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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Surgery Date Frustration

    Did you explain that to your coordinator? ((hugs)) This truly is one of the most frustrating aspects of the entire process!! I get it!
  2. FluffyChix

    FROM SIZE 14/16 to 4/6 10 mo. Post Op

    Congrats!!! That's so exciting. I think piccys of the new clothes and bod might be in order?
  3. FluffyChix

    Solid Meat Problems

    Some doctors say not to have beef or pork until the 6 month mark. I've heard others say 3 months. Mine just said, once you introduce a normal diet, to make sure it's cooked in a very moist method until very tender and to eat slowly with very tiny bites as @Creekimp13 suggested! Sorry you're struggling hon!!! (RE: straining soups, my RD said to eat the broth portion from the soup first, then go back and eat the solids--protein first if possible. With thick stews and stewps/chili, treat it as a solid.)
  4. FluffyChix

    Flying Solo and kind of scared

    Preparation H, Preparation H wipes with witch hazel. More Preparation H (the kind that's the gel), Cortisone Cream can also be used (my onc said so). Stool softeners and regular use of smooth move tea in the early days...
  5. I'm 4 years out from my last reconstruction surgery and I still itch like mad down at my chest wall and under my incisions across my back. So I know this can feel maddening! ((hugs)) Take deep breaths, stay cool, wear loose clothing. Maybe you can use a cool compress for 10 minute periods? Also maybe you can see if using Benedryl cream could help? Then tomorrow ask the doc if you can use cortisone cream? Hang in there!!
  6. FluffyChix

    Fit Men Cook

    Hey I really enjoyed his stuff! Thanks for turning me onto him!
  7. FluffyChix

    Sitting in the Hospital, Feeling Amazing!

    Congrats to you and so happy for the stellar report!! Gives me encouragement!!!
  8. Wow!! You look fabulous!! Congrats to you and thank you for inspiring me!
  9. FluffyChix

    Can I live off sf popsicles?

    Let me know how they turn out!
  10. FluffyChix

    Reversal After Sixteen Years!!!

    I'm so sorry you're experiencing these tough health challenges!!! ((hugs)) So I just did a quick check for you and I'm sure your transplant team have checked this out, but a low oxylate diet has little effect on changing oxylate build-up. It binds to calcium. So are you taking your calcium supplements? Are you eating calcium rich foods? Have you had your parathyroid tests done to see if you've got a stable calcium status? Here's the link: https://kidneystones.uchicago.edu/low-oxalate-diet/ Hope this helps spark conversations/questions with your transplant team!!!
  11. FluffyChix

    Fit Men Cook

    Ok, going to the YouTube now. TY!
  12. FluffyChix

    Today’s the day!

    Oh so glad you're feeling better! I bet the drain tube was pressin on your gizzard of somepin'! ((hugs)) Have a great day today and hope you feel a 1000% better today. Sip, sip, sip. Walk, walk, walk!!!
  13. Awwww hon!!!! So sorry to hear about this potential complication. Please let us know how it goes on Monday! Hopefully it isn't anything major and the heart cath will just be a go in and confirm you're fine!!! ((hugs))
  14. FluffyChix

    Surgery on Tuesday. Any suggestions?

    Oh crap that sounds crazy scary!!!!
  15. FluffyChix

    Surgery on Tuesday. Any suggestions?

    Ok 'splain the power glide please? Sounds like a crazy dance step! They can only use one arm, and then they have to use my ankles feet cuz of cancer on left side. My veins are shot from the chemo and are as small as a 4 year old girl's!
  16. FluffyChix

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    You are a wild woman!
  17. FluffyChix

    Tom Petty Dead At 66

    Holy cow. So sad about this! He was 3 years younger than my dad when he died. I will miss him, but am thankful for his incredible music. Mr. Fluffy and I walk to Tom Petty tunes every day! Me=sad monkey. Any other Petty fans out there?
  18. FluffyChix

    Tom Petty Dead At 66

    Dang! Sorry to hear about your lymphedema in the leg. That's got to SUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!! I know how awful it is in my arm, but at least it's not weight bearing. I hope you get your surgery, lose the weight, and then can do some kind of corrective, restorative or debulking surgery afterward. "They" say that losing weight will help with it. But it's difficult to imagine. I did have a 1st crush on David Cassidy. LOL. And loved the Monkees. I liked Elvis but Mom didn't, so we didn't' listen to much from him as I grew up; until I was older and out on my own. Loved Ricky Nelson and remember being so sad when he passed as well. Time catches up with us all. Love your attitude and hopeful spirit! Cheers!
  19. FluffyChix

    Tom Petty Dead At 66

    Yeah, we just saw that yesterday. Thanks for posting an update!!! I'm still really bummed about this for some reason. Kinda like Elvis I guess? It's so sad that he didn't get treatment sooner. But I have to wonder how much easier it was for him to go in his sleep with the pain meds than it would have been for him to have endured his progression of CHD and emphysema? We probably would have had another 9-10 years of his music, but at what price? Scary though about how the patch and pain meds are such a CNS depressant, right?
  20. Couldn't of said this better. I do think she was being insensitive asking you to hold the food. I think she CAN make better choices for her and the kids. Even on tough days...if y'all made the commitment for everyone to eat healthier...then everyone should stick with it. Moms and dads buy the food and create policy for the family. Inconsistency can really mess with your authority as a parent. They will see you as wishy washy and will feel if they exert enough pressure, then they can make you do as they wish.
  21. FluffyChix

    Getting Discharged today!

    Wahhhhooooooo!!! Congrats to you! Looks like you're doin' mighty fine!!
  22. FluffyChix

    Open Letter To All Who Go For Initial Doc Visit and ...

    Hahaha! Thanks for making me laugh guys. Dayum, I annoy myself so badly for whining about this. It's not as if a LOT of us aren't or haven't been in the same boat. I know it's standard to have a 6 month medical weight loss prior to surgery. This issue for me is my personality type and dealing with changes. Since I went into it with the doc telling me 3 months, then having the insurance denial at Christmas and being told nah, it's actually 6 months. Then being corrected by the RD that it's actually 7 months since the 1st consult doesn't count as a visit...THENNNN being told by the doc that she didn't think I'd get approval in time to have surgery in March and that it would actually be April before I would have surgery...IF they approve me at all. Ughhh! It's just hard to change so quickly and maintain a positive outlook and believe that I haven't just spent 7 months wasting time. I've been in basically a 6 month stall cuz the doc wanted me eating 1500cals--which is great for maintenance. TY thyroid meds, cuz I used to gain weight on 1200cals. So grateful that my maintenance is somewhere around 1400-1500. But if I went down to 850-900 cals, I would have had 6 months of losses. It would have been a ton easier to have just been told at the start that this was going to take 7 months...I would of sucked it up and gone with the plan. So it's hard to not feel jealous of the lucky individuals who go in to "talk to the doc about WLS" and 2 days later are approved and a week later are on the table...it's very hard to not feel aggravated at my own reality. Even though 6 months is a standard time frame for pre op duty. I'm still thrilled for them. And excited on their behalf! But part of me wants to shoot them down with my sonic death ray from Mars, too. Does that make any sense? Or am I just sick?
  23. @elliekay I also think the question has to be asked about the quality of your 1100-1200 calories. What did it consist of? Was there alcohol involved? I generally think that you're traveling so you may have fluid retention in your limbs. You may also be full of poop! But...if it were me, and it has been this past year...I would go back to your 600-900 cals until your weight comes back down. Then start slowly and emphasis on SLOWLY raise your cals with lean proteins, healthy fats (avocado, butter -- yes, butter, etc), and low glycemic veggies and a tiny bit of fruit. I raised cals at first 50 cals per week, then later 100cals/1-2 weeks, then lastly 200 cals/2weeks. I went from eating liquid diet at 300-400 cals/day to eating at 1500 cals that way. The weight loss did level off and I'm basically in maintenance at 1500 cals which is where the surgeon wants me right now. If I had done it quickly though, I would have gained badly. Also, just 1 drink of alcohol makes me instantly put on 2lbs overnight. So it's just not worth it... Hope you get it figured out!!
  24. Hang in there. Look forward to 1 year from now. It will all be worth it. Just glom onto that truth!!! Hugs.
  25. FluffyChix

    Indian Food

    Sorry to go off topic OP! ((hugs)) @Creekimp13 I keep reading your responses to caloric control. Would you by any chance be able to hook me up with the studies that are showing this new train of though on caloric restriction please? I've been trying to get my RD to talk about this with me so I will know what I need to plan for down the road and she has resisted so far... TIA!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
