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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Sugar Free Candy

    I mean this in the very sweetest way possible...throw that stuff out! Like seriously, donate it to someone, or throw it the eff away! If you truly can't control your portion. If you can control your portion and it doesn't send you praying the porcelain god, or make others dive for their gas masks, and you use them once in a blue moon as a treat, I have to believe they are a better alternative than the real stuff. As someone else explained, and I truly believe this, IMHO the dose makes the poison. 1 piece which is usually 1/4 to 1/3 of a serving is pretty low-ish on the crap-o-meter--but 1/3 or 1/2 of a bag, not so much. Right?
  2. FluffyChix

    Surgery in the AM

    Really work hard on getting the fluids in. They help SOOO much! Congrats on being home!!!!
  3. Day 11 Post Op - 218lbs (-4.4lbs from Surgery Morning Weigh-in) Wahooo! Slept well, woke up in a great mood, feeling great and ready to meet the day. I have a lot of energy! Dayum, I sparkleheart wtih rainbows and unicorns the CRAP outta my new vitamins! I will do a post later on that is strictly about what i'm taking, but I can really feel the kick of energy I get from my B12 sublingual and T1 (but hey, no surprise there as they are both part of the Bvitamins or energy vitamins)! Today is really auspicious because I haven't been this weight since about my 20th radiation treatment. The only diff is that now I'm weighing 218lbs and am healthy! Rather than depleted and physically stressed to the max! Yay team and thank you sweet baby Jesus of the golden fleece diaper! It's also important cuz I've officially tipped the fulcrum to the point where I have less to lose to hit goal than I have already lost. Does that make sense? Meaning, now I'm on the downhill side of the extra weight I still need to lose. Hopefully it will mean the terrain will be "all downhill from here" LOL! I feel like I've lost so much more than it looks like on paper. VWT-wise (virgin weightloss territory-wise) I'm only 4.4lbs down from surgery 11 days ago. Hardly lightspeed status. But, if you look at it that I gained up to 228 from my iv fluids and surgical inflammation on the day after surgery, then I'm down 10lbs in 11days. Which is pretty sweet and something I'm pretty excited about. You know? I'm very excited to implement Operation Fork Tender today! I bought sockeye salmon to grill tonight and also bought tilapia filets (from a responsibly sourced origin) to do a poached fish (to have on hand as a back-up), and look forward to having fish and steamed spinach tonight. Hold me. I'm so excited!! I'm making chicken salad for lunch. Wooooohoooooo! And I am going to try having a spinach mushroom, turkey sausage scramble for 2nd brekky! The world's my 1/4c fargin' oyster! I just can't wait to chew! But then, 23 days in the liquid diet hole will do that to a person. I know I'm still food obsessed to a degree. Maybe a big degree, but yesterday, when push came to shove I had little hunger and ended up in the protein deficit hole by 5pm with only 40g of protein for the day. So I ended up needing to have Premier Protein to fill the gap before dinner. But, I was perfectly happy not eating. I wasn't starving or thinking about food. It's almost as if, I have so little tummy real estate in my new pouch, I want to fill it with the 8-10 tiny bites that really taste good to me! LOL. As long as it's soft and fork tender LOL! I'll be back later with the egg scramble recipe and the chicken salad recipe. Hugs all around!
  4. Thank you ladies!! ((hugs)) Thank you for your encouragement and compliments. I hope this stuff helps someone other than myself!!
  5. It didn't with me @Sosewsue61, but I've been on and off them since I was 6mos old...the cellular damage and insulin resistance were already well set-up.
  6. Honestly? You need to forget almost "all" you "think" you know about medicine. Which will be a tall order. You need to not rationalize "the kind" of surgery you think you need and really lean on your doc to give you the most effective surgery that will help prevent regain given you steroid use and probably your ass-load (non-medical jargon) of insulin resistance, and go with that. Cuz I do not believe as a lay person hearing your story, that a VSG will be sufficient to put your metabolic issues into remission. If it were me, and it is...cuz I have degenerative disc disease, bilateral SI joint erosion and bilateral hip bursitis requiring cortisone injections + pre-diabetic Syndrome X + BC (remission) + Asthma with steroid inhalers + HBP + pericardial effusion + a couple of other dandies like GERD, etc, and the very least I would settle for was an RNY and I was tempted to go for DS. I'm not tearin' up the boards with post-surgery weight loss, but it is slow and steady so far and I keep chipping away at the weight very slowly, pound by pound, inch by inch. And that's with eating a very low carb (about 20g net carbs) diet daily. I wish you the best and welcome to the boards.
  7. Ok, this may be a week or 2 beyond you because of volume. But it's figuring you can eat about 3/8-1/2c of solid food. I don't know how much of a stretch for you that is, cuz I'm not having an issue eating my 1/4c in and I could probably eat 1tbsp more than that right now at only 11 days po. If you don't want to have your first brekky with protein latte omit it, cuz you have enough protein from food anyway. That brekky gives you 56 calories, 10g protein, 1g fat, 1g carb, 0g fiber, 1g net carb, 0g sugar--so it's little enough for a 10g protein boost in case your day falls to hell and you don't get the rest of your food in. Brekky - 2c Protein Latte (2oz PP Vanilla + 6oz Decaf Coffee for each serving) Elevensies - Egg Scramble (1 large egg=3tbsp, 25g Real Egg Whites=1 1/2 tbsp, 14g Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Crumbles, 14g BH Lacey Swiss Cheese, 1/2oz chopped frozen spinach, 1/2oz chopped fresh mushroom, olive oil spray) This is about 3/8-1/2c of food. Lunch - Chicken Salad (1oz canned chicken breast, drained and flaked, 1/2 hardboiled eggs, chopped finely, 1oz 2% cottage Cheese, 1tbsp WF Chipotle Mayo, 1/2tsp Dijon mustard, 1tsp Vlassic Dill Relish, granulated garlic, dried chives, parsley flakes) 2nd Lunch - 1 mozza string cheese, 1 slice Hillshire Farms Naturals Hardwood Smoked Turkey, Spinach Salad (1oz baby spinach, 1/4oz purple onion slices, 1/2oz avocado, 2tbsp WF Italian dressing) Dinner - 3/4 recipe chicken green bean casserole (recipe on my weight loss journey thread) BTS-1oz GS apple slice, 2tbsp Peanut Butter Slim powdered Peanut Butter reconstituted with 2tbsp water Daily Totals: 699 calories; 79g protein; 30g fat, 26g carbs, 6g fiber, 20g net carbs, 5g natural sugars for the day
  8. FluffyChix

    Still dieting after gastric bypass

    Yeah, I get you! See this is me on chippy, salty, crunchy, pasta-y, potato-y, and rice-y stuff. Especially rice! OMG! I'm from Texas. We're part of the rice belt. We used to hunt ducks and geese in the rice fields west of town growin up!
  9. ROFLMAO! We grew up with a mom who loved liverwurst and potted meat and liver and onions, and chicken livers and onions, or fried chicken livers and gizzards, vienna sausages, deviled ham, spam, and ALL the crap. Like ALL the crap in the South! Bahahahaha! Consequently it's my big sissy's and my secret pleasure to have a slice of liverwurst and Hellmann's mayo on a saltine cracker. We usually have it during the summer when it's hot! Brunsweiger is what it is called here in Texas? Dunno if it's everywhere. But it is an acquired taste! Hahahaha! I don't rightly know if it's the liverwurst and livers helped her iron. When she was very young she was anemic, so had to eat liver a lot?
  10. FluffyChix


    Oh that's so awesome!!! Ok, so what would happen if you would develop some medical issue requiring surgery as a result of the WLS? Can't imagine what that would be, just "what if"? Who would you go to in an emergency?
  11. @BigViffer You know, this is pretty encouraging to hear. I'm glad you don't have hemochromatosis! But I just never thought that all of the dark greens we eat and legumes, etc can have that much affect on our iron status. It encourages me, cuz I too eat a wad of dark greens each day and hope to be able to tolerate legumes again without bg probs. My pre-surg hematocrit is always on the high end for a female (post meno included). And I really haven't been eating a bunch of red meat. So maybe keeping my iron levels up post surg won't be as hard as anticipated. I'd already made plans to have liverwurst, and make liver and onions and chicken liver pate to try to keep iron sources up from foods. And I'm going to continue the dark leafy greens, especially as part of breakfast and lunch! Yeehaw! Thanks for sharing, dude!
  12. I'll try to do one for you tomorrow @sillykitty. What stage are you at now? I'm just starting soft solids Stage 3 but I'm a week behind you.
  13. Thanks girl! Sorry, I'm having reading comprehension and chronic grumpygirl syndrome today. LOL! Of course, with real food it's a bit more challenging. But I can get to 74g of protein fairly easily with real food and around 600-650 cals per day. But yeah, it does take some planning!
  14. How do you not? I've struggled to get over 450calories every day of my liquid diet and I was averaging 74g of protein.
  15. FluffyChix

    Who will like me skinny??

    I'm sorry. But this was a brilliant rebuttal!! And then my dirty little Johnny brain got hung up on sex puppets. Let me shout it, cuz I find it so funny!!! SEX PUPPETS! Hahaaha. Remember the movie Groove Tube? Think it was made in the 60s or early 70s. They showed it at the outdoor theater on campus freshman year. I cracked up cuz there were d**k puppets dressed up like faces at the end. Laughed for days. I'm so friggin immature. Great reply @Creekimp13 You won the internet with it. (even without the sex puppet part)
  16. FluffyChix

    This stuff is delicious!

    Honestly? It's widely available but it's got a buttwad of extra sugar that is unnecessary. It's more inconvenient, but I order Peanut Butter Slim from Vitacost. It's similar without all the extra added sugar and the burnt peanut taste that I always taste from PB2. I heart the stuff and buy it 2 jars at a time. LOL. I use it in my yogurt, cottage cheese and protein smoothies. YUM!
  17. FluffyChix

    New Premier Protein flavor!!!!

    Mix em with crap girlie! That's what I do!
  18. FluffyChix

    Surgery in the AM

    Yeah bad veins suck. I have black and blue patches all over my right arm where they tried to stick me. But so glad your surgery went great and you and hubs are on the road to recovery!!! Yay on walking!!!
  19. FluffyChix

    Does your stomach feel normal?

    Yep! Yep! Yep! Normal as can be!
  20. Hugs! I know I was freakin that everything was gonna need to be pureed. But when the surgeon said yesterday that stuff just needs to be fork tender and mashable I was like. WHAH????? Then I was whaaaaaaaahhhhh? I swear, I came outta that appointment on cloud 9! Cuz I can do fork tender all the live long day!!! Bahahaahaha! I figure, this way of keeping recipes of mine all in one place is easier than polluting the whole board with tons of recipes that will probably just irritate the eff outta most everybody except me. (and maybe you) *snic*
  21. FluffyChix

    Smoothie King??

    Hell I dumped as a normie drinking the crap full o'sugar smoothies from Smoothie King! Good luck and have a potty close by! Cuz needing immediate access to el banjo is no yoke! ((hugs))
  22. FluffyChix

    In Praise of Salad

    Why will spicy be an issue once healed? Inquiring minds and all. I'm a chilehead and supremely pray my spicy days are not over! (Dear Sweet Baby Jesus please don't let me be sensitive to spicy foods one healed from RNY surgery.)
  23. You and I don't text...you don't have my cell.
  24. Ok, so my new taste test today! It's another winner at Triple D, the Digestion and Dumping Depot! You know, I'm a scratch cooker for the most part, but now that I'm having to do soft, wet cooking, I refuse to slave away in the kitchen making homemade sauces for wet food! You can call me Semi-Homemade Fuc*ing RNY Sandra Lee! Cuz I'm embracing the crap outta prepared sauces and stuff. Better living through chemistry is my new motto. Cuz it gets the job done in 10minutes or less! Today I tried out steamed spinach. Per my surgeon that is A-okey-dokey with her. So I used frozen chopped spinach, some Tostito's Spinach Dip, some Central Market Hatch Salsa Verde and granulated garlic powder. I steamed the crap outta it until it was beyond tender and used part of it under a perfect 6.5minute soft boiled egg. Dayum did it go down smoothly! LOVE! So here's the recipe! Green Eggs and BAM Baby!!! Serves 2 (1/2 of creamed spinach + 1/2 soft boiled egg) 1 large egg, soft boiled to 6 minutes, peeled and split lengthwise 1oz frozen chopped spinach 1/4c water 1/8 tsp granulated garlic 16g (1Tbsp) Tostito's Spinach Dip 14g (1Tbsp) Hatch medium green chile salsa (Central Market) kosher or sea salt to taste For egg, bring water to boil in a small sauce pan. Gently lower egg into boiling water. Set time for 6 minutes. Bring egg water back to a slow boil. Remove with a slotted spoon at 6 minutes. Rinse under cold water while peeling egg. Cut egg in half lengthwise. By the time it's cut in half the egg will be about 6.5 minutes soft boiled! While egg boils, nuke frozen spinach and granulated garlic with 1/4c water. Cover with plastic wrap or a microwave safe cover. Make sure to vent. Stir often to prevent volcanic spinach events! Remove when spinach is tender and stir in spinach dip and salsa. Nuke again for 30 seconds. Remove and stir. Nutritionals for 1/2 egg + 1/2 creamed spinach: 64 calories; 4g protein; 4g fat; 4g carbs; <1g fiber; 4g net carbs; 0g sugar Place half of creamed spinach in a small bowl and top with 1/2 of a soft boiled egg. Sprinkle with kosher or sea salt and enjoy. Let remaining half of egg and spinach cool, then cover and place in fridge for the next meal!
  25. FluffyChix

    New Premier Protein flavor!!!!

    Thanks for this! The peaches n cream is sweet too (to me, I don't have a sweet tooth either), but it's great mixed in Greek yogurt, mixed with Fairlife milk (high protein milk) or with cashew or coconut milk. Cuz it cuts the sweetness!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
