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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. I'm so sorry. ((hugs)) I replied to you in the Insurance thread. It's so difficult to have the plans change from what you were working toward. The rescheduling makes it feel like things will never end and like the reality of surgery is tenuous at best. You just have to breathe deeply and hold onto belief. It sounds easy but is really hard! And of course, hang out on the boards a lot! LOL. I have been VERY good about that! It takes your mind off of it. Hang in there sweetie.
  2. FluffyChix

    Submitted to Insurance

    @kakatlady612 It's very hard to deal with changes and with mix-ups. It feels like it never ends. The only thing you can do is take a lot of deep breaths, keep your eyes on the prize, and just keep swimming. And moaning and bitching helps too. I did a LOT of those 2 things for the past 3 months! It is hard to believe that it's really gonna happen. I think that's when we have to find our faith and dig in--dig deep and hold on! Don't sabotage your plans. Just hold tight to the belief that it will be on the 15th and keep doing what you know to be right. If it were me, I'd go ahead and start the liquid pre-op or whatever your pre-op diet prescription is! Get your pre-op testing done as early as possible. Mine is 1 week prior to surgery in case there are any snags, you have time to get them resolved without too much angst. ((hugs))
  3. FluffyChix

    Any advice...

    Removed by me; fine levied for excessive "tool-ish" behavior. The end.
  4. FluffyChix

    My surgery at 11 today

    Good luck today Sarah!!! It's going to be over so quickly!!! Saying prayers.
  5. FluffyChix

    Super Bowl food!

    Wow that looks amazeballs! How much of it were you able to eat at 1 meal?
  6. FluffyChix

    BM Stall

    Congrats on surgery!!!! Sorry for the train back-up on track #2!!!! It's the worst! My RD said it might be 4 days in between poops. I'm like .
  7. FluffyChix

    Hiccups in the Road

    Ohhhh! Damn my lack of reading comprehension! Well, congrats on ALL your surgeries hon!!! And dang, that knee makes the moving part sooo much harder! But um, on a side note, I bet your tummy doesn't hurt so much right now because of it! The old joke: how do you get rid of a headache? Hit your toe with a hammer.
  8. FluffyChix

    My sexy legs

    Congrats!! Great attitude! I can see a diff in your face fo'shizzle! @Creekimp13 HILARIOUS!!!! I had to go back and look! Dollah, dollah bills!
  9. FluffyChix

    Super Bowl food!

    Bahahahaaha! Remember the Ronco Bassamatic?
  10. FluffyChix

    Hiccups in the Road

    Sorry to hear you didn't get the VSG yet and that you have had so much pain recovering from the hernia repair! And how dang scary to have to be in ICU after surgery!!! But dayum on the wind chill and breaking your knee cap!!!! That sucks! ((hugs)) Hang in there sweetie! When is your new surgery scheduled?
  11. Well don't leave us in suspense! What did they say?
  12. Day 1 is out of the door and a huge success, I might add. There was some hunger, but luckily, no hanger! Mr. F. is relieved! I didn't get all my food in as "scheduled". My doc would have me eat the first meal at 8am. Yeah, whatever. If I eat at 8am, I wake my hunger up for the day. I'm going to try to push it back to 10am as the first meal and have black decaff coffee until then. I can say hands down, the hardest part is interacting with food: watching food shows, commercials on tv, washing dishes/cleaning the kitchen, shopping, and cooking an actual meal for your normies, is really quite difficult. So do them as little as possible. LOL. It's also very strange to see just how MUCH free time you have on your hands when you're not eating. It felt like the day took much longer! Ha! Let's just say, instead of being productive as I should have been, I played a lot of hearts and solitaire on my iphone. But hey, whatever gets you to the finish line, right? Oh, and dayum, my fairwell tour of BBQ was not a friend to me. I went from 228 up to 234 for my official Pre-Op Liquid Diet weigh-in. It's so bogus that I can gain up 10lbs overnight. Let's just say my ankles are cankles. Even though there weren't many carbs involved (green beans), or noticable sugar, I got dogpiled. So that sucks. But I just will move forward. I'm attaching my food log from yesterday as it finished playing out last night. I'm gonna go read how much milk I can have with my protein shakes. I'm pretty sure there is a limit.
  13. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    I had one of the tropical flavors last night. It was just, "meh". But that's okey dokey! Today I will have one of my beloved old fashioned ones!
  14. My surgeon says that although there is absolutely a honeymoon period for both types of surgery, she puts that at 6months. And she says they're finding that the malabsorption isn't as big of a deal as they previously thought. For one thing, modern RNYs take a much smaller portion of the duodenum than the old surgeries. And I totally agree that caloric source is so important!! Good luck on getting to enjoy 1800-2200 cals/day. Until I'm able to get a whole lot more active, that is not my reality as a 55 year old post meno female who takes an endocrine pill to shut down as many of her hormones/hormone production as it possibly can. Think trying to lose weight when your female hormones are whackadoodle. That's my life. It's infinitely more difficult at this point. But, I will hopefully get to enjoy between 1200-1400 in maintenance at my current activity level--maybe even 200cals more, but I doubt that somehow.
  15. Exactly. That's the whole goal is to determine what that road map looks like and how strict or relaxed I get to be. I surely hope I don't have to walk the tightrope I currently navigate as a pre-surg. LOL. I am just trying to find out definitively through your anecdotal experiences if an invisible wall exists that you hit once years 2-3 are under your belt. You read it all the time about how, it's year 2-3 that really defines what will happen in your post surgery world. That's the real scary part for me. Does it happen no matter what you do? Or is the massiveness of the wall determined by how abstemious you have been up to that point. Right?
  16. @Newme17 Thanks so much for the calculator! What you say makes a lot of sense! The numbers were only a hypothetical--although you hear it here all the time of people living 1 year out on 1000-1200 cals/day.
  17. Hang in there sweetie!! This time tomorrow night you will be on the other side and each day you will be improving more and more and losing a crap ton of weight!!!! ((hugs))
  18. Hahahahaha! IKR?????!!!!! Thank you darlin'!!! Please feel free to remind me and tough love me if my head goes haywire and you hear me rationalizing slackin' off or deviating from the plan! Ok? ((hugs))
  19. Yes!!! Exactly!! Thanks so much for inspiring me girlie. You've no idea!!! You also give me hope!
  20. The reason why only matters (for me) in understanding and anticipating whether or not there will be this invisible wall that exists after the honeymoon period where, regardless of virtuous diet or exercise, you will begin to gain weight. If that exists, then I want to try to prepare myself as much as possible to guard against backsliding. Since I know my own basic proclivities and want to become a new person without so many of my old flaws. Does that make sense? Thank you for sharing your fears about regain. I think I'm in the same boat--only you are more "evolved" and healed! ((hugs))
  21. FluffyChix

    Mini spasms after RNY?

    I get those right now. It's such a weird feeling and makes me catch my breath and hold it until it's over. I chalked it up to my thyroid maybe being off and causing heart palpitations? But dunno? Hopefully someone will come in soon and tell you!! ((hugs))
  22. @ChaosUnlimited Thank you sweetie!! ((hugs)) Yeah, you know the hunger part isn't so bad (today--haha), but I definitely get you on the chewing part! But so far for a first day it's pretty tame I think? I can have milk, soy milk, or coconut milk (fat free, skim/unsweetened). I think for dinner I will make a shake as you suggest with Isopure bananas and cream powder, peanut butter powder and also 1/2c of Fairlife Fat Free and 1/2c of unsweetened vanilla SO Delicious coconut milk with ice cubes, then take a really long time to drink it. LOL. I'm stocked with broth, popsicles, and jello for later if needed. I know that days 2&3 will be worse before it gets better though, so will just take it a day at a time. Right?! @kakatlady612 So sorry to read about your scheduling snafu!!! ((hugs)) I'm praying that they get it worked out for you quickly on Monday morning! I'll go check Feb. Bypassers after dinner hon! Hang in there. Please don't be sad. Gosh, there have been so many false starts and then stops on this journey, I think we all "get" to experience them. @Creekimp13 Thank you hon!!! ((hugs)) I am back on track for certain. And you know, to be honest, it wasn't as if yesterday was "super off track" by other people's definitions. LOL. I at maybe 10oz of BBQ from 11am to 6pm with green beans as my side. No sauce, no sugar. So really, it was just the shear volume of calories from brisket and sausage. Lots of fat to be sure! hehe! MMMMMmmmmm fat! But today's been an easy-ish first day and hopefully tomorrow will be tolerable as well! I'm just actually excited and beyond nervous that my baser instincts won't screw up my golden shot at redemption.
  23. FluffyChix

    Lose in energy.

    Hang in there!!! What were you drinking before the protein shakes, clear liquids? Congrats on surgery!!!
  24. FluffyChix

    Update 16 months out, down 100lbs! (photos)

    You're so pretty! Love the pixie!!! It suits you perfectly. Congrats on all your hard work!

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