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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    1 week post op -19lbs

    Dammit Batman! Thanks for the reality check brah! I was sitting over he-ah scratchin my headin goin' dayummmmm! Why isn't the weight flyin' off mah bod like bats from a cave?
  2. No way, Jose! I will never miss being so fat that wiping my ass was an epic adventure of discovery and contortion. I will never miss the stares, shame, or ridicule of being the biggest girl in the room/restaurant/fill in the blank. I will not miss the stress on my joints or the arthritic pain caused by super morbid obesity. I will not miss the high risk of cancer recurrence, the more severe asthma symptoms, the GERD, insomnia, etc! I will never miss the lack of mobility, the fall risks, the imbalance, the lack of stamina, the desire to isolate in order to protect myself from shame. Obesity can go fu*k itself! *snort* With big green donkey di*ks. There is NO part of the old me I will miss. I'm intrinsically the same person inside my Michelin Man fat suit. G'bye fat ass. Hello skinny minny! kserrynotserry for thinking so rabidly about my fat self. It is what it is.
  3. FluffyChix

    New Premier Protein flavor!!!!

    LOL, it's so funny how everyone is unique! I'm still loving my PP RTD drinks post surgery! I adore them in my coffee, and also mixed in Greek yogurt! YUM! Can't wait to try the peaches and cream!!! Thanks for the heads up.
  4. FluffyChix

    Gas post op

    Walking, GasX strips, and fluids are helping me. I was surgery 2.20.18.
  5. FluffyChix

    1 week post op -19lbs

    Damn! Congrats! What have you been eating? Can you share your menus? I'm day 4 and have only lost 3 lbs of the regain weight. Was 222.4 the morning of surgery, went up to 227.8lbs, now 224.2lbs this morning. So it's not even new, virgin weight loss territory!
  6. Saturday 2.24.18 Update (4 days post-surgery) 224.2lbs I feel really great! The only pain meds I'm taking are the 30day prescription for gabapentin which heals the nerves, and liquid sugar free tylenol. Fluids go down so easily! I'm able to take in 8oz per hour without issues (that includes protein drinks). I'm still enjoying the same protein drinks as pre-surgery without a sweet aversion, but I think it's because I like to mix it up with different liquids to extend it? Dunno! Last night I had a touch of fever, 99.2 (not a real fever at all), but I think it was enough to set off some nausea. So I just rested in my recliner with a cold cloth to my throat and things got better quickly! I woke up this morning and took my meds and pain is great and no nausea or fever! So I dodged a bullet there! Also, taking my pills hasn't been an issue either, they go down quietly and know to stay down! LOL! I'm already cooking for Mr. F. and am having no issues with yearnings or cravings! I made him a bacon egg cheese low carb breakfast taco this morning and I was like, "Meh! It looks dynamo, but I'm looking forward to my yogurt soup! Very surreal! I'm getting my walking in as planned, and it's just fine. I'm poopin' just fine thanks to MOM. The GasX strips are golden! I love them and they really work. I'm going to be adding my vitamins today. Hope that doesn't tip the balance of fine! So far, "no regerts"! This morning I'm having my first thinned down Greek yogurt, aka yogurt soup! It's divine! Here's the recipe: Blueberry Yogurt Serves 1 - 2 (about 1/2 cup volume) 3oz (85g) Greek fat free plain yogurt (HEB) 1floz (28g) Premier Protein vanilla RTD 1floz (28g) Walden Farms blueberry syrup 1tsp (1.75g) benefiber 3 drops liquid vanilla stevia Mix it all together and enjoy! Nutritionals: 73cals; 12g protein; 0g fat; 5g carbs; 2g fiber; 3g net carbs; 3g sugar
  7. Hahaha! Love experimenting! I'm trying benefiber in my yogurt this morning! I know Miralax is next sometime today--probably in my V8!
  8. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Me 2. Colace and MOM have cleaned me out without concrete issues!
  9. Damn!!! I'm so sorry to hear this! Hope you get your surgery soon and can put the misery behind you!!! ((hugs))
  10. @Miss Topaz Congrats on the 1 month! Can't wait to hear your measurements!!
  11. @Creekimp13 Haha on the visual of being gobsmacked and dazed in the middle of the wrapping paper! That's it exactly. I kinda feel bemused! I even asked her twice if she really changed my anatomy up inside! *snort*
  12. FluffyChix

    Change Your Hospital

    I agree with both @Creekimp13 and @Apple203. I'd go to the bariatric center, sign a release form and stand there until you get your records. Then go to your new center, and sign a form releasing your medical records. You have a right to look that the psych report and to find out why she said one thing and did another. I'm so so sorry this is so hard!! ((hugs))
  13. Oh thank you! So glad to hear that this was similar for you!! Of course, I hadn't thought about the inflammation in the tissues! LOL, I feel so little pain, it's just oddly surreal feeling. It hasn't really caught up with me that I actually had the surgery and things are different. I am feeling so lucky to be one of the ones who don't wake up starving though. The liquid portion of the post-op diet is so much easier than the liquid pre-op stage even thought it's almost the same foods! @Apple203 I'm saying prayers for you already hon! I sure hope that it's even smoother than mine!!
  14. Friday 2.23.18 Update (3 days post surgery) - Weight 225.6 I'm so blessed to report that I'm doing very well. I got in 66oz of fluid yesterday. It was Day 2 of Clear Liquids. And again, the most difficult thing about it was limiting myself to the 4oz per hour that the surgeon wanted in the clear liquids stage. Today I started full liquids and I'm just going slowly sticking to PP RTD drinks and V8 juice. So far so good! Easy peasy going down. I don't really "get" post-opers say they have trouble getting things down? Or that it's painful swallowing? They go down just fine, even sf jello. I don't notice that anything is more sweet now than pre-surg. Maybe I'm just a lucky outlier? Dunno??? But I'll take it! As for pain, the surgeon did not send me home with any serious narcotics and I'm ok with that. I have a prescription for gabapentin that I'm to take 2 capsules 3 times a day; and tramadol 2 pills every 6 hours for pain as needed. But honestly I only took the tramadol 2 times yesterday (morning and night) and did liquid sf tylenol the rest of the time (think it was only 1 time.) Today I'm only on the gabapentin and liquid sf tylenol and pain management is great! Nothing to complain about! I started colace 3 days ago and did MOM (60ml) last night. Today I'm moving things out if you know what I mean, but I may need to redose tonight just to be sure I'm moved out all the stuff she saw in my bowels while she was in there. It hasn't been bad really. So, first poo? Not so bad. I'm so grateful to God and my surgical team for being so excellent! Cuz I just have very little issues. I actually don't even fully believe I've had anything done. But I know something is different, cuz i have zero hunger and zero food cravings. Last night I sat at the table with Mr. F, Sissy, and BIL while they enjoyed grilled salmon, roasted veggies, and salad. And I just had 4oz of chicken broth and a 1/4 of a pre-made jello cup. LOL. I was perfectly fine and happy to visit and watch them eat without feeling anxiety or issue that I must shove food in my mouth. Yay team!!! I can say, that although I have no real head hunger demand for food, I do have a slight craving for eggs and fish. So weird. But they aren't intense, almost esoteric in nature. I have absolutely no, ZERO, regrets about this surgery so far. I know I'm early days yet. But even the anesthesia hangover isn't much. I take a nap around 2pm, and go to bed at around 10pm. I get up between 4-5am to take thyroid and start fluids for the day, then doze off again until around 7:30am. So it's been easy peasy. I'm really impatient for the weight loss to start. I'm still about 3lbs up from my pre-surgery weight of 222.4. This morning I weighed 225.6lbs. I did think that the fluid weight would come off pretty fast. But oh well. I'm resolved that things will take as long as they take and that's A-ok in my book. I'm just happy the monkey of uncertainty is off my back! I've had my surgery and that's all there is to it! Thanks again for all the cheerleading!!! It's really lifted me up! Now that my sissy is gone (she left this morning), I will have more time to be here and screw-off participate!
  15. Damn!!! I'm so sorry to hear this!
  16. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Hi dear ones! I had surgery on the 20th (RNY) and was released for home on the 21st. I feel absolutely fantastic. Very little gas and my tummy wasn't even distended too much. They said they expelled as much as they could after surgery. The surgeon said it was an easy operation and the my liver looked pink and lovely! Yay me! I'm walking and drinking and visiting with my sissy. The biggest problem is that i have to limit fluids today to only 4oz. I can drink somewhat normally. I do feel it filling up a little when I sip too fast, but I feel like and asked, "Did you really do the surgery?" LOL! I'm up 5lbs from fluids. On the day of surgery I weighed 222.4lbs. So I'm looking forward to the scale moving! Tomorrow I start full liquids--today I'm still on clears. But it's ok. I have absolutely no desire for food. And I have ambivalence for other people's food. Yay!!! Hope all the other Feb. 20th folks and the February folks in general are doing well!!!
  17. Thanks to each of you for warming my heart and making me feel your love and support!!! ((hugs)) Surgery went so smoothly. The hardest thing was the anesthesiologist trying to get a vein with the iv catheter. They stuck me like 13 times! NO kidding! But the nurse anesthetist was giving me laughing gas and anesthesia by then and we were talking and laughing and telling jokes while he was suffering trying to find a vein! Luckily the iv in my finger held until they took it out today! I am sipping/walking/having clear liquids today and tomorrow--then on to full liquids and protein drinks. I just weighed (at night) lol, and I'm up 5 lbs from anesthesia but that's fine. I will lose it. Also I appear to be full of sh*t! The surgeon said my colon had a ton of stool that I need to get cleaned out! Sorry for TMI! But apparently pooting and pooping are big things to them! I finally pooted tonight! HA! The real challenge is limiting myself to 4oz per hour! I'm able to drink very easily. I have very little pain and am controlling it now with tramadol and gabapentin. I'm doing so well! Walking, sipping, visiting, napping in my recliner and watching movies! Thank you to all for your prayers and support! I love each of you. I can't believe I finally had the surgery and it's over! I will tell you, that my desire/cravings for food right now are non-existent. And it really doesn't bother me to be on clear liquids. Also, the surgeon said it went so well. I had some adhesions that she removed and that my liver was pink and beautiful and that it was a very easy surgery! Yeeeehawwww! I'm on the losers' bench with ya now!!! ((hugs))
  18. Hey y'all. Was trying to get a jump on surgery next week by going HEBing to stock-up on supplies. I currently have generic omeprazole tablets that I take 1x daily, but was planning on getting the capsules to make them more absorbable. I know that enteric coated pills and delayed release medicines aren't well absorbed by RNY and VSG tummies post surgery. I was shocked to read that every single capsule or pill is either enteric coated (to protect the medicine from our stomach acid), and/or it was a delayed release capsule (for the same reason). What kind of omeprazole etc are you taking that is immediate release and easily swallowed? Do you have a special prescription? Or are H2 inhibitors/blockers an exception to the enteric coating/delayed release rule? Thank you in advance!
  19. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Good luck today everyone!!! We're leaving here in about 5 minutes! Wow, so excited!!!
  20. Day 16 DONE!!! Boom! SURGERY DAY!!!! WAHOOOOO! Bring on the rainbows and unicorns!!! Thank you again for all the well-wishes! I will have a funny story to relate when I'm home again!!! Love you guys! You complete me! We're leaving in about 8 minutes! Ha! Oddly specific... Day 16 Food Log
  21. Update: T minus about 13 hours until I'm higher than a kite and enjoying the ride to a new adventure as a Loooooooosssssssseeeeee-er! hehe. I'm not a dude, but will let Elton sing this lovely background music: Rocket Man for me anyway! This journey so far has been a lot like an outer space adventure--new horizons--long trip! Thanks to everyone for your friendship and support! We leave here at 4:30 for a 5:30 check-in. I'll check back in either tomorrow evening or more likely on Wednesday. Until then, shake the trees and howl at the moon for me won't ya? MUAH! XOXO Fluffy
  22. FluffyChix

    7 week Progress Pic

    Looking great girl!!
  23. FluffyChix

    One month out

  24. FluffyChix

    Finally got a scale

    Yes mam! I'm a habitual weigher and measurer. It's just so easy to slap it on the scale and weigh and tare things!
  25. Thank you so much for your sweet note!! ((hugs)) Honestly, on the broth, the low sodium stuff is so bad, I had to get creative without added salt. It was just boxed broth or no sodium bouillon. Not a lot of cooking to be had.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
