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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Does your stomach feel normal?

    I never felt anything other than incision pain on occasion. Not very often though. My tums feels totes norm. I didn't even experience the 10000 crunches syndrome. I maxed out on pain meds on Day1 so very little pain and limited nausea--had a scopolamine patch thanks to @orionburn and @Seahawks Fan's advice!
  2. FluffyChix

    Some second thoughts

    Ok, I hear you and understand the problem. Thanks so much for entrusting us with your personal information. So here's my 2 cents. You know that most of us are big losers. We can lose like nobody's beeswax. But you also know that most or all of us have been seriously poor maintainers post weight loss. We have metabolic resistance like crazy and our bodies want us to get fat again. So we deal with a metabolic handycap in some respects. So in my mind, there is no question that you (and I) need the surgical intervention. No more rationalization from me for me. I accepted it and did "the almost max" by getting RNY rather than sleeve. So now let's deal with the executive functioning thing. I'm pretty sure that even at 6'4" you have been spending a crap ton of money on fast food delivery/drive thrus or pre-packaged amazeballs crap from the grocery right? So ya have difficulty cooking. One way to address this would be to get your surgeon right now, to put you onboard with an occupational therapy program that teaches life skills (of which cooking would be a main one for you). There are all kinds of short cuts. And the good news is that cooking doesn't really require a recipe unless it's a baked goods thing--then it's as much chemistry as it is about cooking. I'm a cook and have cooked since I was 6 years old--even professionally. I'm used to preparing and creating elaborate meals and recipes. But what do I do when I'm in "Beast Mode" for weight loss? I Occums Razor the hell out of sh*t. I keep it simple. Most suppers pre-surgery were 3-4oz of grilled or roasted lean meat, and a veg, and some kind of salad. Lunches were either a quick meat/cheese rollup with grape tomatoes, baby carrots or fruit, and easy peasy breakfasts of either protein drinks, my cottage cheese yogurt mess, or some kind of thrown together egg scramble. Now days, they have pre-cooked roasted meats that are "relatively clean". There are all kinds of steamer bags of veg in frozen foods and prechopped ingredients both frozen and in the fridge section. Salads come in a box now! There are low fat and zero cal dressings that are not bad. Even avocados come peeled and sliced! Eggs come boiled and peeled now. The whole super market is filled with convenience foods--some fit beautifully into our world. So you don't technically HAVE to cook, in order to eat in a manner that will support your new tool. But there's also a Plan B. Meal delivery services! Many can accomodate special dietary needs. You just order online and they are systematically delivered each week. I would hazard that these meal services would represent a savings over your former crap filled diet of old that got you to the 366lb ball. So if it were me, I'd spend my time as you prepare for surgery and do the 2-3 week liquid diet portion after surgery, planning on how you will procure your new "diet" food that is really more of a lifestyle than a diet. See what meal services exist in your area and what the costs are and if it will fit within your food budget. Remember, you will be eating such small amounts that each meal will represent 2-3 servings for your new anatomy--so there will be savings for you there! And guess what? No cooking involved other than nuking to rewarm!!! Score! You can do this, Matt. I will help you as much as I can with meal plans, for free if that will help you? I can help with shopping lists, meal plans, etc!
  3. FluffyChix

    Functioning Alcoholic

    I'm so sorry to read about your struggle! ((hugs)) I'm so happy you are confronting this addiction before it can rip your world apart: marriage, children, job, self-esteem. I'm sorry your wounds are having trouble healing as well. That has to be so scary!!! Please continue to work it one day at a time!!! You can do this! And as you do, the weight will begin to come back off! Saying prayers of healing for you!
  4. FluffyChix

    Dr. Nowzaradan is my hero

    @Mattymatt I'll get some for you later. I store mine in the pocket of my magic pants that have taken me from 325lbs down to 222.8lbs. -- and I can still wear them, but probably shouldn't.
  5. FluffyChix

    February Surgery Buddies!

    Hey question for all of you? Do you count your weight loss from the surgery day weigh in? Or do you count your weight loss from your post-op high weight? Example: Morning of surgery I weighed 222.4lbs. Day after surgery I weighed 228lbs. Today I'm down to 222.8lbs. By my tally I haven't lost at all in the first week and am actually still sitting on a +0.4lb gain. But the question is, does the high weight after surgery count? Cuz if I go by 228lbs to 222.4lbs, then I've lost 5.6lbs since surgery lol (but not really...)
  6. FluffyChix

    Dr. Nowzaradan is my hero

    bahahahahahaha! Gimme some of that magic pixie dust!
  7. Day 7 - Week 1 Post Surgery - 222.8lbs (Wahooo! Almost down to surgery day weight--only 0.4lbs left!) Hello my dearies! This morning is another fanflippintastic day! I slept really well and had a good day yesterday. I walked throughout the day. Am still having probs walking for longer than 10minute intervals, but I did 5 of those intervals yesterday and I'm hoping they count for something. I surpassed my fluid goals and made my protein goal almost exactly. I'm having no difficulties swallowing or keeping it down. I know everyone experiences this, but I don't feel any/little resistance when eating yogurt or jello or broths/cream soups. So I know it will happen when I eat a dense protein, but it's still a little un-nerving. The irrational paranoia that "my pouch is too big" is strong within me. LOL. Nothin like a little crazy to brighten my day! Oh, I made a revelation last night! Apparently gabapentin can make you addicted to it! I've been taking it since Day 1 after surgery 1800mg/daily. It can also cause weight gain! Fu*k me!! So apparently, it's not good to cold turkey it. You have to wean off of it. Now, I've only been taking it a week, so maybe I don't have to wean off of it? But hells to the max! I started last night to decrease from 1800/day to 1500/day. Then today I will do 1200/day, reducing by 1 pill per day until I'm only on 1 pill and can stop it. I do NOT want to deal with that withdrawal, and I'm not even sure it's doing anything for me except making me sleepy and slow. The food impatience is growing with me. I'm longing for purees. LOL. And the blasted Ricotta Bake keeps whispering my name--especially around evening meal time. But, this liquid phase lasts only a short time. And come Wednesday morning of next week, I will so enjoy my first egg! I count the lovely days! Ok, that's my update! Breakfast is going to be my PB and B Progurt! Have I mentioned that I the stuff?
  8. FluffyChix

    Second go round

    Wow, so sorry for your loss! Glad you're deciding to do this. This next 6 months will be worthwhile! Congrats!
  9. Isn't it delish? I am lovin' the Walden Farms Pancake Syrups in Blueberry and Strawberry!! No seeds to contend with and no sugars!
  10. FluffyChix


    Nope just really great anesthesia! I had laughing gas at first! Good times!
  11. Mine too. I just had cream of chicken soup with protein powder mixed in for the first time last night. I have been having yogurt for the past couple of days. It sure helps with monotony. But I don't think I'm gonna have pudding because I don't need the extra cals/carbs that it represents. But boy howdie am I counting the days down to next Wednesday where I hope to graduate to purees!!
  12. FluffyChix

    Not losing weight when working out!

    Sorry Terry, but I have to correct this statement. A lb is a lb is a lb. It matters naught what substance you weigh, if it's a lb, it will register a lb. A lb of fat and a lb of muscle weigh THE SAME. However!!! A lb of bowling balls occupies much less space or volume than a lb of feathers--just as a lb of muscle occupies less space than a lb of fat.
  13. ((hugs)) Hope they get things figured out for you! GERD sucks!
  14. FluffyChix

    Dr. Nowzaradan is my hero

    OMG! I I heart that man! Truly, that show is what gave me the courage to start my life over. I have watched every show in every season, and just last night watched the first Lisa show. I don't know how he maintains composure, cuz I would lose my sh*t every time one of my patients bold-faced lied and tried to manipulate me. He is doing such amazingly important and inspirational work. I adore that he tells it like it is and won't blow smoke up anyone's wattusi! I do think that for some, the show is difficult because of the huge losses his patients see. And because we don't weigh what they do, it's crazy to expect the same kind of dramatic losses we experience. So that is the only criticism I have about the show!
  15. FluffyChix


    I had surgery last Tuesday, Feb. 20. I was 222.8lbs. When I got home I weighed 228lbs. This morning I'm back to 222.8lbs, so I'm ready for the loss to begin. Congrats to both of you on your success and for staying the course!!!
  16. FluffyChix

    Is this not working for me

    No scolding, only a reminder. You can NOT get to where you want to go by using the old patterns and playbook that made you morbidly obese in the first place. It's highly illogical. :-/ My guess is that perhaps there have been more of these "slips" than you report here and if so, then you have the reason why, "my tool just isn't working for me." I'm sorry to be harsh-ish. But dammit! This is your golden shot. How long it takes you, is how LONG it takes. Trust your surgical team. And work the plan. I can assure you of one thing. You weight loss phase will be excruciatingly boring (or at least it could be since there should not be chips or cookies involved). They didn't operate on your head--only your tummy. It's up to you to fully comply and only you know whether you are truly doing that or not. You work out. Good for you. But you do NOT "deserve" that bag of chips or cookie. You DESERVE to have control over your choices and to work your plan and to reach you hard won goal. I'm saying prayers for you. You've lost about 10.33lbs per month which is fairly average for your weight bracket. You're neither fast, nor slow. I will be thrilled to see a 10lb/month loss.
  17. Yes. It's Greek yogurt, and I wasn't cleared for Greek yet (cuz of thickness), but am cleared for regular yogurt. So the Premier Protein thins it out, but also adds more protein to the serving. 1fl oz = 1ounce = 2 tbsp = 30ml = approx 30g.
  18. Either way, if he's pulling your tummy out from your abdomen, then he's breaching the abdominal wall.
  19. FluffyChix

    February 2018 Success Stories

    I'm 6 days post RNY and doing great! Getting all my liquids and proteins in and doing my walking. I don't feel a lot of fatigue and am not on pain meds. Haven't gone out a lot, since there's really only the grocery store (and we don't need anything) or going out to dinner which won't work for me right now). Hope everyone is healing well and feeling better every day?!!
  20. You really need to update your profile. Cuz I see someone who never lost all their weight and is 255lbs.
  21. Unless you have magic anatomy, the stomach lies inside the abdominal wall...If you are having a laparoscopy through your abdomen, you're breaching the muscles.
  22. Hi y'all. I have a problemo. My post-op instructions for Stage 1 Full Liquids sets an hourly limit on how much liquid we are supposed to consume: 8fl oz/hour max. I am doing so well with swallowing and can accommodate big swallows! It's easy to take 1/2oz swallow! So my 8oz goes in very quickly--then I have to wait until the next hour. I'm not doing too well, splitting that into 15 minutes intervals! I'm usually done in 20-30 minutes with the full 8oz. Can I hurt my new RNY pouch by drinking too much fluid? I don't have a sense of fullness, unless it's a slightly thicker liquid. Do you think at Day 6, I still need to limit to 8fl oz/hour? How much are you drinking now? TIA!
  23. FluffyChix

    Pureed /blended stage

    I can't wait to try this one. I'm gonna make a couple of these individual casseroles next week. 1 will be about 2 servings. I'm going to bake them, then blend until a puree, then top with crunch onions cuz they will turn to mush with chewing 20-30 times. It's the classic Thanksgiving green bean casserole with canned chicken added to it! Score 1 for comfort, baby! Chicken Green Bean Casserole Serves 2
  24. Personally, it's not for all, but maintaining my low carb way of eating leaves me with a feeling of total control/compliance--no cravings, no mad desire to eat, no hunger at all, and a feeling of well-being. If I eat carby stuff, I get famished feeling within 2 hours after a meal. It will be interesting to see if that changes for me once I re-introduce solid foods and cut out the protein shakes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
