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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Hospital discharge today!

    Wooohoooo! Congrats and so happy you're doing so great!!! Can't wait to follow your journey and glad the pain is already better!
  2. I just read about someone on here who had one...but maybe they actually had a bypass to DS? Someone had huge complications and lost too much weight. I assumed they went back in and reversed the bypass, then did the partial gastrectomy? But I've no idea how or if that can actually happen?
  3. Hey surgery buddy! I'm probably on the same timeline as you! I'm eating my surgeon/RD specified diet. Losing the specified amount of weight. Doing PT to re-build my strength and help my balance issues. Walking daily. Researching the hell outta dis. Annoying everyone on Bariatric Pals by over-posting and posting as if I know something about anything when I haven't even had surgery yet. I've bought protein, tested it, and stocked up. Tested and purchased my vitamins. Made bone broth and stewps. Cooked meats and put them away. Bought the cutest little silicone freezer trays that have lids so I can easily freeze 1/2cup of food at a time. Have darling little glass food storage containers at the ready. And there might have been some shenanigans involving wine and homemade olive oil/truffle popcorn while watching Christmas Vacation on Saturday night...but it's all foggy to me...
  4. FluffyChix

    My weight loss journey

    That's 12.75lbs/month on average. That's outstanding! Don't watch My 600lb Life any more. In my opinion it gives a totally unrealistic picture of the realities of life after weight loss surgery. Most of us will not lose 20/25lbs or even 30-50lbs per month. (Some of us lucky bastages will...and I will hate them for it. )
  5. FluffyChix

    What do I focus on?

    If you picked protein powders that are less than 4g of sugar per serving, and you're not consuming liquids with calories (sugars) in them, don't fight that battle yet. Take your vitamins, drink your water/fluids, drink your protein drinks. My program allows thinned down yogurt from the start. Don't use yogurt that has crap in it or use that low carb one (hate the texture of it). I just use my HEB Greek yogurt and thin it down with Fairlife zero fat milk.
  6. Rock steady. Don't lose any more. Don't gain any more. Mine just kept saying don't fall below the 35BMI deck. I gained 4lbs at the last visit. Nobody spanked me. She just said, don't gain again. LOL. Cuz you know...I have a hairtrigger control on my abilities to lose/gain. LOL.
  7. FluffyChix

    7 months post RNY. Looking for someone to relate.

    LOL. You look fantastic! What do you want to relate to? It's a broad subject...
  8. FluffyChix

    Is eating breakfast important?

    You know, what's very interesting...when I used to do alternate day fasting with calorie reduction, my experience was that it got easier the longer you did ADF. Also, for me, it was easier to go all day in a fast from the previous night's dinner, until the current day's dinner, then have a lovely 400-500 calorie dinner and to know the fast was completed. It's was a super easy lifestyle to maintain. Very, very little hunger. But when I got off of it for one of my reconstruction surgeries/recoveries, I just found that I couldn't make myself go back to eating that way. Not because it was hard. It was more that my "give a fuc*k" about losing weight broke for some reason...
  9. FluffyChix


    Samp, you the champ, man!!! Go knock it out of the park and come back and reveal all!! Saying prayers hon!
  10. I thought Anastasia was dead in the Romanoff massacre? hehe sorry, couldn't resist--I'm a punny sorta whackadoodle. @Brandi. Gosh I am so sad to hear of your continued struggles! ((hugs)) Are they gonna get you a CPap to use? Take it one hour at a time and have patience that each day will get better honey!!
  11. @BusyMom945 Wow! That would drive me batshit crazy in about 2.2 seconds! It's a short trip and I have a high performance crazy meter. I'm a planner/"practicer". I was the kid who actually LIKED repetitive piano practice. I used to transcribe my notes 3 times in college just so I could memorize minutia I'd never need. LOL. Compulsive much? Congrats on working your plan and staying in the moment! @Barbzilla Yes, I'm seeing that all of our plans are so different! And agree, Google is our friend or maybe they're our frenemy...I haven't quite got a definitive on that one yet. But I absolutely 200% (if that's possible) agree that having everyone jump in with their realities is super important to me and to my survival and well being! I soooo do not want for anyone's take away on this topic to be that I think people are uneducated people or that they shouldn't ask their questions here! Cuz God knows, I can read something and study it for weeks and months, and I still need to ask people questions about the material--if for nothing else, clarification and affirmation. Everyone is so super about that on this board!!!
  12. Hi y'all, I have missing forums on my Mozilla. It started after the updates. I can no longer see the VSG or Bypass Forums from the main Forum drop down menu...any thoughts? Did they move? TIA!
  13. FluffyChix

    Alex and Company - Missing Forums

    @Alex Brecher Thanks so much! I'd love to like all your posts (maybe eleventy billion times), cuz I'm a huge fan for all you do for us! But, for some reason, it says I'm not allowed to give you "creds."
  14. FluffyChix

    60+ years in age

    Can you guys shed light on why it's so hard to get water in each day? I don't think I fully understand the issue--being pre-surg and all. My RD says I can drink water/clear liquids up to until about 15 minutes before eating--then 30-45 minutes after a meal. Is it that chugging isn't possible any longer? And we just forget? Or is it that it's physically uncomfortable to drink water? Thanks!
  15. True! LOL! I think in some ways, because I've been studying nutrition for years as a lay person, so much of what I've learned in my RD appointments is "old news." But important news nonetheless! So it makes it important to step outside of my own reference frame to understand a problem, fully. Thanks for sharing your experience!
  16. FluffyChix

    What can possibly go wrong?

    Wow! I'm so sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles! I am so sure as others have mentioned, that you've ruled out a stricture right? I'm guessing it's all the scar tissue from your 2 surgeries. Have you honestly tried to get all your water in lately and see if that helps your ability to eat? I ask, because Dr. Alvarez's podcast discussed what happens to the sleeve when we're dehydrated. He said, you are much more limited in volume, that food sticks and makes you full much quicker. Maybe a lot of the issue is chronic dehydration? It sure doesn't cost anything to test that out, right? Hydrate like crazy for a couple of weeks. Go back to sip, sip, sipping all day--set the timer. Go back to drinking protein drinks. Also, my RD said she has patients who routinely drink a protein drink in the morning--years out. She said some pouches/sleeves are finicky in the morning and this makes it easy to meet protein goals each day. Plus Premier Protein as a coffee creamer just plain rocks the casbah! Then, that would free you up to get your other protein and lots of veggies in during the remaining day? It would sure take some stress off knowing you have 25-30g of protein in by morning, right? ((hugs)) and so glad your kids have you around!!!
  17. FluffyChix

    Embarrassing BM changes (TMI)

    Yes! For god's sake, mercy flushes at work! Please!!!! bahahahahaha!
  18. FluffyChix

    Hard time with Protein Shakes

    @jess9395 I add whole psyllium husks (pre-surg) to my smoothies. It makes them more filling and satisfying and um, you know...YOU KNOW! mkay? I was surprised to find that it's actually a soluble fiber, so it helps with getting rid of bad cholesterol. I thought it was insoluble...
  19. Shazzzaaaammm! What an amazing transformation! Congrats girlie!
  20. Good Gawd! This terrifies me! I'm so sorry you were left out in the wind!!! Knowing what I go through with my doc, it's just so easy to assume that this must be the way it's done. I've now seen my surgeon for 5 visits. I will have a 6th visit January 4, and then have my RD appointment right after that. @jess9395 That's amazing and also terrifying! You guys bring a new perspective about this journey!
  21. Hey Kathy, I can't reply to your thread cuz it's on the Veterans Forum and I don't have permission--since I'm not a vet. But I wanted to tell you what an inspiration you are to me and how much I appreciate all of your dedication to BP! I love your tips, tricks, and wisdom and look forward to being able to really "work" 'em after surgery! Congrats on 6 years of excellence! Please stick around forevs! Your humor makes me LOL!
  22. I had to lose 5% which I did in the first 6 weeks. Now I'm kinda on a sorta maintenance calorie/carb plan from the doc and RD. I'm still losing 2-3lbs per month and I'm only a couple of pounds away now from 10% loss during the program time. I would say, follow your surgeon/RD plan to the letter and do everything possible not to cheat. You will only cheat yourself. This time is the time to begin learning new behaviors and practice new ways to interact with food. It's about doing the baby steps to accomplish lifelong change.
  23. Dear God and all that's holy! Then it goes back to @Creekimp13's graphic! That's just truly horrifying and scary!
  24. Gosh, I feel so bad for them! How can this be possible? How can there be so many sketchy surgeons out there? It's so sad!
  25. Thanks Mike! That does help clarify! Then too...reading comprehension/literacy may also be a factor I hadn't really considered. I have a huge binder! LOL. And I will also have 1:1 meetings post-op as well as my pre-op ones. I didn't have to do group meetings and they are so far away and at night, so I'm glad! I was just really wondering how on earth this happens and how people handle it. I'd be scared spitless if I couldn't read/re-read all this boatload of stuff in the binder! *scratches head--which is better than scratching butt*

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