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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    To All The WLS Vets

    Since I'm a pre-surg noob and can't post to your Veterans forum, I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you for answering thousands of questions from us newbies! Thank you for sharing your journeys through the ups and downs. Thank you for giving me (I'm not gonna speak for anyone else lol), the opportunity to witness your scale and NS victories. I've learned and will continue to learn so much from your challenges and journeys. You wouldn't even believe! I hope one day to be able to pay it forward to others. And I really, truly hope that I'm now mature enough to learn from your experience, without having to reinvent the wheel through personal trial and error!!! Again, huge debt of gratitude and thanks to you all!
  2. FluffyChix


    Dear Lord... ((hugs))
  3. Dang. Me too on the update. Saying prayers for relief Brandi!!!!
  4. FluffyChix

    Off to the hospital!

    Congrats to you!!! Hope things go quickly and without complication and you're back posting with us soon!!!
  5. FluffyChix


    Dang! What a sucky way to lose the weight!!! So glad you're healing and slowly regaining your life. I wish you many blessings and continued healing!!
  6. Huge congrats hon!!! Saying prayers that you're approved quickly!!
  7. FluffyChix

    Down 52 lbs and holding

    Congrats!!!! Keep on keepin' on. It will happen--unless you're doing something you know you shouldn't be doing.
  8. I'm so sad to hear of your struggles, but so glad your dad recovered and is doing well now!!! Get back on it. You CAN do this!
  9. Have I told you lately that I love you? I do. I really do.
  10. FluffyChix

    Today’s the day

    Sayin prayers!!! So excited for you!!
  11. FluffyChix

    It’s NOT a DIET!

    While I absolutely know that there are things I can't "know" until I've had the surgery, such as how it feels to have little interest in food...the afterlife of post-WLS eating might potentially be one of these "you won't know til you're there times." So maybe my position on having an established isocaloric maintenance diet based on my individual metabolism might change. However, I still look on this statement as being a little--mmm, I don't know--sanctimonious in nature? Here is why I say this...most of us do not "magically" arrive at 300+ pounds overnight. Most of us have a LIFE long issue with having "appropriate" and balanced relationships with food. Most of us are relatively ignorant about "proper" human diet composition, and the few hours we spend in classes with our RDs or support meetings are not enough to educate us thoroughly. Most of us do not really believe we have to make healthy choices after surgery. Most believe that magically, everything in moderation will work for them despite the fact that because of issues--they were never able to understand the whole idea of moderation. Moderation got me all the way to 325lbs. I'm lying to myself if I think operating on my gut is going to magically change how I process thoughts, emotions, cravings, etc. As I've been harped at, this surgery operates on my guts--not my head. Seems to me, that it's somewhat magical thinking that a surgery that is meant to rearrange our digestive system, can magically restore a natural order of things with what goes in our mouth or down our gullets. This surgery does not operate on our minds--other than that it will alter the whole gut-brain neurochemical pathway. But this surgery is not about brain surgery. It's gut surgery. I support this position with the dismal statistics that we as a surgical whole will only maintain 50% of our weight loss. While I agree that's way better than only 5% maintaining a 10% weight loss over 2 years, maintaining only 50% of our weight loss after substantially mutilating our digestive tract is rather SUCKY odds. Super sucky odds. It seems to be expected by our surgical team that regain WILL happen in the 2-3rd years (maybe 15-20lbs or more). Again, suckage!!!! I for one am not willing to go quietly into that good night. I want to be proactive and if that means I have to be on a lifelong diet--then a-the-forking-men to that. I certainly won't santimoniously sit and judge if someone else chooses to do "healthy choices in moderation." I will just wait and watch and review the situation in 3 years. So then I look at the stalwart members of this board and other forums who are maintaining the initial post surgical weight losses at 10-15 years out and beyond. They share a common trait. Despite different levels of activity, ALL and I do mean without exception, ALL--every last one of them, maintains a rigorous diet protocol where carbs and calories are still measured and logged every day. ALL stay within a diet window. If they're up 5lbs, then eat like very lightly until they are back down 5lbs. Sincerely, Cranky and Pis*ed Off With Semantics in Houston (by the way...if the king's is nekkid, then someone ought to tell him his new suit sucks)
  12. FluffyChix


    Is this the one? It looks like it's mostly recipes and they look pretty good. Did you get this book? https://www.amazon.com/Fresh-Start-Bariatric-Cookbook-Weight-Loss/dp/1623157730/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515876667&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=complete+bariatric+cookbook#reader_1623157730 If you did, do you recommend it highly or just so-so?
  13. FluffyChix


    Thanks girlie! I'll go look now and let ya know!
  14. FluffyChix

    T Minus 2 months

    So happy for you!!! Nice looking time line!
  15. FluffyChix

    No caffeine? Ever?

    Ring. Ring. Hello? I'd like a new RD please...
  16. FluffyChix

    I have a leak!

    Dannnngggg! @Road Runner I'm so sad to hear of your struggles and this life-threatening complication. ((hugs)) We never think it can happen to us! Sending huge prayers that your body is strong and you will continue to be able to fight the infection. It's a heller way to lose weight, huh? Take things 1 day at a time and the healing will go much quicker. TG for your state-side doc who was on top of it all!
  17. Haha! That wasn't a sexting pic. That was POL (proof of life). pssssst @336Mike Did you get my sexting piccy of my beak? Here it is JIC.
  18. FluffyChix


    Thank you!!! @KimTriesRNY Would you ever buy a bariatric cookbook that's JUST recipes? I ask, cuz that's honestly what I want. Just like any cookbook--but without the diet portion, cuz it feels like with my program, I already have my binder full of information for my particular surgery type. But I would totally want a book that has great Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 foods. You know? But I think I'm in the minority cuz I haven't seen a book out there that is like this?
  19. FluffyChix


    I don't think it will derail you completely, but "they" say that giving in the first time, makes each successive time more difficult to withstand... At our local pizza place, they make "pizza bowls"--any toppings/sauce and cheese melted and gooey. Tastes like pizza without the crust.
  20. @JennyKeller Holy fu*ck! Sugar free bomb pops? Maybe I didn't say that loud enough? SUGAR FREE FREAKIN' BOMB POPS??? Hold me...I need a moment.
  21. FluffyChix


    @KimTriesRNY do you think the books filled your need? Did you like them? Favorite please? Are your books mainly recipes or do they describe the surgeries, etc? Thanks!!! ((hugs))
  22. FluffyChix

    Nerd fitness and other rpgs.

    No, but I love the name and now must rush to look it up.
  23. FluffyChix

    Traveling problems

    Concentrate on the water and get your protein drinks down. They also count as liquids!! It's WAY more important to stay hydrated under those conditions and more important to meet minimum protein needs. 2 Premier Protein drinks per day gets you to the goal line of protein. Then you can eat a normal dinner. That way, you only have 1 episode of 15/30 for hydrating. My RD told me that I do not have to use the 15/30 rule for liquid protein sources--only for puree, soft, and solid foods... Have fun at the greatest place on earth!!
  24. FluffyChix

    Hi I’m new!

    Welcome and congrats on your surgery and recent losses!!! This is a great place with fab people! Jump right in!

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