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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. LOL! I feel like a leetle girl on Christmas morning. What do I wake to find 'neath the tree this morning??? A new flaming goody! Go! See if you can find the hidden present too!
  2. FluffyChix

    5 days postop

    Great report! Congrats!
  3. Only if you have surgery in Mexico (no offense Alex or Bill--just speakin' generically)!
  4. Holy cruising, shoppin' mamacita! You look gorgeous!!!! And tiny! Congrats and so excited for your fun trip! (and cases of GS cookies...gulp)
  5. FluffyChix

    Before and After Pics

    @jenn1 You look so amazing!!! Hey, did you have hip problems (bursitis/arthritis), or back probs at your heaviest? If so, do you have any pain now--especially with the work-outs and running? Thanks!! ((hugs))
  6. OMG, those look so fun!!! I want one now!!! *kicks heals a little in a hedonistic way*
  7. @Sosewsue61 You binging, lieing, bipolar, **** (s-l-u-t)! (Not that there's anything wrong with that...)
  8. hahahahahahahahaha. Done. and DONE! Boom! Make it rain, baby!
  9. OMG, IKR????? What's gonna be hilarious, is...I DO lose a trillion pounds, get smokin' hot and hot to trot I might add, and then Mr. Fluffy looks at me and says, "Meh? I could eat..." (metaphorically of course...like, "Eh...you're not all that and I have a headache tonight honey.") Karma's a BIT&H!
  10. Hahaha! Ok, you, Lancelot and I will build a giant wooden badger... (and go pop a comment in the guys room! )
  11. Call your doc! ((hugs)) Sucks. Hang in there!!!
  12. ((hugs)) When was the last time you lost 10lbs in 2 weeks that might not be "all water"? It'll happen. Stay faithful. Maintain course...
  13. @proudgrammy LOL, now that we have the trophy and laugh icons on a post, I wish Alex would let us multiple like something so I could give you a laugh AND a trophy! Kathy, you complete me.
  14. Damn!! I KNEW I didn't make up something that good. *sob* It already exists...https://www.npr.org/2007/03/08/7458809/embrace-the-suck-and-more-military-speak
  15. hehe Better a smart ass than a dumb one, am I right?
  16. FluffyChix

    eating meat

    Crap! They make diet Italian ices??? Be still my heart! I'm googling now!
  17. @fridacuriel Congrats on your surgery. "Having regerts" is normal. I would just say, if you're struggling with remorse for the "old life," just really glom onto WHY you decided to get the surgery. Rememer the WHY you went into this journey and have faith that 1 year from now you're only remorse will be that you didn't do it sooner. Embrace the suck. I swear I'm gonna have tshirts printed!!! Cuz while it sucks, you're maximizing the opportunity to lose the weight and aren't physically able to put the calories in your body--so weight loss happens! And all too soon, your struggle will be with being able to eat too much again and will worry that you've ruined your surgery and your tool is stretched out (when it won't be).
  18. FluffyChix

    6 month Supervised Weight Loss

    I had to have 7 total visits (the first one doesn't count) and if I had paid out of pocket, it would have been $48 each monthly visit (continuous). Mine had to be from an RD.
  19. Holy hellah wind, Batman!!! Great sleuthing! So sorry you had to experience that, but thank you for sharing your information! Congrats on 65lbs destroyed and on going down so much on your CPAP numbers!!
  20. FluffyChix

    Liquid Vitamins

    Thanks! Where do you get it? (Sorry to say, I couldn't stand the aftertaste of the BA chewables--not the ones like Star Burst, the ones that are like tums shaped/textrue). I want to try the Celebrate vitamin powder in citrus.
  21. FluffyChix

    Anthem BCBS 6 Months Pre-Op Diet

    @survive.sleeve.slay You are so pretty! Congrats on finishing your chemo. Are you having radiation? You're so "lucky" cuz you have gorgeous eyebrows. I looked like a moonfaced, white rat. I had no eyelashes or eyebrows left, even when my hair started coming back (grey). Stone grey from brown. *sniff* LOL. But the lack of eyebrows and lashes was what really played with my mind and self esteem. I lost weight during treatment (but that's unusual). Usually we gain 10-20% during treatment. But then, I went and had a huge regain while on endocrine therapy. I'm still up from my low weight of 218 with it. Keep on getting stronger girl!! ****** At OP, I also had to have 180 consecutive days of a supervised weight loss plan with an RD. The first consult doesn't count as one of my 6 visits--so it's actually 7 visits. I'm down almost 10% from my initial weigh in. The RD told me that gaining 1-2lbs during a month is fine as long as I met the minimum necessary weight loss (for me that was 5%). But that in general, they want to see at least a 1lb per month loss. I gained during my 4th month and visit to the surgeon. She didn't beat up too much for being 3lbs up from the last visit, but told me not to gain anymore. LOL. The next month I was down the 3+ an additional 1.5lbs I think? So it was ok.
  22. FluffyChix

    Honest opinions on Syntrax Nectar?

    Oh gosh! I hear you on spending so much money on stuff you end up hating!! For me, it was then amplified by trying to find a protein powder that didn't increase my asthma. Ugh, but I found enough to work, thankfully. Now I just will keep my head on straight after surgery if tastes change, that I just have to put my big girl panties on and get through the moment and drink the damn drinks. LOL! Thank you @tankheadmommy! I'm on pins and needles. I will end up losing (was kinda trying not to) from the last visit and that puts me below the 40BMI deck, so I truly hope that they go by the initial weight which was above 40BMI. *sigh* It's been the hardest part of all--that stress.
  23. FluffyChix

    Not getting Emails again?

    It's true Ken! She rec'd you to me 20 times! hehe Kathy as soon as I can think of a witty email Kathy, I'll post it to you!
  24. FluffyChix

    Honest opinions on Syntrax Nectar?

    LOL, there is a faint (to me) milk background to the green apple, which is why it would be an occasional thing. I could ignore that linger... But I truly like the lemon ice tea, grapefruit, and fuzzy navel. TBPH those are the only ones out of the sampler I really "dug" and wanted more of. I haven't tried the grape yet. I still have a pack. Guess I should break it open and try it. I actually didn't even care for the lemonade cuz it's too fake lemon for me...but the iced tea tastes like Lipton and I grew up having that at the river in the summers. And I was surprised how good the grapefruit and fuzzy navel were. I use chilled water to mix them. I also dilute them a little more than they say cuz I like watery stuff like that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
