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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. I'm sorry you're going through this. ((hugs)) Why are they denying you and why do you need to go to the BCOA? I thought you just had to get and UGI or Endoscopy or something? *scratches head* The only thing you can do is continue to make improvements and follow your eating plan to the t so that you will be the healthiest you can be. You want them to send you a letter in writing with the specific reasons why--if they deny you--so you can fight it line item by line item. It's so hard to stay focused and positive when you feel out of control. And this sounds like a zoo for you! But you have to do what you can, to protect you from all of this stress. You have to honestly only take it 1 day at a time and pray pray pray. You know?
  2. Can we just take a moment of honor and bend a knee for the benevolent beauty and heavenly taste of Celestial Seasons' Fruit Tea Sampler--specifically the cup of hot blueberry tea I'm presently savoring? kthnx
  3. prayers to you! Have to go get ready for my pre-op interview, so won't be around for the rest of today, but will check in tonight! ((hugs))
  4. Wow, that would be a cake walk! I'm going to suggest the peanut butter smoothie too. But the sad thing is a full serving of yogurt jacks with my blood sugar, and I haven't ruled out if the peanuts butter powder is also making my ears ring. Don't know where that is coming from, only that it's gotten crazy making bad since starting this 9 days ago and there could be so many sources. You know? Why can't it be simple?
  5. Yeah, it would be lovely, but I think they want you pretty low fat, low carb, low cal? But will see what RD says. The aggravating thing is I thought I had my protein powders ironed out in the past few months. It took forevs to find the ones I tolerate as well as I do. You know? I kinda fear that they might cancel surgery and make me go do kidney or liver testing.
  6. Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I hate whining and not being an encouragement on here. *sigh* I just sent an email to the RD and will see what she says. @kakatlady612 I truly don't know if I have any switches available. I can't do soy cuz of er/per+ BC--onc's orders. The other vegan proteins are high in phytoestrogens as well. And the egg white protein gave me ringing ears and asthma worse than milk (although I'm not allergic to eggs that I'm aware). I do have some milk sensitivity but am ok with cheese and yogurt in small amounts.
  7. Thanks. I will send an email to the RD now. Am seeing the doc on Thursday. So even though the swelling is mostly coming back down overnight, you don't think I should just suck it up? I can't have any other type of protein powder because of hormone pos BC and asthma. I tried so many different kinds including the chicken one (horrible), egg white (bad asthma), a ton of diff wpp (asthma, ear ringing, swelling). I almost feel like I need to quit whining , suck it up, and just get through it? I'm ok drinking the wpp 1 time per day--don't seem to have the overwhelming symptoms I do after having all 3 meals of it for 9 days...
  8. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    @Angel2018 Congrats! How are you feeling? How is everyone today?
  9. Day 9 - DONE! Stay Down B-I-O-T-C-H!!!! Stay Down!!! WARNING! This post is likely to contain huge amounts of wailing, gnashing of teeth, bargaining, and cussing. Abandon hope all ye who enter... Holy crap! It was all going moderately well until 7pm last night! WTF???? For real? I have just been through all day and I only have 3 hours until bedtime. Why am I about to cry like an emotional wreck? WTF???????????!!!!! What is wrong with me, that it's so difficult? I have one job...(ok, I have many jobs...) I made it through making Mr. F's meal fairly well. Then I made my strawberry banana protein smoothie for my late 8pm dinner. I used a little coconut milk and 2oz of Fairlife Milk in it to get my calories up a little bit for the day. And I was doing fine, but an hour later, I started feeling my feet and fingers and lymphedema arm swell. And I'm all, "Whah?" f**k me! That's when I did the unthinkable. At 10pm I got on the scale. What in hell got into me? Have I LOST my mind? I got nekkidy, pee'd and stepped up on the mother f**king scale! That morning I'd weighed 225.4lbs. And at 10pm I weighed 229.2--a whopping 3.8lbs. WTF? WTF? WTF? From where? I had 466 f**king calories yesterday! This is beyond frustrating. I'm not purposely keeping my calories at around 500/day on this liquid diet. But here's the deal, I am swelling after every protein drink. My body does not like protein isolate. So I don't want to load it down with 80-100g of protein. Instead, I'm trying to hit around my goal of 74g/day. I'm also getting asthma from milk, so I don't see any purpose in going out to get regular skim milk to replace my Fairlife fat free high protein milk. So I've just completed 9 days in the hole with the liquid diet and lost 8.6lbs, 3.8 of those pounds have been wiped away by 10pm. I was just devastated with worry and I can't emphasize this enough, my ears were ringing so badly I wanted to drive an icepick through my head to get them to stop. And then I made the mistake of looking at the next 3-4 weeks on liquid protein and lost it. I just felt like an emotional wreck. And I am worried the doctor will believe I haven't been trying--that I've been cheating. But f**k me. Not one single cheat--only impure thoughts. Ok, so this morning dawned. And now I'm only up .8lbs from yesterday--my typical stairstep while losing weight. But again, come on. It's 500 calories. I should be gellin' like a felon and be losing craptastic amounts of weight. It's not as if I'm eating my 1500 calories and 70g of carbs! Right? Am I f**king right? Can I get an amen??? So, I talked myself off the ledge. Did not use an icepick (although it has a catchy ring, maybe I need to change my name?), and am determined to follow the plan without calling my RD or doctor and whining. Today is my pre-op interview at the hospital. I was moved to the first surgery of the day on 2.20.18. This time next week I will be gettin' gassed and a new anatomy. I can DO this. I GOT this. Afterwards, meh, well I will worry about that tomorrow, eh Scarlett? Day 9 Food Log:
  10. Ok, let's have some drama for the weekend and shake the tree!!!! Question: Is the only difference between meeting your goal and maintaining it long term versus losing some of the weight and regaining part or all, only about following your diet, weighing/measuring/logging and exercising (i.e. maintaining healthy diet/exercise practices)? ORRRRRRRRR Does weight gain at year 2 or 3 "just magically happen" through no fault of your own and despite continuing to eat the SAME exact healthy diet you were eating to lose and initially maintain? I mean, if you're still eating 1000-1200 cals/day and exercising 4-5 days a week, 45 minutes a day--will you regain the 10-20lbs regardless of how pure you are? Or is regain ONLY gonna happen when we revert to old poor food behaviors and overeating/eating crap or eating around our surgeries? I'm honestly terrified of being in this second group. I want to know what I must be on-guard about after surgery. Like I can't fool myself into believing that after surgery moderation in everything will allow me to lose and maintain my losses. It's just illogical. I never had balance before. I crave bad crap. Often eat emotionally. Etc. If I don't revise ALL of those things, it seems to me, I'm just a few bites away from regaining all the hard won losses? True? Or false? Will all of you who've maintained their losses please share your secrets for maintaining your weight losses without a regain or only a tiny regain, please????
  11. @DianeH I was deliriously right there with you! Could you feel me? I was the one with cold feet... It's an ass-kicker, right? We can do this thing! Camp out here with us for a while whydoncha?
  12. FluffyChix

    Lapband won’t open until evening

    I'm sorry, but this is a call to your doc IMHO. ((hugs))
  13. FluffyChix

    How long?

    7 months since my first appointment with the surgeon and Bariatric Center. Good times for all the reasons @Creekimp13 gave. I had to have a licensed RD for my program.
  14. FluffyChix

    Pre op liquid diet

    Congrats!! Good luck! LOL, I'm on Day 9. It's not "that bad" and yet it's just "bad enough." *snic* I have talked about it ad nauseum in this thread. Hope it helps!:
  15. FluffyChix

    Dry mouth

    I have sometimes added a small pinch of NoSalt to my water. It helped it. NoSalt is potassium chloride and maybe you've really had good response to the diuretic effects of the liquid diet? I'd drink more water if it was me, though. Cheers!
  16. FluffyChix

    Gastric Sleeve (VSG) AFTER 60

    Welcome! Great to have you here. Congrats on a successful surgery!!
  17. Well, let me just say, I resemble your remark. Then I will finish with: I laughed, I cried, I felt the whole gamut of emotions (and I will be chronicling them in my WL journey journal.)
  18. FluffyChix

    Postponed [emoji20]

    Dang!!! So sorry to hear this!!
  19. FluffyChix

    Just got sleeved at 7:30am

    Yay! Congrats!!!
  20. FluffyChix

    RNY and diabetes

    What are you eating differently/quantity at home that you weren't in the hospital?
  21. I'd just like to make sure I have a good seat for the really big shoe-wwwwwwww...
  22. Ha! I can check-off as identifying with several of your stereotypes. The good news is that my mal-adjusted, square peg personality isn't blown away and surprised at this. I've been trying to overcome "me" since I was a little girl. Why not get off the boards and go do something fun in real life? Might give you a little lift? ((hugs))
  23. Bahahahahah! Yeah, I know! Although I'm Southern and therefore obliged to love ice tea (which I do), I'm not much for hot tea-- I'm more of a coffee girl, but after eleventy billion pots of decaff this week, I feel a little jaded and turned to fruit teas upon someone else's rec. And fork me! Who knew? Am lovin' the blueberry so far! It's the little things...
  24. FluffyChix

    My surgery at 11 today

    Is the pain this bad, even while you're taking pain pills?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
