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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix


    They use a lot of it in ice cream too. Wonder if they use it in Halo Top that so many eat? Thanks James, I just read a similar article this week about trehalose. Uggggh! We have 2 friends families who've had the dickens of a problem with C-diff because of their parents falling, being hospitalized, then colonizing the bacteria and bringing it home with them. It made it through the whole family 2 times for each family. It's a bad, bad, bad, bug!!!
  2. Also as a last resort, you might look into having the Obera Balloon being made medically necessary for you. You could do 6 months with the balloon that might let you lose 40-60lbs-ish? If you REALLY apply yourself, but the balloon isn't without risks and discomfort. ((hugs)) So sorry to hear this report! That totally sucks green ones!!!
  3. FluffyChix

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    LOL, this is an oxymoron. kserrynotserry...
  4. FluffyChix

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    Iced Psylli Coffee (aka Colon Blow) hehe 8 fl oz brewed decaf 8 fl oz Premier Protein RTD Vanilla (or chocolate or caramel) 7g psyllium husks (Now brand) 1/2c ice Nutritionals: 137 cals; 21g prot; 2g fat; 9g carbs; 6g fiber; 3g net carbs Very filling. Holds me for about 4 hours. Good times!
  5. FluffyChix

    1 day post-op & feeling good!

    Yay!!!! Super duper report. So happy for you!
  6. FluffyChix

    Strange New Pain?

    Oh gosh I get you! I hate the unknown and "is this normal" stuff after surgeries!!! I second the "calling the doc" advice. They are expecting these types of calls so soon after surgery. Swearsies! Let us know what they say!
  7. Congrats to you! (Damn that "My 600Lb Life!")
  8. FluffyChix

    Today’s the day!

    Oh wow! I missed this post today! By now you're out of surgery and sip, sip, sipping and walk, walk, walking!!!! Huge congrats girlie!!! So excited for you're really big day! (Love the cough buddy!)
  9. @Tealael Great post girl--very helpful! Thanks so much! BTW, so happy you're doing great!!!
  10. FluffyChix

    How do you stop weight gain

    Could you be PG?
  11. @Adjust Your Crown ((hugs)) MUAH! Loved your original post btw! (Sorry I forgot to say it!)
  12. I'd do a cup of hot tea or decaf coffee if it's available. If it's summer here, then iced tea. It's Texas, so it's pretty common to drink ice tea all year round--even at a bar. Our local wine bar serves free ice tea.
  13. FluffyChix

    Really stressed :(

    Sorry no advice, just hugs! ((hugs))
  14. Soooo so sorry for your results in this lap surgery!!! Hugs and prayers!!! If it were me, I'd have them get me the best surgeon and do it open, have them clean up as many adhesions as possible and get the bypass. Then I would eat as low inflammatory diet as possible!
  15. So I hear you guys say this all the time..."My body doesn't like it when I eat too much fat..." What is "too much fat." What doesn't your body "like?" What happens when you eat it? Are you sitting down to a plate piled high with beef fat? What does your meal look like when you eat "too much fat." TIA! Inquiring minds and all...I really don't want to find this out on my own. I'd rather take your word for it and not put together troublesome meals.
  16. FluffyChix

    Can I live off sf popsicles?

    @shsa_rod LOL. While I would LOVEEEEEE to take credit for that genius, I'm pretty sure I read about some vets doing that here. What I might try doing though, since I love complicating easy peasy...is to melt some unflavored gelatin in a tiny bit of hot water to dissolve it and to add it to the protein drinks so they aren't as hard and icy and you get some good cystine and collagen in at the same time!
  17. FluffyChix

    Can I live off sf popsicles?

    Ok, so here's a solution...go get someone to buy popsicle molds. Then use Syntrax nectar protein drinks and also the Premier Protein clear drinks as liquid. Freeze them and eat them. That way you get your protein in, fluids in, and it doesn't hurt you since you do well with sucking on frozen water.
  18. FluffyChix

    Did You See the Penny Saeger Episode on My 600Lb Life?

    Oh ok then! I saw it! LOL!!! I watched that, then I think it's called Family by the Ton? About the family who are all MO and who are trying to get a handle on it and their lives? Then saw the Penny show. I don't know how I missed it from Season 2. Needless to say, I woke up very motivated to travel the straight and narrow path and own my own misbehaviors!!!
  19. FluffyChix

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    @LittleLizzieLilliput bahahahahahaha! Got to love me some Pinky and the Brain!
  20. FluffyChix

    Did You See the Penny Saeger Episode on My 600Lb Life?

    No dammit! I think I'm behind. Was that Janine? @KimTriesRNY
  21. FluffyChix

    Did You See the Penny Saeger Episode on My 600Lb Life?

    It's a brutal reminder that the struggle is real and we didn't just end up at our highest weights by accident. Here's my new universal advice to us all--MOST ESPECIALLY me... "Don't penny your golden shot at WLS." (Here a reddit update on Penny.)
  22. As of last night when I saw this episode, I now have a new piece of advice to us all who are about to do WLS or who've already burst through to the other side... Don't penny your WLS!!! ((hugs)) Here's a reddit post that kinda explains in a nutshell about how Penny Saeger squandered her golden shot at WLS...I pray that I won't be that girl. Don't be that girl. Mkay?
  23. FluffyChix

    What's for lunch today?

    Still full from breakfast. Very little hunger today for a change, so I'm going with it. LOL. Will have roasted chickie boob, broccoli in garlic and olive oil, chopped salad for dinner 14g toasted and lightly salted almonds water Nutritionals: 88 cals; 3g protein; 7g fat; 3g carbs; 2g fiber; 1g net carbs
  24. FluffyChix

    Did You See the Penny Saeger Episode on My 600Lb Life?

    The scale doesn't lie; people do.

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