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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Any February Sleevers?

    Congrats girl!!
  2. FluffyChix

    Severe Headache after starting pre-op diet

    Probably not. 1 tsp of MOM = 425mg of magnesium (from memory). And if you're already on 100g or less for the last 3 months, it shouldn't be a long trip for you. I'd just keep on keepin on, do your bouillon, and drink your water! Most of the keto flu symptoms are really symptoms of dehydration per the keto docs.
  3. Ugh! Why on earth would anyone be jelly of me? And more manipulation. You are no more and no less "worthy" of surgery than any of us schmoes on the internet. To say otherwise is to manipulate the truth or is delusional. I don't do delusional thoughts either. And no. You should NOT try to "walk" into surgery rather the ride on a gurney.
  4. Tastes like chicken. Hahaha. You had me up until the Cr. So yeah, it's really high in protein and if you read, most of the cricket protein has a higher iron count per g than red meat. When I was a normie, this alarmed me. Cuz as a non-menstruating female, as with males we have a "closed" system for iron loss. Unless we're secretely bleeding internally somewhere or we're donating blood on a regular schedule. But you know, as a post op RNY-keteer, I know we may potentially have problems with low iron. So getting used to using cricket protein, which is really highly bioavailable to us, it might not be such a bad idea! You know? Comparing Cricket Flour with Whey Protein American Council of Health & Science - Insects Make Good Sources of Iron from Protein
  5. Cudos dude! Great post! You got this!
  6. Look, I enjoy your posts and your compassion. But I don't do "guilt" or "martyrdom". No one should be jelly of me. I'm as big a sinner as ever a sinner there was. I'm not looking for acolytes, but I always welcome buds. But like anyone, I appreciate speaking for myself and not having others presume to know what I think or feel. If that makes me Big B-i-t-c-h Fluffy? Then so be it. But we all have a right to our own narrative and I won't be pushed or manipulated through martyrdom. My mom was the queen of that BS Sh*t Show and I never bought into it then and won't start now at 55.
  7. Thank you. By all means, I am a kind person and a patient one. Share my name by all means, but please do not speak for me or act as my unpaid spokesperson. I perceive that as presumptuous and rude.
  8. FluffyChix

    Severe Headache after starting pre-op diet

    So look, if you were a carb monster, then get ready for a wild ride--but it's better you have this now. It happens when you are converting from being a carb burner to being a fat burner. The pre-op liquid diet puts you into ketosis over about 4 days. It's not uncommon to have a beastly headache. Some low carb docs say to drink plenty of water, have 1-2 cups of chicken bouillon for the sodium, and have a teaspoon of MOM for the magnesium you lose from peeing things out. It's just something you have to go through like a right of passage. ((hugs))
  9. LOL, and I'm wondering why you feel it's okey dokey to speak on my behalf? Once was funny, twice was not so much, and infinity is just plain rude. kserrynotserry. But DAYUM!
  10. FluffyChix

    Hello Again

    welcome back. The new nic is easier!
  11. FluffyChix

    Had my Three Month check up

    Oh congrats girlie!!! That's a FABulous report!!! I'm so thrilled for you and thrilled that you're doing so well! You're an inspiration to so many of us!!! (Sorry about the back and hip pain though! I bet the water-cizing will help it!)
  12. FluffyChix

    Still dieting after gastric bypass

    Diet is not a 4 letter word. For me I look at Diet as being a specific approach for food success/consumption. If I let my willful fat brain eat ad libitum, I will be Rhonda Rotunda within months of this surgery, cuz that's how unruly that fuc*er is! But, and it's a big butt, if I maintain a LIVEABLE, sustainable DIET that never has an end, I will do great! For me, it looks like a whole foods diet with only adequate protein, healthy fats, low glycemic veggies, a bit of low glycemic fruit, some nuts and seeds, a little full fat dairy now and then, and sometimes, a bit of lower-lowish glycemic carbs as a treat once in a blue moon. It will never included added sugars or foods containing high natural sugars ever. That will land me right smack dab back at the corner of Breast Cancer Avenue and Diabetes Alley.
  13. FluffyChix

    Long Term Lifestyle

    Ok look. I'm not a vet. I can't even pretend to play one on TV or Al Gore's Internet. But I'm 10 days out from surgery and I can say from the SAME FUC*ING DAY of surgery, I have zero, nado, no bueno regrets! It's the best fargin' decision I've ever made. And I'm a foodie/cook/former low carb keto food blogger. It is entirely normal and usual and expected to begin the journey where you are at this precise time. It is normal to experience the grief process. It's normal to second guess. But it's healthy to talk with like-minded people who are knowledgeable about the process/journey/surgery. Your RD and surgical team are GREAT resources, as are the peeps here on BP! I read and researched the hayull outta the surgery and the path toward goal. At your point in time, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE for you to grasp the biochemical change that happens with surgery. It is hard to imagine having a certain ambivalence to food. It is impossible to imagine not being focused on where and what your next meal will consist of! BUT, that's what happens to MANY of us. Not just a few. To MANY of us. I do believe it is SO important to get on board with the "healthy lower carb diet" that your RD promotes. It will probalby look fairly Weight Watchers-ish or Atkins-ish. Glom on and start living the lifestyle NOW at the 6mos out mark. Because it makes the surgery and post surgery transition a low carb piece of cake! Easy peasy lemon squeezy. And I will just say, the fear of never having a "real meal again" is real and expected, but it can also be used as a rationalization for your fat brain to derail your progress and resolution toward surgery. And it's full of crap. For the most part, your post surgical struggle will NOT lay in being unable to eat "crappy" fat-loving meals. It will be in NOT eating that stuff. The operation is on your tummy, but your brain MAY still have desires of its own. You will still have to take control of your thoughts and actions. But your new anatomy will/should facilitate making healthier choices. And as you lose weight quickly, and feel better, you begin to entertain new desires to move more, be healthier, have less focus on food, etc. Hope you will move forward. It's the best decision of my life. I'm sorry I waited so long to dive in and do it!
  14. FluffyChix

    Long Term Lifestyle

    Dude. Can I just say I sparkleheart the fu*k out of you? Seriously.
  15. Well this nic is surely easier to remember. The other one was way too complicated.
  16. Huh, well that's weird then. How on earth do you lose a nic? If you forget your password, you can just have it sent to you.
  17. Ok, so what was your old name? LOL. Me=Miss STM (short term memory). LOL
  18. Personally, IMHO, you have your order of magnitude displaced. If it was me I would: 1. Lose 50lbs pre-op. 2. Have RNY surgery. Heal and walk only around your interior apt. if necessary (I walk 10 minutes every 2 hours in my house and have degenerative disc and hip disease with chronic bilateral bursitis and SI joint inflammation/degeneration.) 3. Have hip replacement surgery. The reason why is because you will have such a hard recovery with the hip surgery and there will be a lot of down time. More so than with the RNY surgery. And if you have hip first, you will likely revert to your old eating habits and have a VERY significant regain. By having the RNY 1st, you will be significantly limiting quantities and regain will be limited or mitigated after hip surgery. Also, if your doc/RD plan is low carb in approach/no sugar? I'd glom onto it like nobody's beeswax. I'm not gluten allergic, but if I eat a lot of grocery store beef (red meat) or wheat flour, my joints all over my body and all over pain and neuralgia from chemo become unbearable. I go from feeling 50, to feeling like I'm 90 in less than 4 hours. It's a startling contrast that I only realized while going on my pre-op plan this year.
  19. FluffyChix


    I would maybe suggest if doing medical tourism anywhere, before committing to the surgery, make sure you have local docs on board who are willing to follow you post-surgery. Many find great packages abroad, but then have difficulties finding doctors willing to get their butts out of slings on the follow-up care. And there will be follow-up care and potential issues with vitamin levels, etc. down the road. So be sure to solve that problem first!
  20. Oh I'm praying you get a great report sweetie!!! I'm so excited for you!! How many weeks was this appointment again? Me=Short term memory! Mine ended up being 1 week + 2 days. I have a second f/up next week. Don't cheat this weekend, and keep doing your Full Liquid Phase 2 ok?!!! I'm glad you like reading about my food exploits. For the longest time, I've been concentrating on quick 10 minute meal fixes, cuz it was so hard to stand more than 10minutes at a time. Now that I can stand longer, I just don't have the will to be in the kitchen for hours on end! And still want to keep the food contact to a very purposeful 10 minutes to get real foods either in a slow cooker or on my plate! LOL. I hope you will keep jumpin' in and reading/contributing with some of your own wicked feats of kitchen strength here!!! Maybe this can become a "dump site" for great bariatric food ideas??? Wouldn't that be awesome!?!
  21. FluffyChix

    New Premier Protein flavor!!!!

    The cookies and cream will be my next flavor to try. Does it really taste like cookies and cream? BTW, everyone!!! Sam's Club is running a sale on Premier Protein from now until March 25 (I think)? It's $12.99 per case!!! Woot, that's dirt cheap for a meal replacement!!!!
  22. Day 10 Post Op - 219lbs (-3.4lbs Post Surgery) I slept really well again. And woke up full of energy, calm, and very happy! The pure act of chewing and eating savory food yesterday really calmed me down and made me content with my post op experience. I explained to my surgeon that although I would be content with my current liquid diet and not complain, I'd probably gladly sacrifice small rodents for the opportunity to advance to savory Stage 3-Soft Foods. She laughed and said, how do you feel about eggs? I told her that I'm pro-egg and then smiled and admitted that I'd been dreaming of a perfect 6.5 minute soft boiled egg with a spoonful of avocado floating on it! She said, go for it! Well, it felt like I won the weight loss surgery lottery!!! So this morning I fully intend to have my soft boiled egg and tablespoon of avocado! Score baby!!! I'll give a full report! Lunch will be my leftover cheesy soft scrambled egg from last night, and I think dinner will either be another soft boiled egg, or perhaps my dijon egg salad on a low carb cracker. I use low carb tortillas and cut one into squares the size of wheat thins. Then you place the squares on a paper towel and nuke at 20 second intervals, turning them onto the flip side every now and then until perfectly crispy and just beginning to brown. That's about 1 minute total in my microwave. Then store in an airtight container and use 1 or 2 for cracker subs. They're perfect for egg or chicken salad, perfectly low carb, and not too fiberous--melting in your mouth quite as easily as saltines, only without all the carbiness! I love an egg fast and even wrote a crap ton about Egg Fast Diets on my old blog. So many great egg recipes, but some of them are a bit advanced for my early Stage 3 Bariatric Diet, so I will just be content with playing by my doc's rules! Maybe I will revisit them and revise them for the low fat bariatric diet approach one day. I hope I will continue to lose and not begin the 3 week stall early on account of beginning the real food phases early! But if I do, I'm emotionally prepared and have my big girl panties standing by!
  23. Yeah, tomorrow I'm making chicken salad! The ricotta texture is annoying to me. So I'ma skip it. She said I could have anything I could mash with a fork. So last night I made cheesy soft scrambled eggs and ate 1/2 of the recipe. They were DIVINE and filling and sat well with me--no heaviness, just satisfied fullness at 1/4 cup! I even had .2oz of avocado (yes, you read that right...it was a mere sliver) Ha! So I'm guessing my tummy just had problems with all the grease from the diner--even though I blotted and blotted, it still prolly had way too much grease! It sounds like she's gonna let me off the hook with purees unless it's not fork mashable, then it's gonna have to be pureed. Think tonight I'm making my version of Ricotta Bake by Eggface. I use cottage cheese in mine. Here's my scrambled egg recipe. The secret is in keeping them moist and not cooking to the dry stage. Eggs are scrambled and done at 160 degrees, but are still wet and custardy at that point. If you cook them to dry and bouncy, they will be way hard to eat. Cheesy Soft Scrambled Egg (Phase 3 Pureed/Soft Diet) Serves 2 at 1/4c each 3 seconds HEB olive oil spray 1 large egg 1floz Fairlife fat free milk 1/2 oz 2% cottage cheese (Daisy) 1 pinch of kosher or sea salt 1/2 oz medium cheddar cheese, grated (Tillamook) Heat pan over medium high heat. Spray pan lightly with olive oil spray. Add milk to egg and beat well until completely mixed. Add cottage cheese to the hot, prepared pan. Cook for a few seconds. Add scrambled egg and milk. Begin gently shaking and stirring pan with a spatula. Move pan on and off the heat to control how quickly the egg sets. When egg is halfway cooked and there is still liquid in the pan, add grated cheddar. Turn off heat. Continue to gently shake and scrape pan with the spatula until the rest of the egg is thick and glistening but not hard, and the cheddar is melted. Remove pan from heat. Stir once more and portion eggs. Makes 2, 1/4c servings. Place one serving in a storage container and leave it open until cool. Place the remaining portion on the plate and enjoy! Rewarm leftovers for about 1 minute in a hot water bath, or nuke gently at 10second intervals until just warm. Don't overcook or the eggs will be spongy and will sit hard on your new tummy! I ate these with a very small sliver of avocado, about .2oz by scale weight! It sat very easily on my tummy! Variation: BTW, substitute the Tillamook with Neufchatel or reduced fat cream cheese and add a slice of smoked salmon, finely minced purple onion, and capers for a fantastic breakfast dish suitable for the later stages of Soft/Regular food Phase 3/4). NOTE About Soft-Set Scrambled Eggs: You might be tempted to think soft-set scrambled eggs are still "raw" and that might gross you out. But, and it's a big but! If the eggs register 160 degrees with an instant read thermometer, they are safe to consume. They are simply cooked to the soft-set stage and are just beyond the custard stage, so even though they look wet, they are not raw! By shaking the pan and gently scraping with a spatula during cooking, you're introducing all portions of the egg to the heat and allowing them to cook more uniformly. By keeping the eggs soft and custardy, they will sit much easier in your new tummies! Nutritionals (full recipe=1/2c): 190 calories; 15g protein; 14g fat; 3g carbs; 0g fiber; 3g net carbs; 0g sugar Nutritionals (1/2 recipe=1/4c): 95 calories; 7.5g protein; 7.5g fat; 1.5g carbs; 0g fiber; 1.5g net carbs; 0g sugar
  24. FluffyChix

    New Premier Protein flavor!!!!

    BTW, it was pretty delish mixed with Greek yogurt to make "yogurt soup."
  25. Dayum shazam! What an incredible transformation! Does your son even recognize you any more? Cudos dude!!!!

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