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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Have a date, baby!!!

    Congrats! That's awesome!!
  2. Mine was fully aware of my predicament and even knew I was doing "off plan" food funerals. But, I was down 12% of my total body weight from the start of my program to the last week of submission. So it wasn't any big deal. They usually use the first weigh in from the RD/surgeon to calculate your BMI. But some insurances are diff. You def have to play a game though. Hugs and welcome!
  3. It's a very common finding on the EGD. I had exactly that: GERD, irregular EG junction and mild gastritis. I also have a few metaplasia cells in my duodenum. I just had to take a PPI for the rest of my pre-op time and now I'm taking a prescription PPI post RNY surgery. I chose to go with the RNY rather than the VSG cuz as much as 30% of VSGs have to get altered to RNYs due to GERD. I don't think it's going to be any big deal for you. Don't stress!
  4. FluffyChix

    Can You Drink Too Much Post Surgery?

    Yes, I'm talking more about pouch capacity especially when it isn't fully healed. Is the extra liquid stretching it and challenging it, perhaps making a leak, or ulcer, or fissure?
  5. FluffyChix

    What's Your Goal For The Week?

    I'm just focused on drinking my fluids, taking my vits, getting in my daily protein, and walking for 1 hour a day at intervals. And napping. Mostly napping! And staying cool and not trying to advance my diet until next Wednesday a week! Damn I want that savory puree sh*t like nobody's beeswax! Until then, plan for the week: chillin' like a villain!
  6. FluffyChix

    5 months post op need help

    @Sosewsue61 You know you're losing about 12lbs per month since surgery don't you? That's totes norm and brilliant work I might add! Congrats girlfriend. You're rockin' the casbah! And you had a vacation mixed in there no less!!
  7. FluffyChix

    Can You Drink Too Much Post Surgery?

    Crap! She told me 4oz per hour in the hospital. So I thought it was that...but then I looked at the handout the RD gave me and in the Phase 1 Full Liquids it shows 8oz per hour. So I've been alternating roughly 4oz/hour with 8oz/hour. Hope I don't eff myself up!
  8. IKR? It's the little things that keep me amused.
  9. Time for a recipe. I know I can't be the first person to have figured out this recipe, so I'm gonna call it "mine," since attribution appears to be at bay. It's my new squeeze I it so much! Peanut Butter and Blueberry Pro-gurt Serves 1-2 3oz Greek fat free yogurt (HEB) 1fl oz Premier Protien Vanilla RTD (or your fave flavor) 6g Peanut Butter Slim (Vitacost) 1fl oz Walden Farms Blueberry Pancake Syrup Mix first 3 ingredients together until smooth. Top with zero calorie WF Blueberry Syrup. Enjoy with moans of ecstasy! Nutritionals: 85 calories; 15g protein; 1g fat; 5g carbs; 1g fiber; 4g net carbs; 3g sugar
  10. FluffyChix

    Tomorrow is the big day

    Congrats! I flies by!!!
  11. FluffyChix

    @Jenn1 Morning Video

    bahahahahaahaha!!! ((hugs)) Sorry for the trauma. There are just some things a girl oughtened of not see!
  12. FluffyChix

    my mistake

    Hahaha! Thanks for the clarification. I couldn't read the dry wit between the lines and not knowing you, it sounded like you were calling Kathy a troll.
  13. FluffyChix

    5 days post op. Am I dumping?

    Yeah, 17g of carbs and 11g of sugar would be way too much for me. I'm told to limit sugar to no more than 4g/serving or less. Sorry you had that learning experience!
  14. FluffyChix

    So Who do You Look Like?

    the milk man...
  15. FluffyChix

    my mistake

    *snort* Bio*ch please. You're new and obviously don't know Kathy and how beloved she is by all of us.
  16. @jenn1 ROFLMAO! The visual on this is hi-LAR-ious!!!
  17. You are gonna be a rock star (mainly cuz you already are ) and kill this surgery and post up just like @Miss Topaz and me...
  18. FluffyChix

    Can You Drink Too Much Post Surgery?

    Thanks @James Marusek! ((hugs))
  19. You got this girl!!! Tip is to stay hydrated. If you get hungry at first, drink a cup of water quickly. Stay busy and keep your mind/hands occupied. If temptation really hits, change locations and visualize the prize: surgery with a tiny livah!!! Hugs and prayers! PM if you need me!
  20. Day 6 Post Op - 223 lbs Woke up this morning and felt F-I-N-E, FINE! Slept well. Only pain pills I'm taking are gabapentin for nerve inflammation. Not even taking liquid tylenol. Drinking is going so well. It's hard to limit things to 8fl oz/hour. I can comfortably swallow 1/2 ounce at a time! Am getting in my 60-80g of protein per day. Am around 20-25g carbs daily and very low fat. Think I'm still only getting about 400-450 cals/day (not intentionally trying to keep things low). I'm almost down to pre-surgery weight: only 0.2lbs away. Exact much? hehe I do have MASSIVE bruises all over my abdomen and on the arm where they tried to get my veins for an iv. I seriously have purple bruises all along my lower tummy/pannus. But they don't hurt. They only amaze. It's a pretty boring post op blow-by-blow after-action report. Thank you sweet baby Jesus of the golden fleece diaper and tiny hands and feet! I think I'm gonna try to work a couple of hours today. Luckily I work from home. Thank you to everyone who has been following and cheering me on!!!
  21. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Doing great today--Day 6! The only issue I'm having is that my swallowing is so great, I could easily consume 16oz per hour of liquid, especially if it's black decaf coffee! I'm on full liquids with and 8fl oz/hour limit. Walking, sipping, eating 74g of protein per day. It's all going great. Very little/no pain. Only drugs are gabapentin for 1 month for nerve inflammation. You guys will do great! I only had nausea for a few hours immediately following surgery. Then only 1 small bout with it on day 2 at home. Nothing major though.
  22. Glad she is supportive of your decision. It sounded to me that she accepted the challenge of trying to help you lose the 72 lbs in the next 6 months!
  23. FluffyChix

    my mistake

    Inquiring minds and all... What did you do again?
  24. FluffyChix

    And so it begins ....

    You got this dude! Keep busy! Idle hands and the devil's playground and all. LOL! I played a sh*t ton of solitaire and hearts on my phone! The first 4 days are the most difficult, but dayum! You get a protein bar and a protein soup! I could only have 3-4 drinks per day to average about 70g protein per day. You can do it!!!! ((hugs))
  25. FluffyChix

    5 Days Post op

    Congrats! Today is Day 6 post-op for me. I'm doing great. No/little pain, able to bend and squat, am walking every day. I eat protein shakes, liquidy yogurt, broths. I'm getting in about 74g protein, 20-25g carbs, and around 400-450 cals per day. I'll have 1 sf jello, and 2 servings of broth, sometimes 4oz of V8 with lime and celery salt. Pho broth sounds delish! I'm doing fine on my liquids...but I'm very ready to have purees! I have no problems swallowing--even big swallows. I see the doc on Thursday, but I bet I have to continue until Tuesday a week before I get to progress to purees.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
