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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix


    LOL. YVW. I'm kinda paranoid about stuff like that. It only takes eating rotten PUFA oils one time that result in Olympic hurling (which should be a sport) to make you askeered of bad oils. LOL.
  2. FluffyChix


    I keep them in the fridge.
  3. FluffyChix


    Congrats and what a super report!!! Wahoooo! Good for you! @Krista27 Hang in there sweetie. Deep breaths. Will pray! You'll rock it.
  4. FluffyChix


    ValerieZ smell them first. If they've been lurking in your cabinet (especially if they're open), they may have gone rancid. And rancid PUFAs/oils are bad, bad, bad. It's super easy for hemp hearts and chia to go rancid. Just a heads up.
  5. FluffyChix

    Hypothyroidism? Anemic?

    Bahahahaha! Well I fooled you didn't I? ((hugs)) and thanks sweetie! Love reading your thoughtful posts too!
  6. FluffyChix

    Hypothyroidism? Anemic?

    Wow! Thanks for this info hon! Talk to your doc for sure. ((hugs))
  7. FluffyChix

    Hypothyroidism? Anemic?

    OMG. Mine too. Aggravates the f*ck out of me. My Reverse T3 is in the upper 1/4 of the high end, and it should be in the lower 1/4 of the low end...and my TSH is too high. My Free T3 and Free T4 are seriously jacked. :-/
  8. FluffyChix

    Hypothyroidism? Anemic?

    @NegreteLove Hashi's is a bi*ch. Seriously. Cuz your thyroid is on its way to dieing. Sometimes it produces too much, and sometimes it produces nothing. I don't know what horse tail extract does? Is it thyroid or iron related? Why can't you take it now? Can you go get a new thyroid test? Maybe it's time to get back on it?
  9. FluffyChix

    One Year Update

    Holy crap! You've basically lost a 5'11" man in one year! In. One. Year! Props dude! You look wonderful and so happy!
  10. Yeah, this is so true. Making leftovers for meals is DEF easier. That's what I'm doing for Mr. F. I made a bunch of different meats, portioned them and froze them (i.e. pot roast, grilled chicken cut into chunks and strips, grilled fajita meat cut into strips, hamburger base with hamburger onion, peppers, spices, chili, soups, etc.) Then I really only have to make the fresh veggie and/or salad of some kind. But still, I am interacting with food and smells, so it does make it easier thank cooking but less easy than shear avoidance. I do like your idea of going for a walk during the meal! Great idea girlie!
  11. Day 4 is done! Slamma jamma! For the most part it was an easy peasy day. Not a lot of hunger until last night. Hunger got ahead of me and I just had to white knuckle it and put myself to bed early-ish. And this morning I woke up hungry. So it's too early to tell if Day 5 is gonna suck or not. I can tell you that with each day that passes, it gets more and more difficult to cook for Mr. F. LOL. Big wah huh? LOL.
  12. @Sunnyday25 Hey sweetie! Great to see you round the neighborhood! Congrats on your 80.2lb loss!!!! That's so dang amazing! Way to change your life in just 4 months?!!! Thank you for your encouragement!!
  13. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    Bahahahaha! My mom is gone home now, so no luck there for me. My oldest sissy has been there for me all through my cancer surgeries and she called last night to say she wanted to be with me for WLS. So we're getting the band back together. And I will get 1-on-1 Cakky time for 2 days. Score! I'm so sorry about all this upheaval. I wish there was something I could do to help! Sometimes you just have to take a "me" break to get a handle on things. I'm praying you will get everything worked out today honey!!! (BTW your date with you sounded awesome!!)
  14. FluffyChix

    Restrictive vs Metabolic

    I've played that game before. And yes, you will lose, but your metabolic rate will seriously sink and you will hit a wall where it will be harder to lose. I love this guy. Here are 2 YouTube's that discuss your question:
  15. FluffyChix

    Just don't care

    Life is too short to feel like crap. ((hugs)) Sorry you are hurting. Don't know your particulars (surgery date, weight, activity level, where you are on the WLS continuum, what kind of foods you're eating). So it's hard to get a good feel for how much of what you're feel is the normal suckage inherent with a recent WL surgery, and which might even be SAD (seasonal affective disorder)--plus I'm not a psych, nor do I play one on the internet. But I will tell you what my psychologist told me long ago: that sunshine, moderate exercise (ie walking out side nekkid-hehe-j/k), eating a healthy diet, taking your vitamins and minerals, and watching comedies and laughing can actually be as therapeutic as anti-depressants to some people. It did work for me. It really helped reduce my episodic depression and anxiety. But the talking therapy with CBT also helped tremendously. Don't ignore it. Get up. Today, just focus on laughing. Find something you can laugh at. Open the curtains and window blinds. Walk for 5-10 minutes. Breathe in deeply. And focus on finding joy with your family.
  16. FluffyChix

    Hypothyroidism? Anemic?

    I'm hypothyroid too. I take a little pill and know that post surgery, I will have to really birddog the numbers until we know how the RNY will affect the absorption of my thyroid med. @NegreteLove Sorry to hear of your struggles! Great attitude! ((hugs)) What are your go-to food to get your iron in? Do you take dessicated liver capsules? What are your levels now and your ferritin level? TIA!!!
  17. FluffyChix

    Today's the day!!!!

    Yay!!!!! Good luck sweetie!!!! Saying prayers and can't wait to hear the report!!!
  18. How about a gel pillow but cushion? ((hugs)) Sorry to hear this!
  19. I just want to give a 5 o'clock somewhere update to all you hosers sittin' there in your private Idaho suckin' back a brewski. Today is VASTLY different from the 3 previous days. I'm pretty sure I'm going to live and I just had a contraband SF Dr. Diet Pepper (ie Diet Dr. Peppy). I don't usually have caffeine or sugar free drinks, but I'm like what the hell! I'll run with scissors! And I'm so excited! I got my box of Celebrate vitamins. I got a Variety Pack to try out on the 3-in-1 Powder vitamin mix. I just mixed up the orange citrus flavor and good golly Miss Molly. It's totes worth it! So damn good. Can't wait to try the other ones later. There's a very faint bitterness (emphasis on very) and it's damn sweet, so I will definitely mix it with more water. But I think that dog will hunt! Huuuuurrrrraaaaahhhhh!
  20. FluffyChix

    Homemade sugar free popsicles

    I'm going to make a hybrid pop for post op using unflavored gelatin and the clear Premier Protein in the fruity punch flavor. Hope it works and makes them softer rather than icy. Great idea!
  21. FluffyChix

    2 week liquid diet

    My day looks like this: So far today is Day 4 and it's an absolute cake walk compared to yesterday. Here was yesterday:
  22. FluffyChix

    8 weeks post op

    Congrats on a successful surgery sweetie and on all that weight loss! Outstanding!
  23. Crap! No, I mean literally...CRAP! You think you feel bad now? But, you had the sleeve instead of the RNY, so it might not make you dump like you would if you had RNY where they cut out the part of the intestine that digests sugar and fats.
  24. I said it was messed up cuz someone would be allowed to be so uncaring. Notice there wasn't any outrage by the media? I guess as we all know it's ok to poke fun at obese people? It's a totally messed up society.
  25. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    @Marc76 Yeah, I get it. It's okay to love your farm animals, but it isn't ok to LOVE your farm animals. Right?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
