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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. @Apple203 I have what I hope is my last visit with the surgeon and also the 6th visit with the RD on the 4th of Jan. I don't really know what else they have in store for me. I finished PT. I will follow up with the arthritis guy next week to find out what he wants me to do. And I think I might start a Tai Chi class that I found here for free! Wow huh? It's supposed to be really great for balance and for building core strength as well as reduce stress! So we'll see. If nothing else, then I will continue to do my at home exercises and walk daily. Happy New Year you guys! Here's hoping we're all approved and can be March surgery buds!
  2. FluffyChix

    RAVE!!! So long 230s! You Can Kiss My Grits G'bye!!!

    Yay you!!!! Congrats!!!
  3. hahaha! So it's not that your heart will beat fast and you sweat and think you're dying...it's that you'll have to resume your rightful position on the throne?
  4. @Back2fit It was supposed to be Dec. 5th. But the "loosely written" specs for insurance were "3-6 months discretionary." Turns out in Texas, not so much. In Tx it's a firm 6 months. So I have to do the total 180days supervised diet. My last (7th) RD will be first week of February. After that, it's anybody's guess. LOL. Will they let me have surgery? Or will they deny me. Then we have to do the appeal... If all goes well, I will be approved 10 days after submission, which would put me into the 3rd week of Feb. Then there is the 14 days on liquid diet for pre-op. So I guesstimate that my new operation date will be in the first week of March. But it's hard to even speculate after all that's happened along the way. I'm learning patience, which was never my strong suit.
  5. FluffyChix

    6 months post sleeve

    Wow! Fantastic ladybug!!!! WTG!! Thanks for the inspiration!
  6. FluffyChix


    Yay!!! Congrats to you. What a Christmas present huh?
  7. FluffyChix

    Just Approved!!

  8. Congrats Brian, on starting to look at ways to change your life! I really encourage you to have an open conversation with your parents. I know they must also be very concerned about your fatty liver and are probably wondering how they can help you. I really like @Stella S's suggestion to get your PCP to hook you up with a nutritionist and maybe even someone like a physical therapist or trainer to get you started on a weight loss/exercise program. At the very minimum, your insurance company is going to want to see a 3-5 year history of your weight loss attempts. Even if you don't qualify for surgery until you are 18, you need to have doctor verified weights and also verify that you've worked with them to try to lose weight on your own. So start building the behaviors and history that will benefit your future self. There was a very important study done in Sweden on obese teens. It's important to note that the surgery helped resolve many obesity related diseases in the teens (including fatty liver resolution). But it's also important to note that up to 25% of the teens had to complications that let to more surgery or hospitalizations and vitamin deficiencies. Here are a couple of articles about this study: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/01/170105213120.htm https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-01-good-long-term-results-obesity-surgery.html The thing is...that WLS only works long term if you actually change the behaviors that got us obese in the first place. In the early days, you will lose because of the surgery. It's like, even a blind squirrel will find the nut! But unless you really are focused on diet and lifestyle from then on out (tracking your food in a daily diary, weighing and measuring foods, making super healthy food choices at every meal, not sliding back into eating sugar and other carby crap, not drinking liquid calories or booze), the chances are good you will regain 50% of more of your previous weight. And even more, you will need to take vitamins on a set schedule and drink a set amount of liquids every day--for life. Those are pretty adult responsibilities that even a big majority of adults can't handle. You also really should avoid alcohol for life as well--and with a fatty liver, it's going to be really important for you to do the same regardless of having surgery. It sounds pretty depressing right? I mean, you're a 15 year old kid (male)...how do you NOT go to the kegger in college? How do you not pound down burgers and fries with friends? I'm bringing this up, because these are issues you MUST consider prior to surgery. Are you emotionally capable of choosing the road less traveled in order to experience health and a long life? Can you really exercise that type of control and maturity in the face of peer pressure? "Oh, that won't happen to me" belief will not protect you. It will happen to you. You will face these dilemmas. I hope you continue to process all the information and take initiative to start working with your family doc and a nutritionist/trainer and see if you can get a handle on things to start reducing your fatty liver. If you're drinking already...quit. I'm adding you to my prayers!!! ((hugs)) And I really believe you've taken the first step in working on a success plan for your future!!!
  9. FluffyChix

    1 year surgiversary

    Wow! What a difference a year makes!!! Congrats sweetie. Just beautiful!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    RNY November 2017

    @Linz13 Saying prayers sweetie!!! You'll be on the other side soon and will be starting life anew!! ((hugs)) @mudchickn What a cool sounding app! I'm gonna check it out!!!
  11. FluffyChix

    Family not supportive

    It's possible they are not only afraid for you, but subconsciously resist the change that will happen in the family dynamic. There may also be some competitiveness as well. Keep doing your thing! ((hugs)) and welcome!
  12. FluffyChix

    6 month update, pic and question

    Wow! You look beautiful!!! Congrats!!!
  13. FluffyChix

    Oh no - I ate my earplug!!

    chew chew chew!
  14. FluffyChix

    Dear Santa...

    Sadly Santa, I'm so dejected and depressed over my absence of new icons. I can hardly walk or talk (or type). I'm verklempt in the galeptigaschlumpt. I feel like . I do. *sob* *hic* The closest I can get to a unicorn is this The closest I can get to a rainbow is this And I can't even get close to anthing with the 'smacking head,' 'eating popcorn,' or 'emoji blowing a party horn'. What's a dieting girl to do? How do I go on? Sincerely, Distraught in Texas p.s. I hope you're now enjoying a holiday with Mrs. Claus in Hawaii...
  15. FluffyChix

    Oh no - I ate my earplug!!

    Have you had a wad of pink poop yet? Inquiring minds and all? (psssst...I alternately snorted water out of my nose and read in your situation with extreme horror!) Good times.
  16. Wow! ((hugs)) You've been through the wringer backwards haven't you?!!! I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know you must do something. It can't hurt to start the process and schedule in a teaching hospital if possible. That way you may have more access to the surgeon to ask your questions. I do know you need to have your med issues sorted out prior to surgery...especially when they deal with thyroid and psych meds. But I don't think it's impossible. But I'm just a schmoe on the internet that makes crap up all damn day! I'm hypo. Take endocrine therapy to keep me in cancer remission. Have so many comorbidities and am on 3 bp drugs and still fight with blood pressure every day. My metabolism is crap. But I'm pursuing this surgery with the hopes that I will have a metabolic reset that might make it easier to lose the weight. Hang in there and congrats on fighting your way through the massive grief you've experienced. You're a fighter and survivor!!!
  17. FluffyChix

    Christmas Round-Up

    Hi sweetie! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I got these (3) each: https://www.amazon.com/KIDDO-FEEDO-Storage-Container-Silicone/dp/B071Z9L51D/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1514312182&sr=8-3&keywords=baby+food+freezer+storage https://www.amazon.com/gp/slredirect/picassoRedirect.html/ref=pa_sp_atf_aps_sr_pg1_2?ie=UTF8&adId=A03389233A3GQ9OZY2M86&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FGUBER-Single-Release-Storage-Silicone%2Fdp%2FB01JUBJDES%2Fref%3Dsr_1_2_sspa%3Fie%3DUTF8%26qid%3D1514312182%26sr%3D8-2-spons%26keywords%3Dbaby%2Bfood%2Bfreezer%2Bstorage%26psc%3D1&qualifier=1514312181&id=8075749985521790&widgetName=sp_atf I'm so excited I want to freeze all the things. All. The. Things!
  18. Whatever the outcome, just don't skip it! In the end, it's not a big deal if you have to go one more month before submission. ((hugs)) I'm sure there are more out there and they are used to dealing with this situation!
  19. FluffyChix

    It’s possible

    Wow! Outstanding!!! Would you pray that I experience the same results please? Cuz you know, I wanna be you @jenn1 when I grow up.
  20. FluffyChix

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day

    Hey girlie how did ya do? Saying prayers!!!
  21. FluffyChix

    Acceptable Low Carb Snack?

    Yes, it's all a compromise. I like having the crispy chippy experience and am willing to deal with the dryness thing so that I don't feel guilty or gain. Plus, it's very easy for me to have 1/2 a bag with a lc wrap and know I haven't whacked my day or anything. I feel very virtuous and superior. *snort*
  22. Honestly, I chose to put my relationship with food over my health. It was more important to me to be able to have a big fatty fat fat pizza and a bottle of chianti than it was for me commit to lifelong change with what goes down my piehole. I made excuses. I rationalized. I out-and-out bold-faced lied to myself about how far gone I was with my addictions to food and hedonistic pleasures/rewards it brings me. Then I got real.
  23. Here's mine. Sorry I didn't crop in enough...you can see all the way to France in mine!
  24. FluffyChix


    I take black elderberry extract--the kind that has only the elderberry extract and glycerin in it. It's helped any time I've been exposed to cold or flu or when I first feel it coming on. It is 10cals per serving--I'm assuming most of those are carbs, so it would be max of 2.5g of carb per serving if it all was carbs. To me it works better than Emergen-C. It is liquid that you mix with a tiny bit of water. Here's a link to the kind I get. I get the one that isn't sweetened or flavored with anything. https://www.vitacost.com/natures-answer-sambucus-black-elderberry-extract-original-12000-mg-8-fl-oz
  25. FluffyChix

    RNY 9 days in - record of post surgery progress

    Congrats to you!!!! What a horrifying account! I pray I only have to have one surgery. The idea of the rib spreader is enough to scare me straight. You're a tough fighter and mad props to you!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
