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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Dang oh dang!! What caused the droopy feet? I'm sad you fall. You should totally check into the braces!!! Hope your knee swelling goes down!
  2. Dang!!! Congrats on the 81lbs. That's amazing!!! So glad your pain level has reduced!!! Your last 40lbs will continue to come off. You know it will. I have faith in you and your determination to live and eat a healthy diet. OMG on moving with the pain. PT was a double-edged sword for me. My arthritis doc said it's just a tradeoff. He said that I would never be pain free, so it's a matter of how much I can do while in bearable levels of pain. The PT made me stronger, have more endurance, but it really aggravated the hip condition. It's tough to lift my right thigh now cuz of it, but I can hang in there and hopefully with the weight loss things will improve!
  3. Ha! Yes it was the salt. Yesterday I peed like a racehorse and today I was at 230.4 lbs this morning. I'd love to be down to 225lbs by next Tuesday for my hospital pre-surg tests/interview. Hey, a girl can dream--but I know I'd probably have to snort coke to believe I can drop 5lbs (even of fluid) by next Tuesday. LOL. I hope I can look back on this and laugh--maybe others will see some benefit rather than the antics of raging wanna-be narcissist? On the suck-o-meter, the first 2 days really haven't been that bad. I thank God for SF Popsicles....mmmmmm....grape! Makes me a happy girl! Hey, do you know on a liquid pre-op diet, can we use a little bit of condensed cream of mushroom or chicken soup in our broth? Or how about small amounts of sugar free Hershey's Chocolate Syrup? Any thoughts on this? I forgot to ask my RD. I made a really tasty smoothie. I don't claim the recipe--as others have been using sf jello powder (not the pudding) in their smoothies since Moby d**k was a minnow. LOL. Here's the recipe--it was surprisingly thick and satisfying. Strawberry Banana Pre-op Protein Smoothie 12 fl oz SO Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk, unsweetened 31g (1scoop) Isopure Bananas and Cream low carb protein powder 3g sugar free strawberry gelatin powder 6g whole psyllium husks (Now brand) 8 cubes ice Put everything in a ginormous blender cup and wazz with a stick blender until smooth and all the ice is chewed up. Stick a straw in it and enjoy. Nutritionals: 199cals; 26g protein; 8g fat; 7g carbs; 4g fiber; 3g net carbs; 2g sugar
  4. @Newme17 That's so exciting that your bursitis pain has gone away or diminished! Thanks so much for looking up that information for us! It really gives me hope and makes me excited! I have OA and bilateral bursitis in both hips. I got a cortisone shot in the left one that helped me even be able to walk at all, but just sooo hate putting cortisone into my body, I'm bawking at having a second one on the right side. We discussed waiting until after surgery about 3months to decide. @Apple203 Dayum! I'm so sorry to hear about your fall!!! ((hugs)) I hope PT helped you and your pain! OA sucks! Is the PT helping you get over the fall?
  5. Dayum! I'll take that any day over having my non-existent penis grow 1 inch. I'm seriously looking forward to giving the hips and spine a rest! Do you know how many pounds of pressure is reduced in those areas?
  6. Dayum! Another of my twins! LOL!!! I love this thread too! It's so funny, I'm really banking on hurting less when I lose the weight. It's not a case of deferred living...it's really more about that right now, I'm maxing my activity levels due to my pain with "weight appropriate" exercises. It's a vast improvement over 10months ago at this time, but let's be honest. The activities and level of activity will never get me to that smokin' hot and toned bod above--or even to my secret Baywatch bod. LOL. That is gonna take some serious strength training and core exercises which I dearly need! But I am actually looking forward to the day when I can start building that body for my own. (Or some semblance of it--haha) It's so funny how internally, I feel like I'm in my early to mid-20s and looking at the latest piccys, not only do I not have this body, but aparently at some point in the last 30 years, I got old looking! Old looking, can you imagine? hehe. Yes, even if I don't get to this level of fit, I WILL learn to love my body as it stands. Wanna make a pact? Let's do this thing and nail it!
  7. I use this lab online called Healthcheck USA where you don't need a doctor's order to get labwork done. You order, pay online, then they send you an order to go have your blood drawn at a local lab. I use Quest Labs here to do the draws. I self pay for my cancer levels cuz my onc doesn't believe in them. I save a WAD of money. http://www.healthcheckusa.com/nutrition-vitamin-tests/panels.aspx
  8. FluffyChix

    Hey! I’m new here.

    Welcome and wow, what an entrance! ((hugs)) So glad they found the hematoma, and so sorry you had to deal with that! Congrats on the surgery and weight loss!
  9. FluffyChix

    Weekend diet vacation

    You'll be ok. Get back on it hard this week! Drink lots of water. No remorse. Take no prisoners!
  10. Day 2 of 15 is officially out the door and it was successful. I felt WAY more hunger than on Day1. But the good news is that for now, hot clear broth, sf jello, and sf Popsicle are managing the breakthrough hunger well enough. Do I feel like I could sit down to a 16oz rib eye? Yep. Would it be wise? Nope. So Iron Will 2 v. Felicia 0. Today is brought to you by the Letter O, for "Ohhhhh good golly Miss Molly, today's gonna be a humdinger!" Cuz I woke up with the tummy thinking my throat has been cut. I'm Starvin' Marvin' this morning. So I'm tearin' into the black decaff coffee like there's no tomorrow! I read that Day 3 is supposed to be some kind of wall that once scaled presents easier days beyond it. So here's to nailing Day 3! I'm also listening to Tom Petty's Swingin' for inspiration and a little "morning drive music". It's not like I haven't had to fight like a girl before--7 years of BC recovery kinda prepared me for this new fight. Interestingly, even though hunger is very real, the excitement for the surgery and the commitment to this process continues to grow much faster than the deprivation. This keeps the suckage low and manageable. Here's yesterday's Menu. Pretty repetitive, a limited list of playahs, but it is what it is. I can't really figure out how to get my calories higher without making my protein go off the charts. Maybe I'll try making the protein drinks with unsweetened vanilla coconut milk--but that only add 45 cals per 8fl oz.
  11. Oh wow! Saying prayers for you tomorrow that the HR woman gets your perfect piccy on the first take!!! I get it. I think I've never been photogenic, except when I was super little. But have never been able to smile naturally.
  12. FluffyChix

    Super Bowl food!

    LOL, hell if I know. I was just hopin' to start some sh*t out of boredom and because I'm hungry.
  13. Just a thought, but on another board when someone describes what you are feeling, they recommend omeprazole or something -- that it might be excess stomach acid?? Dunno...
  14. FYI? I guess I was hangry. I just went and made an iced mocha decaff...cuz you know, my ass isn't frozen enough I thought ice might be good. My bad. Oh and btw, ladies? Way to reward my attention seeking behavior!
  15. See? You're saying that right now, but your picture is callin' me Leo and asking me to sink on the Titanic with ya!
  16. FluffyChix

    Super Bowl food!

    @Seahawks Fan Dayum! You can already eat a 1/2cup?
  17. @Creekimp13 Crap! I really almost spewed my True Lemon water at the damn screen. THE best!!!! @Aurora2609 I'm so sad at that story!!!! Bless your sweet soul!!! ((hugs)) Let's make a pact right now. No more piccys posted evs! Ok?
  18. LOL! Oh man! I hear ya! Mr. F. showed me one of the pics and I absolutely had white rings around my eyes! I yelled, "Turn off that flash--dear God and all that's holy!" *snort*
  19. Bahahaha! I personally think we should all post pics of who we "think" we look like in our heads!
  20. FluffyChix

    Never Ever Ever

    This cracked me the eff up!!! I did mine yesterday and I'm all like...damn! Rotisserie Chickens never looked so come-hither before!!! What is UP with that????!!! *snort*
  21. FluffyChix

    Anyone interested in finding local pals?

    It depends...does "finding local pals" involve 18 year old mail-order brides and 900 numbers at 2am?
  22. FluffyChix

    Any advice...

    ((hugs)) You're so right and eloquent! Besides...remember, I'm on Day2 of POLD...
  23. FluffyChix

    Sleeve tight in the morning

    Aww! Feel better Walter! Sorry to hear that. My RD said that happens a lot. That sometimes her people have to drink warm water, or tea or black decaff until they're able to handle food later in the morning???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
