyChix

    Alex and Company - Missing Forums

    Bahahahahahaha! ROFLMAO! Not that there's anything wrong with that! (Seinfeld) Hermie and Rudolph rocked and Cornelius was smokin' too!
  13. FluffyChix

    Alex and Company - Missing Forums

    Oh man! I Rudolph. I just saw that last week. Damn, that Santa was a bastage wasn't he? I was surprised at how non-PC Santa was in the good old days! I'm pretty sure Santa didn't give away participation trophies during the Reindeer Games, did he? I wanna be a dentist!
  14. FluffyChix

    Alex and Company - Missing Forums

    Maybe we were thrown off the island and nobody informed us?
  15. Dayum. That pretty much sucks but it also sounds like you're really cognizant of the pitfalls. ((hugs)) It's very stressful and you know, cortisol is the enemy of fat loss. I hear ya about the maxing the honeymoon period. I'm terrified of squandering that time! Or what if I'm one of the people for whom WLS isn't that successful (meaning I lack even 1 copy of that WLS gene). Terrifying. I do know WL is never linear. And if you look, some people's 4th month is only single digit small numbers--so maybe it's a "thing." If it were me, I'd hightail it back to my nutritionist and surgeon with all my food print outs/logs/spreadsheets and demand they make sense of it and give me a plan and targets lol. I would also break-up with the Doritos, wheat thins, et al until some unspecified later date in history. Even though you are eating 30g of carbs per day, there is a WORLD of difference in where those grams come from. And if they are hitting your blood stream fast enough, they're causing an insulin shift that may just be big enough that it's causing a metabolic log jam. I'm the last to say someone has to be perfect, or follow my rules. My rules only work for me. They've been years in the making. You know? LOTS of trial and even more error. LOL. And I am still a fatass beast! LOL. If it were me, at least for the honeymoon period, I'd follow my RD and doc's plan to the exact letter of the law. And be able to have them adjust if it wasn't working. I do not plan on deviating when I'm blessed enough to finally be allowed the surgery. For me it's like being scared straight. You know? Sorry you are struggling!
  16. FluffyChix

    Should I tell him?

    I think I your hubs! He's a lucky dude honey!!!
  17. Well...so I'm told by my surgeon. She calls it the "one golden shot" surgery. But, you also know about the dreaded 3 week stall, right? It can hit anywhere from 2-8 weeks out so I hear? Hang loose, and work your plan like your working your favorite corner on a Saturday night on the strip!
  18. FluffyChix

    2 days post op

    hehe. She's such an attention *****...
  19. FluffyChix

    2 days post op

    LOL you throw enough anesthesia (fentanyl) and pain meds my way and I'll not only have a "little blurry vision" but I'll see double and have full-blown "visions" of unicorns, rainbows, and giant lollipops! Giant lollipops...mmmmmmmm......
  20. FluffyChix

    Should I tell him?

    Awww! ((hugs)) So you gotta go with your gut, but danged if I wouldn't get to know him face to face for a few times before revealing everything...Build up a track record.
  21. FluffyChix

    Dear Santa...

    Dear Santa, I can only hope you received my heart-felt letter. Christmas Eve is coming soon, tell me dear old man...Whisper what you'll bring to me...tell me if you can? Waiting breathlessly for my unicorn and rainbow emojis! Love, Sleepless in H-town
  22. FluffyChix

    Should I tell him?

    Don't tell until you see him face to face for awhile. Seriously...and don't give "it" away, on the first meeting. Make him wait and work for it honey! Then once you're sure of his "need to know" status, you can tell him. You will know when you meet him in person...if he turns out to be a schmuck, why waste your angst?
  23. You also need to know what the med was, how much they gave you, what happened. Cuz any future operation will ask if you've ever had probs with anesthesia. They will need specifics to make sure it doesn't happen to you again! You also need to be very honest with them about your history of drug and alcohol consumption, cuz it all plays into how much anesthesia or pain meds they have to give you to have you receive the effect. So sorry you had this scary time!!!! ((hugs))
  24. FluffyChix

    4 month checkup

    Outstanding hon!!! And in only 4 months! Heeeeeuuuuuuggggggeeeee inspiration!!! Congrats on your hard work and dedication.

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