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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Oh man!!!! That's messed up, right there!
  2. FluffyChix

    Insurance denied - Cigna

    Yeah it sucks. It has to be consecutive--no breaks. And for me, I was told it would be 90 consecutive days, but it actually had to be 120 consecutive days. I'm still waiting for the hospital to confirm I'm covered with the insurance company. Apparently they are currently only working on Feb. 14ths day of procedures (as of today). It's a nailbiter, and I'm not out of the woods and on the table yet! Mine is set for Feb. 20th, but I'm mentally braced to take whatever comes. You know? LOL.
  3. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    Seeing Larry's avatar, I'm really tempted to describe him as: He was quiet, really. Kept to himself... (you know? He's just very innocent and normal-ish looking?) bahahahahahaaha!
  4. FluffyChix


    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! ROFLMAO!! That's hilarious. No idea. I had this feeling I was gonna regret knowing what it is--or how people are thinking these days! LOL @crystal0727 Sing it girl! (and for the record? I thought in my mind that w*nk bank = wink bank (bahahahahaaha-I'm like, huh? What the hayull is a wink bank?) )
  5. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    My RD told me specifically not to bowel prep. Where you drink stuff to clean you out from stem to stern? But dang, I was like, "Well...I dunno 'bout that..." I will talk to the doc next week at my appointment. I do a bowel prep for a root canal if it is gonna involve fentanyl and/or general anesthesia. The worst experience of my life was having to get rid of an impaction after my port was in! LOL
  6. FluffyChix


    @MsTipps I'm almost afraid to ask, but if it will take my mind off food right now, what is w*nk bank? ROFLMAO!
  7. FluffyChix


    @MsTipps I'm almost afraid to ask, but if it will take my mind off food right now, what is w*nk bank? ROFLMAO!
  8. So I think we can all agree, we need more content. More people posting!!! More! More!
  9. @Minnesota Redhead and @Apple203, and @jenn1 Haha! Maybe we should replace those times with nekkid twister parties? And by "we" I mean "y'all" and then you could post about it and keep me entertained here on the boards?
  10. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Awww hon! Good methodology for coping there if you ask me! Also, something to consider when I was talking with my surgeon about my sissys coming to take care of me. She looked at me like I'd grown a 3rd head and said very wryly...you know, there isn't gonna be much "taking care of" after this surgery don't you? We're gonna have you out of bed and walking in the first 2-3 hours after surgery and drop kickin your but outta the hospital the next day. From there, you're gonna be walking, drinking, and watching cartoons. You are NOT gonna need anyone to take care of you. And she laughed. I could tell she was trying not to look at me like I was a complete moron. Maybe that will help ease your mind about hubs going back to work? Here's what she looked like:
  11. FluffyChix

    I don't want to appear desperate but.....

    Hey girlie, I'm sorry for being a ginormous tool. In the end, the only opinion that counts is your own. You DO know best where you are in this continuum. You know? And loneliness and loss SUCK the big one! I guess I just answered from my own personal experience before Mr. F. came into my life. And like in AA and similar programs, the kinda forbid you to make major life changing decisions or get into a relationship while you are walking your steps--because of transference. And knowing how I will escape processing tough things by "getting busy" with other things...well, your post was a perfect storm just waiting for me to pontificate. Of course, I am also in Day 4 of the Liquid Diet so there is a good deal of the bat **** crazies going down round these parts. Not to mention a big serving of Hanger. LOL. 2
  12. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    @Creekimp13 Bahahahahaha! I feel fairly certain Lurkin'Larry is either: a.) Sleeping one off b.) In 7th grade gym class sportin' a wedgie. He looks to have been a very busy boy last night?!
  13. @ChaosUnlimited Thanks chickie!
  14. FluffyChix

    I don't want to appear desperate but.....

    For 18 years. Yes. Your new normal that I'm referring to is the march toward WLS. It began in the 6 month to a year when you started your pre-surgery requirements and really had to face redefining your relationship with food and obesity. That's what I'm talking about. And, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with wanting a partner-in-crime in this process. I'm just saying that what you want now, may be vastly different once you are done. Am I wrong in thinking that you only just had surgery 12.11.17? That's only 6-8 weeks ago. It's hard enough sustaining a long-term relationship through the turbulent waters of WL. I'd imagine it would be infinitely more difficult to do it in a new relationship?
  15. bahahahahahahaahahahahaaha!!! Classic! Well played.
  16. Sweetie you gotta hook me up with the links. :-/ You go to that post your talking about. Go up to the address bar that tells you where you're at and use your mouse. Right click 1 time and hold the button down. You'll see a drop down menu. Run the mouse down until it highlights the "Copy" line. Left click once on that line to select it. Then you come back here and click on a reply window and click 1 time in the empty window. Right click again and run the mouse down to highlight "Paste" line. Left click once on that line to select "Paste". If you did it right, you will see an underlined address within the window. Now hit the return or Enter button to get off of that line and you've created a link. (There are other ways to do it, but this is your first lesson and the easiest.)
  17. FluffyChix

    I don't want to appear desperate but.....

    Ok, so I get your loneliness. ((hugs)) So sorry to hear about your loss. But just an observation and (critical thinking as it applies to me)...sometimes to obfuscate my reality, I tear off on tangents. And what happens is that my tangents become time/energy sinks. They suck out all the focus and energy I should be applying to processing and dealing with my present reality. You know? So what I think is happening now is GINORMOUS for you. You are literally building the chrysalis for a rebirth/transformation. And you've NO idea what you will be like, what your needs will be, and who you are--because this process is truly transformative. In all areas: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Why not for now, suck it up on the loneliness scene. (Not meaning to be unfeeling--this is how I reason things out for me personally too...) And the big payout is that by deferring this need for love/friendship/companionship--you can work your ass off to develop a new you. Join groups, go do group activities and be your sweet self. And improve. Your main focus is on maximizing your golden shot at rebirth. Right? Then...when the dust settles, THEN you can decide who you are, and more importantly--who you want. Your options sadly, WILL be broader. You are beautiful now. But you will have a much broader beauty-appeal in the future. Does this sound heartless? I don't mean to be a tool. I'm just saying, concentrate on working your plan and on loving yourself then you will become invincible and unsinkable and such a strong warrior spirit!!
  18. Did you find the link to thread @kakatlady612 is talking about? I went to 4 of the forums to find it?
  19. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Hahahaha! Good luck! I especially ADORE the cherry flavored sparkling mag citrate. I LOVE how clean as a whistle it leaves me. Have fun on the throne today!
  20. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Oh man, SHOUTING is a-okay with me! Shout away honey!!!! So so so sorry you're going through this!!!! But selfishly, now we'll almost be surgery twins. (trying for a lame-ass silver lining). Dang!!!!! Sending you karmic hugs from Houston!!!
  21. Ugh on the photo thing. I have absolutely no understanding how to take a good one. The minute the camera comes out some weird spaz thing starts happening with my face. My ENTIRE face! You know? (But for the record, your avatar is darling and you look cutie patootey.) So maybe you just have no idea that you're secretly photogenic? The cooking part has some amount of challenge to it. I mostly occupy myself cleaning the kitchen while Mr. F's been eating. So it hasn't been a real issue. I'm playing about a crap-ton of hearts and solitaire and the dice game I can't remember the name of on my iphone. And today is actually better. I still haven't eaten my first meal yet cuz I'm not hungry. I figure I'll wait until I feel the urge.
  22. @Creekimp13 Thank you so much for this thread. Your description of this is so eloquent and thoughtfully written. I totally get it. It is about the grieving and reinventing and coming to terms that most of the old will need to change to survive in the new normal. In a post BC world, they talk about "the new normal" and you hear it so often, that sometimes you just want to go cram it down the next person who mentions its throat. LOL. But I think (or have an inkling) this will be true in my post WLS world. It is shocking how much time you have on your hands when not planning, shopping, prepping, cooking, eating, and cleaning up from a meal. You know? It's like, "What the f*ck am I supposed to do with the next 20hours of the day? And where on earth am I gonna get something to entertain and amuse me like food/cooking/being a foodie does?" *snic* LOL. I have some thoughts for you. I think you should pursue acting out a 9 1/2 weeks and do sex transference addiction with the hubs, whom I agree is a massive keeper. Then you should regale us with your wicked feats of strength for our enjoyment. Just spit ballin' ideas for you here.
  23. @Creekimp13 No but I thought you had Wednesdays? My bad. I just know my day is Thursdays. And I believe @Apple203 has Fridays (sucks to be her).
  24. Hmmmm. I haven't gotten to those threads yet so I dunno. (It's not my day to watch the kids. ) You should ask @Creekimp13!!! But, um, just sayin--I'm probably not the right person to ask, since I inherently LOVE and look forward to reading the real meaty drama threads. So a perv might be a fun break from monotony!
  25. Bahahhahaha! I know RIGHT??!!! I was screaming "EWWWWWWW GROSS" at my screen yesteray. But last night I was on my last nerve. I'd waited too long for my "dinner" cuz Mr. F. was still working. I was so starved I couldn't even make his chicken! LOL. So out came frozen leftover potroast and I nuked him some broccoli, and cut up some avocado and tomato and called it done. But by that time, I was about to throw myself on the floor and have a meltdown. So I just grabbed the pot of leftover coffee from the morning and some ice and one of my room temp (they weren't in the fridge yet) banana and cream RTD Premier Protein drinks and stirred. Holy F&ck! I'm like F*ck Me (sideways real hard) cuz this is fan-f&cking-tastic! Can you tell I was hangry? I had the potty mouth from hell. Try it and let me know if you like it. It made 2 huge glasses for me, cuz I split the bottle into two drinks. I even added a little unsweetened coconut milk to the 2nd one cuz I didn't split it evenly. I was drinking those drinks from about 7:45ish to 10pm! Wahhhhoooo! F*ck you hunger!

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