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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    Egg White Scramble here. I wake up craving this...weird, huh? 2 spray EVOO 150g egg whites 2oz mushrooms 3oz baby spinach 1oz Jimmy Dean's turkey sausage crumbles 1 tsp Gringo Bandito extra hot hot sauce s/p/gg Nutritionals: 176 cals; 25g prot; 4g fat; 9g carbs; 3g fiber; 6g net carbs
  2. FluffyChix

    Surgery in 30 minutes

    Good luck! So excited for you!!!!!
  3. FluffyChix

    Please, read and give me you opinion

    Mine says I must have 180 days of consecutive meetings with an RD...
  4. Hahaha! I feel your pain! ((hugs))
  5. FluffyChix

    Weight stalls

    ((hugs)) Sayin prayers the stall, she is a breaking!
  6. It's official! I'm stark RAVING cra! (short trip) Today, after 89 dayum days in the 230's decade, I saw 229.2lbs on the scale! Wahhhhhoooooo!!!!! I'm so happy, I just had to share and since I've no idea (can't remember) how to make a new Status Update, I figured I could rave about it and party here in the Rants & Rave Room! I'm only a few pounds from -60lbs (most recent) loss, and only a few pounds from being 100lbs down from my highest weight! Can you tell I'm happy? (Did I mention it was 89 freakin' days long???!!!)
  7. FluffyChix

    Bad breakup and weight loss

    This!!! God has someone planned for you. I truly believe this, so keep your heart open and process the grief of both (3) losses! Hope you find a new job soon!
  8. FluffyChix

    New date

    So sorry about the delay, but hope your kidney infection is feeling better?? ((hugs)) Excited for your new date!!
  9. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    @ChaosUnlimited Have fun on your snow day! That's what I did yesterday. Totally caught up with Mama June. Psst, your chicken looks AHHHH-may-zing!!! me=wants
  10. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    I love messy, creamy wraps but don't do all the mayo any longer. So I mix some country dijon with a little Duke's and some WF Amazin Chipotle Mayo and sprinkle on granulated garlic. So good. Turkey Swiss Spinach Wrap 1/2 Lite Flatout 1oz BH's Lite Lacy Swiss 2oz BH's smoked turkey breast 1/2oz onion 1 1/2oz baby spinach 1 1/3oz grape tomatoes 1/2tsp Duke's Mayo, 1tbs WF Amazin Chipotle Mayo, 1tsp Country Dijon 1 tsp WF Italian Dressing 1/8 tsp granulated garlic Nutritionals: 301 cals; 32g protein; 16g fat; 14g carbs; 5g fiber; 9g net carbs
  11. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    second the motion
  12. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    @etc. etc. etc. Where do you buy the baked gouda crackers, please? Thanks! Your lunch sounds yummy!
  13. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    I love buying the bags of the pre-made Parmesan chips at Sam's for dipping things like hummus. So dang good in salads too. They're pricey, but each bag has 15 servings.
  14. FluffyChix

    Sleep and weight loss

    bahahahahahaha! But on a different note, it's kinda weird...after my late breakfast, I'm feeling a desire to dive majorly back into my pre-holiday plan. Like craving it again. And craving the movement. Hmmm, maybe it's cuz the sun is shining today even though it's in the mid-20s? Hmmm...thinking things...
  15. FluffyChix

    Flying Solo and kind of scared

    ((hugs)) Talk to your surgeon and find a support group. I agree--we all need people and a support network. It's even better if they are or have gone through similar situations!! Saying prayers of peace for you dear friend!
  16. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    You should try making cheese crisps. I use either a non-stick pan and melt grated cheddar (sprinkle it lightly into the ungreased pan) and cook it until crunchy, or you can also use parchment paper in the micro. They make great taco meat delivery systems "without" all the carbs.
  17. FluffyChix

    Sleep and weight loss

    Yes indeed! Yesterday I was pondering ruminating on why so "suddenly" I've gone from craving very very low fat, veggie laden (think craving greens) meals, to now feeling like all I want is fatty, salty, crunchy, creamy, gooey nonsense! I was thinking that the gut microbiota was out of whack from my food funerals and I was experiencing a bad bug bacteria bloom. And that was waking up my hunger centers. But it makes much more sense that something is stimulating the reward centers of my brain. Oh and interestingly, I had become super regular and now my um occasional irregularity is rearing its ugly head. So strange! I do know that when I'm not sleeping, my cortisol gets jacked.
  18. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    @mylighthouse Hey Aggie! Gig 'em! It looked like you guys were getting the big brunt of it! Glad to hear it missed you! There's still snow and ice on the ground and cars. Isn't that just the craziest?
  19. FluffyChix

    post op. 10 months.

    Yikes! Sorry bout the friend. ((hugs)) They are like diamonds, precious and hard to replace. But keep working on your amazing transformation and congrats for changing your life!!! There will be new friends on the horizon! You look fabulous!!!
  20. Dang!!! You're a lean, mean, fat-burnin' machine! Congrats on your amazing success. I concur--very handsome!
  21. FluffyChix

    Sleep and weight loss

    Wow! Great article. Thanks for sharing! My sleep has been whacked since the holidays. And truly, I've been struggling to make good choices. Suddenly, instead of craving my healthy food options (swearsies...I crave them--like my spinach, mushroom, turkey sausage, egg white scramble--CRAVE), I'm craving things like chicken fingers with creamed gravy, instant mashed potatoes and corn. *dear baby jesus help me* There you have it...true confessions. Thank GOD I don't keep that stuff in my house!
  22. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    @OneDollarBill Great idea! I have 3 of them from Santa! I now can't wait to cook in them as well as use them for freezer!!! @Creekimp13 I'm completely off track today. I didn't rest until 5am, then slept until 11am. (Snow day in Houston, TX. It's official, hell has frozen over...) So I just ate my cottage cheese slop: 1/4c Greek yogurt, plain 85g Daisy 2% cottage cheese 1 1/2oz Premier Vanilla Protein RTD 1/2 eye dropper Vitacost liquid vanilla stevia 28g frozen blueberries 8.5g sliced blanched almonds 6.5g Fiber One cereal Nutritional Information: 201 cals; 22g protein; 6g fat; 17g carbs; 5g fiber; 12g net carbs This holds me a good 4-5 hours without hunger. It is about 1cup of food, slightly rounded. I also make it with Granny smith apple, cinnamon, walnuts rather than the blueberries and almonds. Sorry no piccys. Next time!
  23. @KateBruin I'm so sorry about your gastroparesis! ((hugs)) That truly sucks. Glad you've figured out some safe foods! I think maybe sleevies don't have to worry as much from dumping from fats cuz they still have the area of the intestine that can digest fats. RNYs and DSers have had that part cut out (or repositioned in the gut--can't ever remember which one of these is fact and which is fiction).
  24. FluffyChix

    Kind of worried - daily calorie intake

    @Apple203 My surgeon is in Texas and shares your surgeon's opinion. She really wanted me to have the sleeve until my EGD came back with so much GERD damage in my esophagus.
  25. Holy diarrhea Batman! This is enough the literally scare the crap outta ya! https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/01/the-curious-case-of-a-boring-sugar-that-may-have-unleashed-a-savage-plague/ See? "They" TOLD us ice cream was bad for us!!!

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