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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    ((hugs)) Welcome "home"!!! I raise a matzoh ball to you!
  2. FluffyChix

    Steamed Chicken

    Yep. Make sure they don't "velvet" it with a slurry of cornstarch. But steamed fish, chicken, shrimp were my go-tos in the early days at restaurants!!
  3. This is natural and normal and part of the healing process. ((hugs)) Doesn't make it any easier. Feel that sadness and process. See if you can discover WHY this idea makes you so sad? Work through it. It's an opportunity for doing headwork and for beginning a new relationship with food on YOUR terms in ways that fit a new healthy lifestyle.
  4. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    Did it taste as bad as it looked? And I agree...I brake for long posts!!!
  5. FluffyChix

    1.5 years out & still throwing up?

    Wow! I am so very glad you got to the bottom of this and will soon have a remedy. Saying prayers hon. And congrats on being a good self-advocate!!!!
  6. FluffyChix

    My Plastic Surgery Thread

    Congrats on such a great report!!!! Woooohoooo look at your girlie you did it!!! The numbness will hopefully diminish with time. Mine did for both of my lower abd. surgeries (alas no TTs involved but huge hip to hip incisions. Awesome news that twins are shakin' out and that you have sensation. That is super duper!!! And wooohooo on dodging the Rosemary's Baby Bad post op poop!!!
  7. FluffyChix

    Starting to cheat

    Yep. Agreed. But that's assuming that any of us who became MO have the ability to eat just one Reese's. Especially when life happens...
  8. FluffyChix


    Cuz every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man!!!! #swoon Just sayin...
  9. FluffyChix

    Starting to cheat

    Hahaha. I do use peanut butter powder in my shakes and reconstituted. My pouch likes it better than the heavier full fat one. I also think a square of dark 80-90% Lindt is not a crime. I find it much harder to eat a ton of those squares. One is enough, especially smeared with reconstituted peanut butter. (SECRET: Don't judge me...I use the Walden Farms Marshmallow Dip to reconstitute the Vitacost Peanut Butter Slim Peanut Butter Powder. It tastes like Fluffernutter. And it's about 50cals for 3-4 tbsp. It's great on a square of 90% Lindt and also on Granny Smith apples. All for around 100 cals for a snack. Not too much damage. Right?)
  10. FluffyChix

    Starting to cheat

    @Brent701 I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I can relate and feel your "pain". LOL. Confession is good for the soul. Snacking and snacking on poor-ish choices (wouldn't call some kinds of chocolate and peanut butter poor choices exactly...but it's easy to overeat them) is often difficult to control--especially once you hit the sophomore skid: diet fatigue, a fully mature pouch that begins to hold more food at a meal or in shorter intervals, the scale isn't moving quickly, so motivation dulldroms set in, life picks up socially and presents more options to stray, etc. It's one of the reason vets taught me early on to use the time wisely to build new habits and neural networks with food. It's cuz I see that propensity in myself that I'm so hard core about it to newbies. And I trust Dr. Weiner (youtube) who says WLS has 2 myths: the myth of restriction and the myth of malabsorption. Both of those are expected and desired to lessen over time. I think it is awesome and courageous that you recognize you are beginning to learn the tricky ways around your tool and to stop it before damage is done. Hang in there!!! We all have our days!
  11. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    ^^^This!! I second this! Sorry, am swamped this morning but will try to swing by later to chat y'all up!!! Hugs and have a great TGIF!!!
  12. FluffyChix


  13. FluffyChix

    Missing you

    I will occasionally miss a Banh Mi, but I do pretty well doing bahn mi salads. Pretty much nothin else?
  14. Up in the signature area. Go into your account information area and I think it's listed in a similar place as "Surgery".
  15. FluffyChix

    Daily Menus for Maintenance

    I expressed my inner @ms.sss
  16. For you. And that works for you. But for some of us, personally, it creates a great conflict. So we either choose to follow what works for us as individuals, as long as it stays within the healthy realm, or not. But I would certainly not advocate that EVERYONE must do it this same way. I'm thrilled you have a weight that works for you and who cares about the charts. Cuz it works FOR you. Psychologically. But I do relate to the OPs feelings.
  17. FluffyChix

    Food Before and After Photos

    Plus your newly super tight tummy adds more resistance as well as your compression gear!! Congrats girl. I bet it tasted great!
  18. FluffyChix

    The Maintenance Thread

    Sorry. Yes you are so right. It's converted to excess sugar and either burned or stored! Derp!
  19. PC is definitely easier than on the phone. Congrats on your stats! Now go to your signature and fill out a ticker. It's so thrilling to have one in your sig line!! It's in the same area as the other stuff!
  20. Congrats on all your hard work! I'm torn in replying. I too was rabid about not going to all this work/pain, etc to end up in any other level than "normal". So I disregarded my surgeon and my RD's goal of 156 which still had me overweight. I think there is a delicate balance between doing what you NEED to do for your internal peace of mind and doing something contrary to you just because your doc doesn't take your position. I also think it's very easy to rationalize behaviors (bias confirmation) and positions to make them fit our beliefs--even if they might be twisted and out of perspective. I would just say, exercise caution and be brutally honest/transparent with yourself and maybe someone whom you trust implicitly to be your touchstone who can warn you if they see you straying beyond what is healthy. I totally get BDG Goals. I'm 5'4" and am maintaining at 130-135. But deep down would like to be 125. I'm not actively stressing and straining to get to this goal. I am comfy where I'm at now. But if it happened, I wouldn't be a hater. I just know that I'm not going to artificially take cals down, work out even more, etc just to make that goal. Does that make sense?
  21. FluffyChix

    Today is my 1 year Surgiversary!!!

    Congrats! That's fabulous. Great job!!! You look beautiful!
  22. FluffyChix

    Weight-loss funnies

  23. FluffyChix

    Food issues

    It's part of the healing process. You go back a step or two and proceed slowly. It's usually because something the day before irritated you, or your ate the wrong thing for that day and now your tool is rebelling. Or maybe you have more mucus in your tool from drainage. Could be so many things. We can eat the same thing one day and have no issue and the next not be able to handle it. You just have to eat tiny bites, progress slowly, take your time through a meal, etc. It passes and you eventually have fewer of these days.
  24. FluffyChix

    Weight-loss funnies

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
