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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Grass fed (or otherwise) bone broth does not have a good complete protein in it. It's quite deficient in some key essential amino acids. It's high in collagen. So if that's your sole source of protein, you're potentially in for a world of hurt. Just my opinion...
  2. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Dunno. Hoping to find the other flavors at Sam's today but suspect it might be an Amazon purchase. @KayeQuiroz80 It's so much better than the Isopure Clear, but yeah, it does have a tannic/citric acid feel to it. I cut it with water and it helps. But glad the world is made of all kinds of peeps with different tastes!
  3. FluffyChix

    Any February Sleevers?

    Per my RD, while on the liquid stage, there is no reason to differential between protein drinks and non-protein liquids. They all add to your total liquid goal. Also, no need to wait 30 minutes before or after until you get to the puree stage. Maybe that will help you?
  4. FluffyChix

    Screw you scale!!

    I feel ya! Yesterday I told the surgeon that for 11 days of 488 calorie pre-surgical liquid diet angst I was expecting more than a 5lb net loss over previous weights. I told her I was expecting a 9 or 10 bouncing baby ball of fat off my thighs. She laughed. Said, "Their, there, they're--when was the last time you lost 5lbs in a week?" *smacks head*
  5. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Not really. I'm just tricky and can fool you.
  6. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    They come in 3 flavors: Fruit Punch, Orange Mango, and Raspberry.
  7. FluffyChix

    Glucose Test for pregnancy

    Can't speak for your operation, but it's standard knowledge in the low carb doc world that if you've been eating a low carb diet, that you must ingest a minimum of 150g of carbs for 3-4 days prior to testing in order for a GTT to be indicative of anything. Otherwise it will skew high and show out of range. Are you taking in fewer than 100g of carbs each day?
  8. Just tell him, you'll want more sex and will have tons of endurance and greater flexibility and that he'll be able to flip you around like an inflatable in bed. That should couch it in terms he can "get behind" --pardon the pun. LOL. (Sorry, men of BP, you're much more evolved than OP's hubs, so I don't count you in the Neanderthal group of xy chromosomes. )
  9. Day 12 Done! Boom! (Countdown begins: T minus 4 days and counting...) My days have been reduced to a certain mind-numbing, boring certainty. Thank you god of ketosis for taking away my hunger (and to the sweet Baby Jesus of the golden fleece diapers with the tiny hands and feet). Eating has settled into a very set routine with time frames. I know what I will eat at every point during the day and it magically restores me and holds me until the next window. For some that might feel terrible, but it's actually something I look forward to each day. Because, now, I know with certainty that I will make it through this day without too much discomfort, whining, or angst. It's as if the up and down swings are very even. Maybe Mr. F. is secretly dosing my smoothies with thorazine? Of course, that could be the explanation. My food logs are also laughably predictable. I can be a creature of habit. LOL. As I type I'm sitting her sipping a hot cup of vanilla protein decaff latte. YUMMY! I told the surgeon yesterday that I'm only getting in around 488cals per day and 60-80g protein and 20g of carbs and she just nodded and smiled--didn't look at all concerned. So I take that as approval. She said she was very pleased with my progress, showed me a chart of my loss with her and was very encouraging. I lost (including the pre-op liquid phase to date) 11.1% of my body weight. Insurance only required a 5% loss and she required a 10% loss. She also said if I can't have the RNY for any reason, she will do a sleeve, but one way or another, I will be leaving there with new anatomy. Still too superstitious to count the chix! Ok, for those living the liquid pre-op diet hell, know and have faith that anywhere from 4-7 days out, it will get MUCH easier! Day 12 Food Log:
  10. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    I do love these drinks! I chug (liquid pre-surg--know we won't be able to do that post surg) about 1/4 of it, then fill it with cold water and shake my booty (and the bottle). So dang good and filling.
  11. FluffyChix

    Constant Vomiting After Surgery

    You don't say what kind of surgery you had in your profile. Sorry you're having probs!
  12. Reduce your carbs. After about 4 days in hell, your hunger will significantly reduce. I can tell if I've had a meal with too many carbs for my body. I will get voraciously hungry within 2 hours after eating. If I eat a meal with good balance and proper portions, I can be held easily without food obsession until the next meal (pre-surg it's anywhere from 4-6hours). I expect that time frame to shorted after surgery because the volume is so far reduced.
  13. FluffyChix

    Screw you scale!!

    Relax brah! 2lbs is awesome-ish! Tell My 600Lb Life to go eff itself! ((hugs)) Sorry you're frustrated!! (But that aside, I feel your pain. I'm exactly like this. To a T. And heaven forbid if I gain! My day sucks! Hahaha.)
  14. FluffyChix

    Six month progress pics...

    Dayum mamacita! What a different 2 1/2 inches make! Cuz lemme tell ya, you looked F-I-N-E, FINE in your before pics! But you look super fab now! Congrats!!! Own it girl!
  15. That being said, my inner fat girl has a very bad attitude and sometimes pessimistic outlook toward people. She is in serious need of me kicking her ass. (Sometimes she shivers in fear cuz she knows her days of being large and in charge of my life are numbered...)
  16. FluffyChix

    I love FluffyChix with a sense of humor!

    This. ^^ (I wanna party with you Lee Harvey!) Crack is whack. Crack kills...
  17. FluffyChix

    Surgery and liquid diet

    LOL! I must be stronger willed than you or remedial. It took me pretty much until Day 10 to roll over, submit to the rape, and ask for a cigarette. Damn, I've been a whining little bi*ch!
  18. FluffyChix

    My kids eat more than me!

    You should start doing that while speaking in a foreign language or a funny accent. Also eating with chopsticks on your non-dominant hand. You can entertain kiddos for hours that way! I once got 2 eight year old girls to stop squealing like little girls by daring them to run endless laps in the house with the accent of a French mime. Good times!
  19. FluffyChix

    I love FluffyChix with a sense of humor!

    Amen my brothah! (Now put down the crack pipe and do something constructive for God's sake! Not that there's anything wrong with that!) BTW? I love you guys too and look forward to your posts.
  20. FluffyChix

    20 years of Lies

    Hope you like it. I find his stuff so interesting and very easy to read. It's based on the Mediterranean Diet approach.
  21. FluffyChix

    One year out Today

    Holy crap! Congrats!!! You look fantastic!
  22. haha! (I love that kid and those movies...)
  23. FluffyChix

    20 years of Lies

    I think there are parts of what you write that have sound merit for me. But I also know, that I could wipe out the progress of my 3-5lbs/month with one meal. I've lived low carb (between 80/20 and 90/10 virtuosity) for the past 18 years and it's helped me contain my hyperinsulinism/pre-diabetes/PCOS diseases. So I know that high glycemic carbs for me are a personal killing fields. Through that time, I only lost between 2-4lbs per month. It took me (with time off for poor behavior), 18 years to get 102lbs off. I don't have that kind of time any longer. I have a honeymoon period of 6 months. I "might" because all people are different continue to lose for 1 to 1 1/2 years. But who knows? If I wanted to lose 3-5lbs per month infinity, I would not be looking at rearranging my guts on Tuesday. My secret fear is that I will lose focus and momentum and not ever reach my goal. Because, that's my pattern you know. So I'm probably gonna be that borderline obsessive WLS gal who counts and weighs and measures lol. And oh well! Sucks to be me. But I'll do it. And count myself so fortunate. I want quick weight loss. I do. There are newer studies emerging in Europe that claim that quick weight loss is best for obese individuals because it keeps excitement, momentum, and successful days at a pitch. I believe it. I am that person. Ask any vet here and they will tell you maintenance is the hard part, cuz you no longer have that daily/weekly high of seeing that big downward jump on the scale, or losses on the measuring tape, or the downward trend line on your weight loss graph is now horizontal as it approaches zero excess pounds. http://sciencenordic.com/researchers-rapid-weight-loss-best Dr. Michael Moseley talks about this in his latest book, Eight Week Blood Sugar Diet. https://thebloodsugardiet.com/ I don't know which way is right. I only know with pretty deep assurance which is right for me. I will still seek lots of lovely veg, some low glycemic fruits, and only a protein adequate diet with healthy fats. I'm sure I will have cheat meals, even cheat weekends. But I will understand there will be a price to be paid for those off plan times.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
