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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Kidney infection

    When are they rescheduling? ((hugs))
  2. Congrats to you!!!! These are the things I'm gonna remind myself of immediately following surgery: 1. Embrace the suck. Every day will get better and you will be able to eat more. So capitalize on not eating and embrace the suck!!!! 2. Sip. Sip. Sip. 3. Walk - even when you don't wanna. 4. Get the dang protein drinks down--no matter what! Worry about eating later. 5. If you feel hunger and growly tummy--especially right out of surgery, it's probably acid--take your omeprazoles. 6. Be proactive about your poop shoot and start with the stool softeners asap. 7. Bring a "coughing" pillow to the hospital. 8. Look at the bright side and don't forget the big picture. 1 year from this very day, you're life will have changed for the better and you will say the only regret you had was waiting so long to do this. 10. Don't forget to stay fully hydrated!!! 11. Occams razor...simple-est solution is best. 12. Oh, and there will be blues and depression from the anesthesia and from them touching/rearranging your gut, but it will pass!!!!
  3. FluffyChix

    7 days on Pre Op Diet

    Chin up buttahcup!!! You're doing SO well!!!! And 16lbs???Holy shirt!!!! (rainbows and unicorns) I'm so excited for you I could just spit!!!
  4. You look beautiful! Congrats to you. (Pssst, no way would I guess you were 187lbs in that piccy!)
  5. FluffyChix

    Rant that is looking for advice

    Bravo for a tough job!! ((hugs)) Thank you for being in the trenches. I agree with @jenn1. Let the docs and professionals give medical and psych advice. You can lead by example and by having an open ear and broad shoulders.
  6. Dayum!!!! ((hugs)) Is it better today? I'd be scared spitless too!!! Glad you're still in the hospital!!! Make sure you communicate if you start feeling weaker or more precise pain in some area!!!
  7. FluffyChix


    Congrats to both of you. I welcome the month when I will lose 18 & 19lbs.
  8. FluffyChix

    C pap difficulties

    Damn! Hope you feel better soon!!! I second/third calling your doc or sleep clinic and asking what you should do? They might be able to look at your program if you have one of those smart reporting systems and make adjustments for you. ((hugs)) Hang in there hon!
  9. FluffyChix

    Naughty days?

    Why is it impossible for you to believe everything I've written to you is said with sincere empathy/sympathy and not judgement? I've never been rude to you, nor judgemental. I am NOT putting you down. I am (as you so kindly reminded everyone) the last person to throw stones at anyone. I only wish you the best results and a painless victorious journey. So now as you invited me, I will GTFO.
  10. FluffyChix

    Looking for some Relief!

    Ok, so ((hugs)). I am still pre-op so can't tell you first hand. But here's what my RD said. We will all have differing amounts of restriction/pain/capacity after surgery depending on how much inflammation we have from surgery. She said, absolutely embrace the suck. LOL. Seriously. She said, this will be one of the few times when you will be filled up by 2-3 bites. So embrace it and go with it and concentrate on getting your water/liquid in each day and trying to hit your protein goals with protein supplements (for now in the early days). And to listen to your body. If 3 bites does it. Then eat 3 bites. If it takes more, then eat more. She said as you heal, your volume will increase and eventually your meals will be anywhere from 3oz to as much as maybe even 6-8oz. To put that in perspective. I'm pre-surgery and my meals are only 6-8oz. Hang in there sweetie. I know it will get better for you!!! Embrace the suck!
  11. FluffyChix


    Hope you're feeling better now!!! ((hugs))
  12. FluffyChix

    4 weeks post VSG update with photos

    You're beautiful! Remember, there's a very well-documented 3 week stall that can happen anywhere between 2-4 weeks. Hang in there. It will come off! Congrats on the surgery and losses!
  13. FluffyChix

    dreaming of rotisserie chicken

    Just great! Now I want Ramen bowls! LOL. I lived on these and the packages of Ramen in college. I had the ass to prove it! *snort*
  14. FluffyChix

    Salad Dressings & Low Carbing

    Keep in mind that your volume will change...You no longer sit down to a 5cup salad and have to subsist on 2 tbsp of dressing...You will be more like 1cup of salad max...
  15. FluffyChix

    dreaming of rotisserie chicken

    Ha! Too cute! I'd say, keep on keepin' on! (Until he starts "taking the bite with you"...remember when you'd feed your kids and you would open and close your mouth in tandem with the spoon hitting their mouth? And I'd absolutely draw the line with him leaning over and cutting up your meat...*snic*)
  16. FluffyChix

    I've hit a wall

    Someone mentioned on here that there are pretty routine time frames for stalls. I think I remember them being: 3 weeks, 3-4 months, 6 months, 9 months? So if you're doing the same things and staying honest with yourself, I'd say just give it time? But also, you could re-evaluate your activity levels and weight and use a TDEE to calculate or re-evaluate your macros. That way you can be more certain your aren't over/under eating? Hugs. Stalls suck. The. End!!!!
  17. FluffyChix

    Kidney infection

    Feel better soon sweetie!!!! Sayin' prayers!
  18. FluffyChix

    dreaming of rotisserie chicken

    See? I'm really looking forward to this. I'm looking forward to falling in love with applesauce as @abefroman329 said. I think the Egg McMuffin is a really healthy-er-ish alternative for those days when you need a quicky meal thru the drive thru...question...do you eat the whole thing with only 1 half of the muffin part? Or do you eat a "half of an egg mcmuffin"? Do you think you would have room to eat the whole egg, whole cheese slice, and whole canadian bacon or sausage with only half or 1/4 of the English muffin?
  19. OMG. Last week appointment=she said it may take as long as April to get the approval, get the 2 week pre-op done, and surgery scheduled. "This is the song that never ends..." I started my own journey in May with the weight loss. It will be almost 1 year if it gets stretched to April!!!!! Calgon, take me away!!!!!!!
  20. Ok, first of all...regardless of your diet history, you deserve this surgery based on your name alone. You're very punny and "Pink Freud" is the greatest band of all time--remember Comfortably Numb? Now, you DO have to confess to quitting and being unable to stick the landing. Sucks. But true. But guess what? There are 95-98% of the population...in...the...world...who must also confess to this. Those are the stats. The studies and science support those stats. If we could do it alone, then we would. You got this. Start working now. If necessary, work with a therapist. But the MAIN thing you must question yourself and be truthful about is...can you take responsibility at 22...to diligently keep up with taking your supplements every day for the rest of your life? Cuz if you quit those...you could land yourself in seriously deep health **** down the road... Hugs!
  21. FluffyChix

    dreaming of rotisserie chicken

    God, wouldn't that be great? "Ick, I can't STAND the taste of chips! And that crispy, salty, crunchy texture? Disgusting!!!!!" said no one ever. *snort*
  22. FluffyChix

    Naughty days?

    I feel like this whole debate got off topic. Am I missing something? To me the critical issue isn't whether or not you're pure or hedonistic or even just a human who has food issues and occasionally messes up. I think the early posters were wiggin' out because of the highlighted area...that the OP was only 1 month out from surgery, and that it was the second occurrence of her eating beyond her surgeon's advice. I don't think most of us are saying...if you don't stay on the absolute straight and narrow you're not going to succeed? I think it was absolute fear for her that her tummy would explode.
  23. Congrats! What a big difference!!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    RAVE!!! So long 230s! You Can Kiss My Grits G'bye!!!

    @336Mike It is a great feeling! But scary also because now I have to trust that I have 1 recognized comorbidity.
  25. FluffyChix

    dreaming of rotisserie chicken

    Hang in there girl! You got this!!!! All of you are doing great!!!!! I'm honestly dreading that 2 week pre-op liquid diet. I'm just gonna have to take it in baby steps, cuz right now I've no idea how I will get through it. It's that scary and I have that little trust in myself!

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