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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    What is THE tastiest pre-op protein drink concoction you've made? Mine is hands down my banana and cream Isopure drink made with 1/2 Fairlife fat free milk and 1/2 sf vanilla Coconut Milk with added powdered peanut butter. It tastes like peanut butter nana.
  2. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    wow, remember banana bomb pops? *drool*
  3. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Amen, my sistah!!!
  4. TY hon! I'm sure I will figure it out and in retrospect it won't be a big deal. It usually turns out that way. I was homeless as a kid for a while when my dad lost his business, and my mom had a few nervous breakdowns that necessitated hospitalization, so as a coping skill, I learned to plan in an effort to control some part of my world. It makes the future less scary feeling when you feel like you can plan for tomorrow. But the downside to that is the unnecessary worry and wasted energy that unnecessary planning takes to fulfill. Good times! Welcome to my 10lbs of crazy stuffed into my 5lb head! hehe
  5. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Yeah, I was just worried about getting in TOO much protein by having 4 servings of protein drink? I am a serious over-thinker. At least I can laugh at myself.
  6. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    BTW, LOVE LOVE LURVEEEEEEE your journal, gel pens and stickers. I have journal envy right now.
  7. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    I'm about to go HEBing, is it worth it to get both kinds of boxes? I am a pineapple (Dum Dums), fruit punch hoe, but also love my childhood popsicles. LOL.
  8. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    I don't know if you can click on this and read it? This is my proposed food log for the day.
  9. My weight history was the initial part. I don't know what % the typical weight regain post surgery is. I read that it's anywhere from 10-20lbs. You know? But what you've said makes complete sense. If you lose 200lbs and keep off 180lbs of that...then you're still ahead of the curve ball.
  10. Absolutely GREAT reply! This makes total and complete sense! And sadly, it means that I can't really plan for the future--since I really don't know where I fit in that continuum. Thanks so much again to all of you for sharing! This is phenomenally interesting to me!!!! And super helpful, so thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to help me!
  11. No the regain historically without surgery has been 100% regain + 10-15%. That is very typical and usual for 95% of the population. I'm just very normal. LOL. Or are you saying that if I were to lose 200lbs, that with a 10% regain, I'd still have a 180lb loss?
  12. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Hey girlie! How ya doing today? I decided to go ahead and start my liquid today--technically supposed to start in the morning but I ate so much yesterday, it might as well be my "last meal day". Can you show me how you got to 900calories? Cuz, today's proposed menu gets me to 500cals. And for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get to the 1000cal range the RD told me I should aim for with the pre-op? Thanks!!
  13. Sure of course. I'm 55 years old and morbidly obese. I've been on diets since age 9. Clearly I've no concept of how to have moderated sustainable relationships where I'm able to contain the hunger/craving beast so that I'm able to maintain a normal weight. Because I've always regained+10-15%. I chalked that up to being a fallible human being. And also know that the body is a beast that loves to maintain its fat cells in full mode and will try to do any kind of shenanigans to refill them, once emptied through diet. So now, the stakes are infinitely higher. I'm about to go rearrange my gut anatomy and cut out a portion of my intestines. I KNOW that my old habits got me to being morbidly obese. So if I think that just the surgery is gonna keep me from returning to morbid obesity--I think I'm not being honest with myself. I don't trust myself with the "old habits." And developing trust with the new habits is what my goal will be about for the future. The big question for me is that if I create these new habits and "new normal", will my body STILL try to sabotage me with weight gain down the road? It's like trying to anticipate future problems and address them while I have the luxury of time to plan and implement--rather than having to react to something in crisis mode. That's why it truly interests me to find out why you guys are successful. It also interests me to find out why some people struggle and face regain. And the hypothetical numbers I pulled out (1000-1200) are just that--they're just a hypothetical amount. I know right now, at 1500 cals per day with 60-80g from protein and 60-70g of carbs, walking on average about 50 mins a day, 4-5 days a week, I'm in maintenance. Presurgery. I'm losing maybe about 1-2lbs per month that can be wiped out by one poorly planned meal. That's an excruciating tight rope. I'd like to know if I need to expect that post-surgery, or if it gets maybe even a little easier to maintain (once we're out of the honeymoon period).
  14. FluffyChix


    And trust us, all any of us who know you want is...for you to bathe!!! bahahahahahaha! ROFL! j/k sweetie. Hope you get your bath soon! (My people are shower people.)
  15. Ok, I get you! So let me do the scenario another way? So let's say, you're taking in the amount of calories per day that are prescribed for you by your doc/RD. These are maintenance level calories based on your individual food requirements and exercise habits. The intention is that it's an isocaloric diet--you will neither gain, nor lose on it--supposedly. And you go about life over the next 2-3 years without changing one tiny spec of this prescription. You're still eating that same diet/calorie level. You are not cheating. You're doing your exercise at the same level, same amount per week, etc. Will weight gain be inevitable? Will you be held hostage to your body adjusting/acclimating and overcoming the changes made through surgery? Are we doomed to fight regain, even though we do everything right? (ie for RNYers we get part of our intestines removed, and studies show that at 2-3 years, our remaining intestines have grown more microvilli so that more food absorption can occur. So it's adapted to the new anatomy--at least partially.) ORRRRRR If we do everything "right" as described above, can we safely expect to be able to maintain our total original weight loss without fearing the 10-20lb regain? Thanks for entertaining this question with me and for any reassurances to the future!!
  16. FluffyChix

    Today’s the day!

    Congrats on a 40lb loss and on a super report!!! It's really normal to "hit walls" when recovering. So many things at play. Rest when you can!!! And glad you're back and can play with us!!!
  17. Hahahahaha! Thank you SOOOO much for this!
  18. FluffyChix

    It's fun to play at the YMCA!

    Hahahahahahahaha! Run away! Run away! TMI!!! I swear, it's the image I got as you were describing it! ROFL!!
  19. FluffyChix

    It's fun to play at the YMCA!

    One word... Cocoon (just sayin'... )
  20. Remember the post where one of the replies was from a guy who was so hangry or something that he said something snarky to his boss and called him Felicia? I swear I've been using that name since then. Never ceases to make me laugh out loud. Seriously snort!
  21. Congrats on your losses and on recognizing the need to tighten your habits back up. Many insurances will give you vouchers to do Weight Watchers. You could do their core or points plus stuff! Also go back to basics: Weigh/measure EVERYTHING. Log it. 3oz protein (eat it first) then low glycemic veggies low glycemic fruits healthy fats nuts/seeds And until you reach goal, kick the crap and high glycemic carby crap to the curb. Follow the no eating while drinking rules your doc first gave you. It will be hard at first. But after 3-4 days, you will be back feeling your pouch resistance again. I'm not a vet, but I swear, I scour these boards for successful vets long term practices and to a person, they are doing this. They FOLLOW the rules. You know there is no magic bus ride. ((hugs)) And just keep on fighting the good fight!
  22. Holy cow Batman! Ok, I'm a tell my hip to STFU and really start walking again. I was doing 6 days a week, 50min/day. But the steroid shot is wearing off...so now only doing 30mins, 3x week. Not good enough.
  23. I haven't read it yet, what was the extent of the 180 tot mins of exercise per week? Does walking qualify? Or does it have to be a mix of strength exercises, balance and aerobics?
  24. Holy cow! Interesting stuff!! Am going to read the study now. Thanks for sharing hon.
  25. Or maybe this! Felicia is such a tool.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
