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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Surgery Day(nervous)

    Great tunes for being high on pre-anesthesia: Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd Learning to Fly - Tom Petty Free Fallin' - Tom Petty Under Pressure - David Bowie & Freddie Mercury Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf This Is The End - The Doors Go Ask Alice - Jefferson Airplane I could go on and on! You'll do great. Ask for a "mother's little helper" pill for anxiety! They have you as their Number 1 priority! They are focused 100% on YOU. You are very safe, coddled, cared for and they'll do damn near anything for you short of peelin' you a grape! Good luck!!
  2. Fabulous fabulous results for you working your arse off!! Literally!!! WTG!
  3. FluffyChix

    Sorry if this is TMI

    Make sure you check your blood sugar. It's probably from all the water you pounded today.
  4. FluffyChix

    This Mornings Meal. Yummy!!

    Wow that looks beautiful!!! I can't wait until I'm cleared for seeds (berries)!!!
  5. FluffyChix

    9 months out progress pics

  6. FluffyChix

    Reached my goal! 104 lbs gone!

    Wow! Congrats girlie!
  7. FluffyChix

    Should I be able to eat this much?

    For now, at Day 13, I can't trust myself to know how much is too much. That's why our doc's and RD's give us material that says about how much we need to eat at each meal. Mine is very specific. At this Phase, I'm at about 1/8-1/4 cup - eating slowly, small bites, protein first for 20-30 minutes. Or alternately, I'm to start with 1oz of dense protein, plus a bite of veg. I can work up to 2oz dense protein and 1/8-1/4 c. veg. But that is over a 2-3 week span of time from where I am today. So I measure and weight all the stuff. They do allow 1/2c of yogurt and sf jello since it's a slider food.
  8. Bahahahahaha! Classic!!! Did you make it on the MegaTron? Now go shop!!
  9. What's "the SnapChat"? bahahahahaha! I just found "the YouTube"!
  10. FluffyChix

    Surgery set for Feb 27th

    Congrats everyone!!!
  11. Holy 85lb complication-free recovery and progress to you!!! You rock the casbah! Thank you SO much for sharing!!! Why don't you and your granddaughter stick around and share your knowledge and extreme posting and spelling skills with us? Congrats to you and thank you! I lol can't take any credit. I just follow my surgeon's instruction blindly like one of the cows on SouthPark. LOL.
  12. FluffyChix

    What is your full feeling?

    Well, I think I'm too soon post surgery to know really since you know, those nerves have been cut. So I'm measuring and weighing everything and going by that. But I will say, that something happens toward the bottom of my portion, and I end up leaving a bite or two there. It's an intuition. I call it my spidey senses. There is something that clicks over in my brain, despite having no physical cue that says, "Danger! Danger! Danger Will Robinson! Run Away! Run Away!" So I push away from my meal and table, get up and clear my plate. Dunno. It's very weird.
  13. I am so damned impressed that at 1 1/2 years old, she can spell Adams and make a formula! bahahahahahaaha!
  14. FluffyChix

    1.5 years old

    Ouch! ((hugs)) Saying prayers for a speedy recovery!!! Sorry you're hurting and have to deal with this hurdle!
  15. FluffyChix

    Post op protein cinfusion

    I was on Clear Liquids Phase I for 2 days: Day of surgery, and Day after surgery. I did not have anything with full protein in it. I had: water sf popsicles sf jello broth the end. My doc was not worried about 2 days without protein. Then on Day 3, I moved on to Full Liquids Phase 2. I had to demonstrate my ability to get all of my fluid in without nausea or vomiting before moving to proteins.
  16. FluffyChix

    Feeling down

    Honey, we lose as fast as we're gonna lose. ((hugs)) But let's do the math. You've lost 40lbs in about 10 weeks. That is 4lbs per week which is WELL above the average of 3lbs/week. Congrats! You're a quick loser!!! Now stop comparing yourself to others! Cuz you're doing great Mamacita!!
  17. What the hell does this mean?? *scratches head* What the hayull is it? Steve Martin What Thah Hayull Is It?
  18. FluffyChix


    Ok, I tried quite a few. Some made me gak. Some even made me hurl. Some were just so hard to swallow. Sigh. But here's what I ended up with and I LOVE sparkleheart love them. They are worth the extra bucks--especially since now I eat so very little! Celebrate 3-in-1 Drink Mix Multi-vit, Calcium, Fiber - Citrus Splash (tastes like Tang) - take 1 per day Celebrate Chewable Vitamin - orange - take 1 per day Celebrate Watermelon Chewy Bite Calcium - 500mg cal citrate - take 1 per day Celebrate Chocolate Chewy Bite Calcium - 500mg calc citrate- take 1 per day Celebrate Tangerine Iron + C Chewable - 18mg iron - take 1 per day Celebrate Wild Cherry Sublingual B12 - 1000mg - take 1 every other day Celebrate Thiamine Capsule 100mg - take 1 per day Vitacost Vitamin D3 Capsule 2000mg - take 1 every 3 days Ok, that's it. It cost me about $130bucks for about 3-4 months of vitamins. I think that is do-able, since I spent more on that on crap in 3-4 months and had nothing to show for it. Now I will have a smokin' hot bod and healthy organs and bones and muscles. It's the gift that keeps on givin'!!! And the best vitamins are the ones that are really assimilatable and ones that you will take every day with consistency!!!
  19. Mine too. Brains turn me on no end! From here to kingdom come!
  20. Day 12 Post Op - 217.2lbs (-5.2lbs from Surgery Morning Weigh-in) I am so blessed. I want to thank the Academy for the starring role in "Operation Fluffy." I couldn't do it without each one of ya! And I'd like to thank God, baby Jesus, and every member of my family who has said countless prayers on my behalf! Cuz dang! I feel like a broken record, but I slept great last night. I woke up on top of the world with tons of energy, no pain, happiness, and a feeling of anticipation for the day! And dang, I recognize that not everyone shares in this type of recovery! I really have no pain. I stopped the last tiny pain pill, gabapentin, night before last. The only pain I have is by the end of the day, I have a burning stabbing pain at my back, from where I have muscle weakness from previous surgeries and arthritis. The new incision on my tum-tum is at the same axis point and is probably contributing to that burning. But hey, I just toss back a shot of sf liquid tylenol and watch some boob-tube (aka TV) in my recliner and I'm golden baby! I did a sh*t ton of cooking yesterday! Woooohooooo! Everything went down smoothly--even grilled salmon and tilapia! And the best part is that we have leftovers today, so I don't have to cook today (or until tomorrow night)! Score! I feel very blessed at the pretty easy path to recovery. I feel so blessed that I look forward to "walk-time" every 2 hours! I feel blessed that Mr. F. isn't having to make concessions because I don't feel well enough to straighten the house, or do dishes, or cook. Yes, yes, I know...we live a pretty June and Ward Cleaver existence. Sue me. It suits us. And I like it. I sometimes dress up in heals and fake pearls and an updo. LOL. Don't think there will be any recipes today. I will instead just enjoy portions from yesterday!!! Hugs and have a good one everyone!!
  21. Hahaha! Thank you!!! I swear I'm not meaning to be snarky, but I honestly just couldn't figure out why so many selfies have people with fish or duck lips! Duck lips=priceless!!! Do you think ducklips is a naturally selected trait that makes one more desirable for mating?
  22. FluffyChix


    Congrats! I'm so happy for you!! Way to keep working toward your goal of health!!!
  23. Oh they're good! You can also split a piece of cheese into 4 and have saltine cracker size, or keep it whole for a slice of crunchy bread, or split into 8 for more of a wheat thins size. They turn roundish but meh, nbd.
  24. FluffyChix


    Take it one day at a time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Don't look too far down the road. Just stay in the moment, and take the next best bite. Make the next best decision be one for your future, even when it goes against short term reward, or may include pain and deprivation. You CAN do this hon!!! Post here a lot and do your research. Look at before/afters! Be inspired. You CAN do this!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
