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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    DaVinci robotic surgery

    LOL, he'sssss baaaaaa-aaaaaaack!
  2. FluffyChix

    Early stall??

    Very cool! Great results! Congrats to you on a successful surgery and on your losses! I'm sure others will be along shortly, but in my experience pre-surg, weight loss is never linear. If I have a big ol' drop, I can be sure it will be followed by a stair step pattern. You lose fat and fluid and your body rushes to re-establish equilibrium by filling the fat cells with water. Then you shed it and the scale moves down and the process repeats. Here's a shot of my last 180days of losses.
  3. FluffyChix

    Post Gastric Bypass 25+ years

    Wow! Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration! You both look fabulous and happy!!!
  4. FluffyChix

    Early stall??

    How do you figure your post surgical loss? Did you take your pre-surgery weight and subtract out the number on the scale today to see it=11lbs? Or did you take your post surgical weight and subtract out the number on the scale today to equal 11lbs? Thanks!
  5. FluffyChix

    Today's the day!!!!

    Yay!!!! Can't wait to hear your next report!
  6. FluffyChix

    Any February Sleevers?

    Can't you take pain medicine?
  7. FluffyChix

    Can’t drink protein shakes! Post op

    Crap! Running to read the sodium content on the bag! Crap! Well it's about 650mg of sodium all added together--give or take. But I still ended up at only 1296mg of sodium for the day. So I'll score it as a win. But yeah, you might not want to eat that for every meal and you can save quite a bit by omitting the cream soup--you don't really need it to taste good. (Thanks for giving me a heads up on that--I am usually not tracking sodium, but rather sugar instead.)
  8. @Newme17 Doesn't that slaw look ahhhhh-mazing though? I want to tear into it! It's been whispering to me all day.
  9. FluffyChix

    Can’t drink protein shakes! Post op

    Can you try making "creamy protein broth"? Make sure you strain it first though. And btw, it's 28g of Cream of Mushroom. Click on it to make it bigger if you need to?
  10. FluffyChix

    F*ck the foamies

    Wow. So sorry to hear you're going through this. Hope you walk it off soon! ((hugs))
  11. Necessity is the mother of invention. Right?
  12. Thanks girl! I will make some of these and freeze them before I have surgery.
  13. Yum! Love that idea! Did you use peel and all?
  14. Pizza Soup - Broth (Snack/Pre-op Approved) Serving size 1 1 cup low sodium chicken broth (Central Market Organics) 1/8cup (28g) low carb marinara (Central Market Taste of Italy) 1 pinch dried oregano 1 pinch dried basil 1/2tsp grated parmesan (Kraft) No Salt/pepper to taste Nuke to heat until piping hot. Enjoy. Nutritionals: 38cals; 4g protein; 2g fat; 2g carbs; 1g fiber; 1g net carbs; 2g sugar Very satisfying break from "plain broth". Am not worried about the calories--maybe I should be? But, I'm so far below my 1000calorie target and my carb target, I figure this will be fine every now and then.
  15. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Mine 2! I think there are a few of us on Feb. 20.
  16. FluffyChix

    Surgery date of March 12

    I hear ya! It's def a necessary evil! hehe! I'm getting super excited and more than a little scared. I guess part of me doesn't think it's gonna really happen. You know? Like they'll find something in pre-surg, or my insurance will tell the hospital j/k! She's not approved. Or lastly, that the doc will go in and come back out saying, nope, not gonna...lol. You know? I'm a little afraid to hope. Do you have any of those thoughts?
  17. FluffyChix

    Surgery date of March 12

    Congrats Matty! So excited for you!! (ummmm you should come join me now on the liquid diet cuz it's so much fun... hehe)
  18. FluffyChix

    Little Green getting little(r)

    ((hugs)) Awww damn hon!! Ok, so what about this? Can you call your surgeon's office and tell them, that you're available to be moved up if they have an unexpected cancellation? And then just suck it up and go on the liquid diet to be on standby? Ask them if that ever happens?? Maybe they would call you and say, you're on for next week?
  19. MUAH! Yeah, I only have PP 1 time a day, split (LOL, don't fuss). I may have 2oz per coffee X 3 cups, then right before bed will have the rest. Then I guess, I could make the servings smaller on the rest so that I only get 15g per serving. I'd still be drinking the same thing but it would be split into more smaller more frequent drinks. Like right now? I'm still working on "breakfast". LOL. So I still have my morning snack of bullion to go in an hour or 1 1/2 hours. Then will have lunch and I'm gonna have a blended protein lemon ice tea (Synthrax). It will be about 22oz though. So theoretically, I could split that into 2 drinks (25g protein total). But it still doesn't up my cals. Which is a bummer. I can't have soy protein (the only other option they allow), because of the hormone positive breast cancer. My onc wrote the book on breast cancer, and still says the studies are too early to definitively conclude that soy doesn't contribute to development or recurrence of ER/PR+ BC. I'd add coconut milk to make my drinks, but it's really high in fat (even the So Delicious stuff). I'm allergic to almond milk and don't have any cashew milk here. Do you have any other ideas?
  20. FluffyChix

    Two months post op

    Congrats! That's awesome!!!!
  21. Thanks ladies!!! (Ewwww on the ralphing from bathroom cleaner smells.
  22. I know right? But a part of me is clenching my anal sphincter because my forkin protein is 100g! It's really throwing me for a loop. LOL. I swear to the sweet baby Jesus of the golden fleece diapers...low carb is a savior! Going low carb prior to this, or even stepping down on the carbs prior to the liquid diet is paramount. I can NOT even imagine how gruelling it would be to hit surgery fully carbed up, without even a pre-op phase and BAM! No food for you for 3weeks! No wonder a lot of people struggle after surgery?! I'd want to bite the heads off bats!
  23. FluffyChix

    Just don't care

    @Todd_196 Dammit Lex Luther! My bad. (but in my defense, as surgery nears, I am trying to grow a pair--or at least strap on a pair. -- not that there's anything wrong with that) I usually check these things. Leaving now...
  24. Note to self: Hey Cocamoe, Banana Joe hot coffee is quite excellent. Who the fork knew? Drink this a lot in the coming days/years... Banana Joe Hot Coffee Serves 1 8fl oz hot brewed decaff coffee 2fl oz Bananas and Cream Premier Protein, RTD 4 drops liquid vanilla stevia (Vitacost) Mix all together, nuke 20 seconds to make coffee even hotter. Enjoy. Nutritionals: 29 calories; 5g protein; 1g fat; 1g carbs; 0g fiber; 1g net carbs; 0g sugar
  25. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Yeah, but don't you just love the sparkling wild cherry? If I was a kid, I'd prolly sneak in the bathroom, lock the door and sneak a swig--just like I used to sneak aspergum and baby asprins. LOL.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
