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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Hesitate to say. They called this morning for Feb. 13th, but honestly, after being told April, I accepted a project and now it conflicts. I "think" it will be Feb. 20. But will know more later. Just so, sooooo surprised the insurance company already approved and there was no 10-infinity days anxiety-ridden approval time I had to sweat out!
  2. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Is this the official February chain gang for RNY? Is there room for one more?
  3. @orionburn Ok, I'll cop to this. I can't claim being innocent on this one. So in Houston, we have this morning drive shock jock team -- Dean and Rog. And they are beloved! Every week they have a "Cocktail of the Week" that they do on the show and the vote is always to "spit or swallow". LOL. So not exactly original. But hell, I don't care who you are, that's funny.
  4. Has anyone tried this in either the Citrus Splash, Wild Cherry, or the Raspberry Lemonade? So gimme your reviews please!??? Spit, or swallow?
  5. OK listen, I don't think I'm the only one who feels a little drama-deprived lately. Can't we get any minor disagreements in one or two threads? Can't someone start a new and interesting sex or libido thread--or a cheating-on-the-spouse-after-surgery thread...or somepin'? Help a chix out! You're killin' me!
  6. FluffyChix

    The first poo

    Gosh @Wanda A, you're so full of poop! hehe
  7. FluffyChix

    The first poo

    ((hugs)) UGGGGH! I hear ya! It's why I'll do an extensive bowel prep for a freakin' root canal if it even hints at needing fentanyl or other anesthesia. LOL.
  8. Dinner tonight will be: grilled chickie boob, broccoli in garlic, avo & tomatoes
  9. In 6 weeks is the beginning. Just don't gain and screw your liver up. You've been living healthy and during that time your liver has been repairing itself. With each transgression (and trust me, I've had some food funerals during the holidays), you fu*k up your liver again. Remember, 6 weeks is the BEGINNING! (rainbows and unicorns, my friend)
  10. FluffyChix

    Lack of support... :(

    ((hugs)) Hang in there and whatever choices you make, do them for you--to make you better, happier, whole. Sounds like you've got it figured out. Sometimes it just takes a while for people to throw their support on board with you. Be consistent and just keep swimmin'!
  11. Good luck!!! You got this. Crying releases endorphins (the feel good, mood lifting hormone)--so all's good. You're normal, ya weirdo!
  12. @ahappycamper (Hmmm, can't get it to link to you for some reason.) ((hugs)) I get you. I get it. These guys have serious chops to offer behind their advice, so really take it. Me? Not so much. I've been where you are. So many times. It's easy peasy to dole out advice, to serve others with healthy, balanced, nutritious food on a timely schedule. Blah. Blah. Blah. And when it's all said and done? What would I do in the old days? Yep, handful of cheetos and a glass of vino. Every live long day... I can't tell you what will work for you or will work post surgery cuz I'm still pre-op and still livin' the dream of the march to my new tool and anatomy. And I wake up each morning with one job: Commit to the day. My job for me, the employer, is to work as hard as I can to follow the rules as I understand them. (Given by my nutritionist and surgeon.) At the end of the day I lay down, check it off my list as "done" and go to sleep. I wake the next day with a brand new commitment. It's overwhelming at times. So I can't look to tomorrow. I can't look behind at how I may have failed the week before. It's a continual feedback loop like Ground Hog Day where I try to learn daily, what to apply in the next choice. Sounds sanctimonious right? I screw up royally all the time. But I move forward and decided to forgo the beatings. I do the best I can. The only way to do this is break it down into little baby steps. 1. Diet (4 letter word but works for me). I know what to eat at breakfast, lunch, and dinner and it's protein forward, lots of leafy veg and cooked veg, a bit of low carb fruit, and a little healthy fats. 2. Water - 116oz a day including my decaf coffee 3. Exercise - presently it's walking for 30 minutes which for me=1 mile. I do this 5 days a week. I was doing PT, but I need to go back for a cortisone shop in my hip to do more. If someone like me can do this...then someone like you can excel. You deserve this. You CAN do it. Make 1 change and make it today. Start by changing only 1 thing. Each day add a new goal or change to the mix. Pretty soon, you'll be back and in charge! Hang in there and keep fighting! (Oh, I meant to add, I think maybe I'd check in with my nutritionist and/or surgeon and get a "tune-up" and a redirection to see how to get back on track...just a thought for you!!
  13. @BigViffer Seriously dude, not stalkin' or pervin' but you give great advice. Cudos and hope to remember them during my journey.
  14. FluffyChix

    Open Letter To All Who Go For Initial Doc Visit and ...

    So quit yammerin' on and whinin' huh?
  15. Thanks Alex! Great information and tips. Ughhh...will consider the whole mirror thing... I'm pretty sure by now, I have no reflection...just sayin...
  16. FluffyChix

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    Don't you just love cocoa nibs? We really like the Scharffenberger (sp?) brand. Will have to try that with the yogurt! Ha! In fact, running to try it now for a late lunch/snack! **Back with a Report: Ok, I started with just the yogurt/cottage cheese mixture I use (to lower the carbs from straight yogurt and to increase the protein). And it was good, but I only have the unsweetened nibs. But then I added PB Slim powder and it overwhelmed the nibs...then I went nuts and added slivered almonds, frozen blueberries and fiber one. YUM! Super delicious "granola" topping filled with good fiber and proteins. GREAAAATTTTT crunch with the nibs! Makes a little over a cup--like 1 1/8 cup (1-2 servings) 1/2c Greek yogurt, plain 85g 2% cottage cheese 1 floz Fairlife Fat Free milk 4g PB Slim powder 7g slivered almonds 5g Fiber One Bran Threads 7g Scharffenberger Cacao Nibs, unsweetened Nutrition: 236 cals; 22g protein; 9g fat; 18g carbs; 6g fiber; 12g net carbs; 9g natural sugars
  17. FluffyChix

    spit up blood

    Was it bright red or rust/blackish?
  18. FluffyChix

    Wooo hoooooo. Half way!

    WTG! Congrats!
  19. FluffyChix

    Struggling with pre op diet

    Wow!!!! Holy hell! I'm so sad for you. I can definitely appreciate you being gutted! And starving! Literally! ((hugs)) Please, please, please, don't ruin it. Go back to your milk. Don't even play head games with yourself right now, cuz it will be all to easy to rationalize. Just put the blinders back on and go back to it sweetie. I SWEAR it will be over soon!
  20. FluffyChix

    Pre Op Diet

    Stay the course!!!! You got this and it will pass so quickly. Good luck tomorrow!
  21. FluffyChix

    Honest opinions on Syntrax Nectar?

    Oh dear God. The humanity! Crystal sky... Why God? Why?
  22. Well, you know...even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. Party on Wayne.
  23. Wow great answers everyone!!!! Ok! I'm doing this thing!!!! ((hugs all around)) I will be a year out in my process as of May. Still preparing for them to give me the big ol' yes. And I second guess myself and what I'm doing every-other-day. I think mostly, it's to be expected. It's a serious, SERIOUS purchase. It's non-refundable/no-few exchanges. LOL. It's as permanent as having a kiddo or getting married! That kind of decision doesn't come without second guesses. You know? At this point in my life, I've seen the disease side of things...the pain side, the descrimination/limitation side. Now I'm ready (I think) to do things a different way. Food has not been a friend to me. We're breakin' up!
  24. Remember, I asked a question similar to this about prep for this journey. I agree! It does boggle my mind. And it's like honking at terrible drivers who almost cause a wreck, they turn around, shoot you the finger, honk back, swerve toward you and are generally very d**k-ish. LOL. Ok, so I'll play! 1. Did your team discuss your post surgical diet with you in detail before your surgery? Ohhhhhh yeah!!! 2. Did your nurses go over your immediate diet with you in your hospital room? I know they will--I'm at a COE. 3. Were all stages of your diet given to you in written form? Did you understand when to start each stage? Yippy Skippy, in a book/binder. 4. Did anyone ever tell you not to eat or drink more than a certain number of ounces per hour? Chawwwwww!!!! 5. Did anyone ever tell you what could happen to you if you ate foods that you weren't approved for yet? I'd asplode!!!!!! Kablewwwwieeeeeee! 6. Were you allowed to order a meal in the hospital, and if so, what did it consist of? Pizza hehe...oh wait, that wasn't WLS...nm 7. Did you have a clear understanding that the surgery was permanent? Yes'm. I sooooointendly did. Now what did I win, Bob? A one way ticket to banned camp?
  25. FluffyChix

    Feeling deflated

    ((hugs)). Stay the course. Don't get discouraged! You know about the dreaded 3 week stall/slow down, right? Congrats on 17lbs in 1 month and a half (damn, new math). Remind me, do you normally lose 17lbs in a month? Hang in there sweetie. It's gonna go.

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