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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Hi and welcome to the boards! It isn't so much that you "can't" have surgery with a >60BMI. It's more that you need to make sure to choose your surgeon and new tool wisely. Make sure to ask your surgeon how many people he/she's operated on in the past year with BMIs >60? Ask if it will be an open or closed procedure. Ask about the surgery type. Ask about their success rate/complication rate. If it were me, I'd be sure to go with a Center of Excellence surgeon, team, and hospital--but I'm a wieny that way...I'd mainly want to know that my doc has great comfort/skill in operating on someone towards the higher BMI spectrum. Ask about contingencies: what happens if he/she gets in there and that there's "not enough room" to perform the chosen surgery--then what happens? Will the surgery change to an open procedure? Will you wind up with a different procedure? BTW, most docs are gonna wanna see some weight loss. They're gonna want to know you can go the distance, are serious about changing food relationships and sticking with a diet program. They're also gonna want to reduce your bulk to increase the space they have to operate and to reduce your liver. So you may have to lose 5-10% of your weight or more. My insurance company only required I lose 5% of my total weight. My doc said 10%. I've lost 10% from the date of my first weigh in with the surgeon. I think I will have surgery either next month or in early March.
  2. FluffyChix


    Once you bite it once, you will rebite in the same place--a lot! Until the swelling goes down.
  3. FluffyChix

    Post-breakfast fatigue question

    Yay! Glad you had a better result!! I have to mix my yogurt with cottage cheese to reduce how quickly it goes in. I have about an ounce of yogurt, and the rest is 2% cottage cheese. That way I feel like I'm getting some probiotic advantage while eating the cottage cheese!
  4. Yay!!! Thah crahps ah sayuved!!! Can't wait to give you likes!!!
  5. Ok, ya caught me. I really don't wanna sell you a watch or ask for any new icons. I do however, want to thank you for making Bariatric Pal such a great place for information, support, and supplies for all things bariatrics! I wish there was some way to give you "likes," but it won't let me. For instance, your latest article on "New Year, New 'You'? really resonated with me and made so MANY great points! I wanted to give it eleventy jillion likes and 'thanks'!!! But sadly, I could not. Hope you have a wonderful New Year and are blessed with happiness, health, and prosperity through the year! Thank you for all you do! Cheers, Mazels, and Happy New Year!!
  6. Dayum skippy! I'm so sorry you're in this position. The reality is "Mea culpa". The end. Ask for help. This isn't their first rodeo. And frankly, you can't blow enough smoke up their ass to defend your position. So take one (or two) for the team! Admit defeat!!!!!!!! And ask for fuckin' help!!!!!!!!!!
  7. FluffyChix

    60+ years in age

    I you sweetie!!! You are such an inspiration!!
  8. FluffyChix

    60+ years in age

    Can I just tell you how much you inspire me, and how much I appreciate that you share your journey? You are a warrior and a true inspiration!!!!!! I thank you for all your help, wisdom, and hope you inspire on this journey! I pray I'm half as successful as you in 2018!!!
  9. FluffyChix

    Dear Santa...

    Dear Santa, I've been a very good girl this year. A pretty good girl most of the time. I've just been so-so lately. I'm working on being good today. (Nah, not really...) Crap, Santa!!!! Being good isn't all it's cracked up to be! I'm shittin' bricks over here waitin' for you to come and worried you won't! Could you please bring me the following? 1. A "smacks head" emoji. 2. A unicorn emoji--cuz come on, doesn't everyone need a unicorn emoji? 3. A rainbow emoji. Well hell! It goes along with the unicorn right? 4. A "party hat with horn" emoji for those moments you want to tell everyone to enjoy the party. (Because it might get me to stop using the elephant emoji to reference losing loosing an elephant penis.) 5. A "popcorn eating" emoji. Thank you so much in advance. I know the addition of these emojis in my tool kit will make me extra expressive to my fellow bariatrineers. In fact, I was elected selected asked encouraged uhhhh, just hoping my personal appeal would find its way to the North Pole. I'm pretty sure these emojis will save me from losing loosing disappearing giving away the rest of my marbles while I wait for my WLS that never seems to come... Big hugs from Texas, Me
  10. FluffyChix

    Happy New Year 2018

    Happy New Year, ya big loser! (ppppsssssttttt being a big loser here is a good thing!) Here's a favorite of mine from "the you tube" as this old geezer likes to say! Bowwowwow!
  11. Awwww! Mannnnnnnnn?????!!!! Wouldn't ya rather turn that frown upside down and talk about how fast Stella's gonna 'get her groove back' when the weight loss and hormones really fire up a fatty?? Inquiring minds and all... ((hugs)) and hang in there.
  12. FluffyChix

    Post-breakfast fatigue question

    Yeah, I had to double check too. I figured he was saying he was having 3.5oz of yogurt=100g. Good times!
  13. FluffyChix

    Post-breakfast fatigue question

    Do you have a glucometer? My guess is that your 100g of yogurt is making a blood sugar spike, then a post prandial drop in bg. A spike after meals is a sign of high blood sugar which then causes sleepiness/fatigue?
  14. FluffyChix

    Three Months Out

    Congrats and a great report!!!!
  15. Holy moly! Hope you start feeling better soon!!! What a tough time. Please don't get ahead of any surgical instructions. It's pretty clear that you're good at building scar tissue. Call you doc at the first sign of swallowing probs!!!! ((hugs)) and saying prayers for healing!
  16. FluffyChix

    Dear Santa...

    Hi @proudgrammy! I see your test and am pretty sure Santa does too! Were you a good little girl this year?
  17. FluffyChix

    60+ years in age

    I'm going to be kind to myself and claim food funerals over Christmas and New Years that included wine and maybe a weensie dirty martini or 2. As a result I'm up 6 lbs from my recorded weight on here. I have to pay the piper on the 4th! I'm not taking it lightly. I will be on the austerity plan after today. Today I will be "on plan" but not austere--since the way you spend the first day of the year is how you will spend the rest of the year! BUT, and it's a big butt--believe me...I will eat low carb yummy food and no booze. Then tomorrow it will be 2 protein drinks and a small lc meal for dinner. Ef the 1500 cals/day until I'm back at my 226.8lbs weight. I know I will be less than my last surgeon's weigh in, so that will be "ok," but I will probably be 2-3lbs up from the last RD weigh in. I may email her and ask if that's gonna be an issue or if I should reschedule. I like that I have an open relationship with her. Tomorrow I'm back at work. Thank you Jesus!
  18. I do wonder if some patients get the "pain ball" at surgery and that's why they feel little pain after surgery? I know we each have different pain thresholds and prior use of alcohol or narcotics also jacks with the ability to manage pain after surgeries, but the way some sound in describing their pain after/versus how others describe no pain. The local anesthetic from a pain ball would certainly account for some of that difference!
  19. Wow! Huge hugs and prayers for you and your husband/family! So sad for your loss. I think you deal with the most pressing issues at hand. Everything else will fall into place behind them. ((hugs))
  20. FluffyChix

    How Wild is Post-Op Grocery Shopping!

    @over_and_over_again No kidding right? It's a surreal idea! I have already planned that from now on out, we'll essentially be cooking for 1, rather than 2!
  21. FluffyChix

    family dinners?

    I've made low carb chili, soups, stews, gumbo, crustless chicken pot pie, and have grilled meats portioned and ready to go. I also have homemade meatballs and sauce and meat loaf muffins cooked. I put them on a serving of mashed cauliflower and freeze them in muffin tins, then place in freezer bags. We use them now, when I'm still pre-surg and too tired to cook--rather than going out to eat. And I replace them when I cook. So it's continually turning over.
  22. @Losingit2018 Thanks! I started in early May of this year. I was at your point or close to it--287 and 5'4" -- don't know what that BMI equates to...I decided that I would see if I could handle changing food relationships/behaviors and did a trial run of eating like an RNY person from the point of surgery to 1 year out. I eat way more volume now, but in the early days it was truly like the volumes of a WLS patient. I follow the plan set by my surgeon and RD. I don't have any choice. My insurance requires that I track everything in a daily food log and weigh often, and have my appts with the RD every month without skipping them. So compliance is a bit easier having the sword of Damocles looming over your head. (Not that there haven't been food funerals and poor choices--even this Christmas! I'm up 6lbs from my lowest weight. I should change my stats, and will if I don't make it back to my recorded weight by appointment time next week! I'm just trying to be optimistic! The risk is small in comparison to the reward! Don't read too many "complications" threads! They'll scare you spitless!!!!
  23. The most powerful butt-explosive laxative on earth would be...drumroll please... Sugar Free Gummy Bears. I don't think they would be WLS surgeon approved. Here's a review from an Amazon customer (oh and they're only available in 5lb bags... ) Good times.
  24. So ((hugs)). The standard advice on this is to quit watching My 600lb Life. I get you. I really do! You're thinkin', "Dayum shazam! I just rearranged my innards and am eating like 200 calories a day. I should be losing more weight each week. If I wanted to lose only 10lbs per month, I coulda done Weight Watchers!!!! Gimme that cool 25-50lb per month weight loss I imagined I would experience! Cuz 10lbs a month! Dayum, I feel ripped off!!!!!" Also, as for the surgery sequence of going from RNY to sleeve...Inconceivable (youtube clip)! I do not think that means what you think it means! I think maybe you aren't very familiar with your tummy anatomy. It's why so many have responded with a kinda sorta...WTF with a screwed up question face. For most, the sequence of multiple WLS would be Lapband (maybe), then VSG (sleeve)...then duh duh dunnnnhhhhhhh! No weight loss or loss and regain or reflux or...CRAP! This surgery didn't work and now I need a more drastic surgery that includes malabsorption and a further reduction of tummy capacity/food restriction--which takes you to an RNY or DS. Cuz you know, you're jonesing for the magical 25lbs a month that Dr. Now's patients see... But sadly, the reality is that your surgeon will be as happy as a leetle girl if you maintain a 9-12lb per month consistent loss over the honeymoon period. That's 120lbs in a year if that happens consistently. Which is damn skippy in my book! The next step for a more drastic surgery than you have right now is to go from an RNY to a DS (duodenal switch)--which put simply, include even further malabsorption. And you are sooooo not there yet!!! So keep on keepin' on and sip, sip, sip, chew, chew, chew. Don't eat around your surgery and follow the rules from your surgical team, and you WILL lose your weight!!!! ((hugs))
  25. Please make sure to involve your WL surgeon as well as your OB/Gyn! Congrats! A baby is always exciting news!

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