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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. Day 15 - Pre-op Liquid Diet Done! In the can!!! Woot!! (T minus 1 and counting) I can't believe this day is finally here. Everything feels pretty surreal, but I'm oddly calm. This surgery has been about 2 years in the making from the time my oncologist first mentioned WLS to me. I was dead set against it at first, but like with any addict, I had to hit rock bottom in order to accept that it was time for a change and to permanently break up with crap food and eating huge volume. I've been on a weight loss mission since May of 2017 and as of this morning, I'm still down to 222.4lbs--a loss of 64.6lbs pre-surgery. I'm not gonna lie. I'm fairly scared. But I'll do fine and get through it and onward through the fog to the losers' bench. I will be grateful to get there! Like with any trip, I'm impatient to reach the destination. Fu*k the journey. LOL. But, I'm mostly impatient to enjoy food again. LOL. Real food. I'm craving my eggs, spinach and mushroom breakfast like crazy! And turkey sausage crumbles. ha! IKR? All I can think about is a perfect 6 minute - 30 second soft boiled eggs with a 1/2tsp of KG unsalted butter and a steamed asparagus soldier. Crazy right? Yeah, still a little food obsessed. I wasn't supposed to do a bowel prep, but it's been about 4 days since my last visit to the throne. I compromised and instead of my beloved Cherry flavored Mag Citrate sparkling bottle, I took 3/4 dose of MOM. Mission accomplished. Now I'm going to only have full liquids for the remainder of the day. I can have clear liquids up until about 5am in the morning. Weird right? We're part of a "new" program testing outcomes of not limiting fluid until 2hours prior to surgery. Surgery is supposed to start loosely between 7-9am tomorrow, but we have to be there at 5:30am. That means we have to leave here at 4:30am. Which means I have to get up to get ready at 3:30am! Holy fu*k! So, yeah. If you happen to think of me tomorrow, please say a prayer or two that won't be a weenie baby and will finish with flying colors! I got a lot done yesterday: Laundry done, folded, put away - Done! Pork roast and veggies/salads for Mr. F.'s dinner the next 2-3 nights -Done! Breakfasts and lunches accounted for him - Done! House cleaned and ready for post-op and Cakkie - Done! Work Project Part 1 - Done! Billing in case I buy the farm during surgery - Done! And all I have left to do is: Pack Make fresh sf jello and homemade protein popsicles Shave legs Paint toenails happy orange Laze around looking lovely and keeping my feet elevated I'm thinking there will be a lot of time spent hangin' round here today! LOL. Day 15 Food Log
  2. Yay!!! @Losingit2018! Most of you know, the doc surprised me and told me I was approved. RNY is tomorrow. Can't wait. Hugs all around!!
  3. FluffyChix

    The best decision of my life.

    Congrats girlie!!! Welcome!!
  4. FluffyChix

    Phentermine after VSG your thoughts

    haha! I was guilty of not reading all the posts. So I said, well I just read above and here are my suggestions: 1. Dump all the Protein drinks/protein bars. 2. Eat REAL food. Protein first 2-3oz meal, veg next with lots of leafy veg, healthy fats a little bit, nuts/seeds (a little bit, obsessively weigh/count these out), low glycemic berries and fruit a little bit. How many cals do you eat each day? What kind of activity do you do? Damn! (answered my own question--you said 5-7days/week) That sounds like a fuc*ing lot of exercise for that amount of food! See @jenn1 and @BigViffer and others about this!! They're phenomenal athletes! (And should you want to discuss the finer points of channel surfing and couch potatoing, look me up! )
  5. FluffyChix

    Phentermine after VSG your thoughts

    Show me 4 days of your current diet. Phentermine can cause primary pulmonary hypertension among other dreaded cardiac related diseases. My dad died of it. It's heartbreaking disease with a one-way outcome. Just sayin'. Crack is whack. (OK, just read above) 1. Dump all the protein drinks/protein bars. 2. Eat REAL food. Protein first 2-3oz meal, veg next with lots of leafy veg, healthy fats a little bit, nuts/seeds (a little bit, obsessively weigh/count these out), low glycemic berries and fruit a little bit. How many cals do you eat each day? What kind of activity do you do? Damn! That sounds like a fuc*ing lot of exercise for that amount of food! See @jenn1 and @BigViffer and others about this!! They're phenomenal athletes! And should you want to discuss the finer points of channel surfing and couch potatoing, look me up!
  6. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Why is it so hard to get fluids post-operatively? Is it because every time you swallow it feels like a boulder and hurts like something is stuck in your esophagus? Or because your new pouch fills up quickly and is inflamed, so it down't hold very much and you have to wait for the full feeling to subside before drinking more? Trying to get a good handle on this to be able to anticipate the order of magnitude of the suckage about to be unleashed upon my buttocks. THANKS!
  7. FluffyChix

    The first poo

    Congrats girl! Don't add it. If you're doing a bowel cleanse, do it and do it hard and get it done. You don't want to have an accident on the table. They won't appreciate it. LOL.
  8. Corpo-stricturous Enosum!!! Poof! No new strictures allowed post-RNY! Congrats on getting through the "second round!" hehe
  9. FluffyChix

    Proudgrammy's problem is back again

    pobrecita!!!! ((hugs))
  10. FluffyChix

    No family support

    You can do this girl!!! You've got the powah!!!! They'll come around, they're probably operating from a fear base.
  11. FluffyChix

    Really struggling- 5 weeks out

    ((hugs)) Just keep swimming Dory!!! (and embrace the suck...if you can?)
  12. Wow! Good for you girl! The radiation is pretty tough with tough side effects long term. Mine left me with fluid around my heart and a fibrous growth from my heart to the sac around it. So am praying you only have to do herceptin!! Do you also have to be on Femara?
  13. FluffyChix

    Ricotta Bake

    I this recipe! My mom used to make lasagna with cottage cheese (cuz it was cheaper and easier to get in the South during the 60-70s). So I make mine with cottage cheese and cut back on the parmesan a little to conserve calories. That way I can sprinkle a bit on top without it being tooooo high.) Can't wait to have some at Week3-ish.
  14. FluffyChix

    6 months post vsg progress

    I think you look phenomenal!!!! Congrats on your success girlie!!!! I also know exactly how it feels at 313 versus 230! Night and day!!!! Your kids must be thrilled to have new energetic mommy!!! But, I also get it. We are our own worst critics!! ((hugs)) Keep plugging. Stay the course, cuz what other choice do we have? Maybe log diligently along with weighing and measuring to see if you can see something hinkey or out of whack?
  15. FluffyChix

    Any February Sleevers?

    Are you sure you're not allergic to Betadine? Many are. Do you have an iodine sensitivity?
  16. Why not go back to basics and lose the angst? Follow your doc's plan for early solid introduction: protein first (around 2-3oz)>>very small amounts of healthy fat like avocado, butter, olive oil>>cooked veggies>>low glycemic fruit no drinking 30 minutes before or after meals no carbonation ditch ALL the sugar and crap!!! Ditch the complex higher glycemic carbs, any sugar or sugar free crap and just do that for 2 weeks? You still might have carb withdrawal which is why most feel shaky. The low carb docs guide for shakiness/weekness during carb withdrawal is 1-2 cups of bouillon (for the sodium and minerals), 1 tsp MOM, and lots of water. Hugs and hope this helps. I'd choose this any day over the hell of the pouch reset protocol which many claim is a hoax. Drs. Weiner and Alvarez say that the pouch isn't actually stretched out in the majority of cases--that it is simply that you are having hormonal responses to eating too many carbs from the wrong sources and allowing crap and inappropriate eating times back into your routine...
  17. FluffyChix

    Any February Sleevers?

    Embrace the suck and know that this is a time when you're burning the most and eating the least!
  18. Thank you! Loved it--I felt the whole gamut of emotions!! Thank you for taking the time to detail your experience for our benefit! Cudos to you and congrats on your continued success!
  19. FluffyChix

    Decided it was time for a change (hair)

    Love it!!! So feminine and fun!
  20. FluffyChix

    A few challenging days

    Cheeseits are the devil. I heart them so... So I use an old internet idea. Take a slice of Kraft Deli Deluxe American cheese (the kind without the wrapper). Fold it into 16 teeny tiny squares. Use a piece of parchment and space them out. Then nuke them. In my micro that's about 1:45 seconds until they are puffed, crispy and golden. They will crisp even more as they cool. Remove and put on a paper towel to cool. Enjoy. I use a tiny (1 teaspoon) of LS creamy peanut butter to make a little mini Ritz Bitz cheese and peanut butter cracker.
  21. @etc. etc. etc. and @jenn1 Geeze those both sound delicious!!!
  22. FluffyChix

    The first poo

    Ok, everyone whose first poos were a nightmare, please tell me. Did you do 2 weeks non-cheating pre-op liquid diet? Did you do a pre-surgery bowel prep? Did you have RNY or VSG? TY! I'm trying to decide if I disobey my doc and do a bowel prep today and clear liquids tomorrow! LOL. My RD claims (but she's not had surgery), that with the RNY the first stool after liquids and surgery is usually runny. But you know, I'm a doubting Thomas! I have experience that says surgery + Fentanyl + Anesthesia = 1st poo of the devil himself! kthnxbye...
  23. Uncle Henry!!!!! Cover yourself for God's sake!!! Thanks for thinking of me sweetie!!! And um, I come from a long line of chickens that really like being nekkidy! hehehehe! LOVE this piccy and love that you thought of me!!! ((hugs)) (you know a sparkle heart is much bigger than a regular one, right?)

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