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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. I don't see anything about "her subsequent change" in your post. It still sounds as if she is trying to bend you to her will. I've no doubt you can lose weight. Most of us are very big losers. We almost to a person are outstandingly sucky maintainers. And there is the real issue. The insurance companies most usually go for the first weigh in for your BMI calculation, and as long as you are not below the 35BMI deck at the point of insurance submission, things should theoretically be fine. You must do what is right for you. Hopefully your spouse will be supportive, if not, then you have a big decision to make. Most negative spouses are negative because of fear and lack of knowledge about the surgery.
  2. FluffyChix

    6 Months Post Op Pics

    Wow you look wonderful!!! Congrats!!
  3. FluffyChix

    No poop

    I did colace for 2 days and on the second afternoon, took the maximum dosage of MOM. I might do it again in a day or two!
  4. FluffyChix


    Wow, you look marvelous and so are those reports on the health markers! I'm sorry you had another TIA. ((hugs)). Will say prayers!
  5. FluffyChix

    3 days after vsg surgery

    Hugs - sorry you're struggling! Remember, every day it is supposed to get better!!
  6. Oh dear Lord, these are priceless!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! I you. I truly do. You complete me!!!!
  7. FluffyChix

    6lbs away from knowing I made it...

    Congrats! That's wonderful progress. You should be so proud of yourself!!
  8. @Angel2018 Hilarious! Love this. Make it so! I'm def in the paranoia stage!
  9. Day 5 Post Op - 224.4lbs Ok, so upfront let me just admit that the scale drives me bonkers and that it's a short trip. I know intellectually that I should not be weighing right now. I get it. LOL. But, as Hal said in 2001 Space Odyssey, "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that." *snort* I also want to say that I fully recognize I am the scale's little bi*ch. I was so good yesterday. I did add in the Celebrate Vitamin Drink Stix and calcium chewy bites. But fu*k me! There's a ton of carbs in them! I'm not real good with sugar alcohols like sorbitol and maltitol (they spike my blood sugar) and they are choc-full of them. So I'm going to go in search of new vitamins this morning. And I'm clueless. In my mind, I should be down to pre-surgery weight at the very minimum at 5days post surgery. I'm walking, getting plenty of water in, and taking my vitamins. I'm also getting in around 72g of protein daily, and between 20-25g of carbs daily. So why am I up 0.2lbs this morning? Oh, and I had a poopy too...so I don't think it's that I'm full of poop any longer! I'm eating about 400cals per day! How can ANYONE not lose weight on that amount? Now, I know weight loss isn't linear. I know I have a lot of inflammation left from the surgery and that I'm still doing a lot of healing. Blah blah blah...but it still boils down to the irrational fear that I mutilated my digestive track for nada. No bueno por nada! LOL, please forgive this little rant. I feel like I had one due to me, because I feel like I've been a pretty model citizen through the pre-op liquid stage to the post op liquid stage. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Fu*k you scale!!!! In other news, the pain is level is very, very low. I didn't even take my pain pills this morning. Will go take my gabapentin now though cuz I committed to taking it for a month. So at least that's good. I ran a 100 degree fever last night, but it's back to being normal. As I understand it's pretty common post surgery to run low grade fevers for a while. Ok, feel free to jump in and talk me off the ledge and cheerlead!
  10. Great article!!! Hope everyone reads it!
  11. FluffyChix

    Undies question....

  12. FluffyChix

    How to get enough protein.

    I'm so lucky! Honestly it hasn't been an issue. I mix some of the Premier Protein with decaff coffee or drink it straight. I also like the PP Clear cut 1/2 and 1/2 with water and love Syntrax Lemon Iced Tea. So far I've reached my protein and fluid goals each day that I've been on full liquids post surgery (first 2 days were clear liquids only). I love iced decaff coffee with them too. I also mix plain unflavored with broth and or cream of mushroom/cochicken soups. Delish! Here's today's food log:
  13. FluffyChix

    I Need Some Serious Help!

    Short answer. Yes. Seek therapy. And also clean out the house of all contraband. Unfortunately, you've now made your life more miserable because you are out of ketosis again. You will have to endure another 4 day stretch of hunger and misery to get back into ketosis. I can't give you a hug about this. It's serious to the extreme and you recognize this. On Monday, call for a therapy consult from your surgeon. Don't fu*k up your tool. The end.
  14. Where are you having it done?
  15. This ^^^. I also brought a robe to sling around my shoulders and brought disposable (cheap) house slippers to slip on and toss at the end of my stay. The Biotene spray and chapstick were a lifesaver!
  16. FluffyChix

    Olympics, Curling

    Ziggy zoggy, ziggy zoggy, oye, oye, oye!!
  17. FluffyChix

    Perforated ulcer

    Prayers for great scope results girlie!!!! ((hugs))
  18. Wow you look so beautiful!!! Congrats on your loss!!!
  19. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Hugs and prayers to all who've had surgery already. I pray you are feeling better each day and able to accomplish post-surg goals with ease!! To all who are still yet to come in February! Remember the liquid diet from hell is only temporary and we can endure anything for 2 weeks! I can attest that once you're on the other side, the liquid protein phase is a cinch to undertake. No hunger, easy satiety with the liquids, no feeling of deprivation or food angst! It's hard to imagine such a severe about face once post-surgery but it's true!! I'm doing great. It's now 4 days post and I'm up walking, drinking normally, yesterday got in 98oz of liquids including proteins. This morning had thinned down yogurt for brekky and did great. Now having protein iced tea and loving it. So all is well. Have already walked 2 times today and will do another stint here after lunch. Naps are my friend! Oh how I love mah naps! Cheers everyone!!
  20. FluffyChix

    Any MGB in March?

    Congrats on your upcoming surgeries guys!!! I know ya'll will kick some booty!!
  21. LOL! Raises hand and jumps on OP's band wagon. Yep. Yep. Yes indeedy! It's true and listen to everyone's advice! They speak truth! I'm in the same exact situation. I have lost 3 of the lbs gained over the surgery date, but I'm still up about 2lbs from surgery day weight. I'm like, "Dangit Lex Luther and My 600lb Life," you're a bunch of lieing ass liars that lie! LOL. Where's my 25lb loss in the first week?! *snic* Yeah, it's gonna happen. Follow your rules to a T.
  22. FluffyChix

    Should I be able to eat this much?

    @BostonWLKC Hi, would you please go fill out your profile/surgery information so we can see more about you?
  23. FluffyChix

    5 months post op. Not losing weight

    I'm sorry to hear this. Why not post some of your menus and go fill out your profile so we have more information to go on?
  24. Wow!! Congrats!! You look amazing!!! Thanks for the inspiration hon!

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