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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by FluffyChix

  1. FluffyChix

    Big Ward

    Damn I couldn't find it. But can't remember if I said Big or Fat. Hmmmm...*runs with scissors to go try Big Ward*
  2. FluffyChix

    Year out and eating anything

    This is BIG, BOLD, and BEAUTIFUL advice!!!!! Thanks for this!!!! Please remind me at regularly scheduled times in case I start losing what's left of my marbles? TIA! MUAH!
  3. FluffyChix

    I hate eating out now!

    Hey girl!! You are looking beautiful!!! Your avi is so joyful and lovely! WTG Girl!!!
  4. FluffyChix

    Pain management post surgery

    I only had liquid Tylenol from about 4 days out. It was completely tiny. Not even registering above my normal pain background which is a normal 4-5.
  5. FluffyChix

    I did it!!

    Congrats!!!! Hugs dude for your incredible inspiration and single-minded determination to take control of your health!!! You're a major inspiration to me!!! WTG!!!!
  6. LOL! Hey they gave you free duck lips with your iv! It's gonna come in handy for all your sexy post op selfies! Ingenious!
  7. FluffyChix

    February bypass buddies?

    Hey y'all! I just saw this in the January Bypass Buddies Thread! (I have a bunch of pals there since that's when I thought my surgery was gonna happen! ) They do a Wednesday Weigh-In! Y'all wanna start one??? Ok, I'll start it here!! Wednesday Weigh-In: HW: 287lbs SW: 222.4lbs CW: 215.6lbs Loss: (-6.8lbs) 2weeks post-op Note: I'm doing great. Still having constipation issues. Trying to get the train schedule back on-track and running smoothly and on time with great consistency! Bahahahahahahahaaha!!! Right now, Number 9 track has a train blocking the tunnel so schedules are backed up and iffy! Pray for me. Dear God in heaven, pray!
  8. FluffyChix

    January bypass buddies??

    Oh wow! Congrats you guys (guys=male + female collective)!!!! I'm a go run and start a Wednesday Weigh-In in our February Thread! Hopefully!!!
  9. Wow! What an incredible motivational speaker!!! Thanks for turnin' me onto him!!! I bet many of us can identify with many parts of his narrative!!
  10. FluffyChix

    I hate eating out now!

    For those with spouses, I think it's fun to do the Lady n' the Tramp thing and just order a starter, then the meal. That way you can have a bite or two of an app and a bite or four off his/her plate. Then the spouse still has buttwads left of dinner and you're satisfied. I loved sharesies pre-op, and I'm so looking forward to going out and only having the expense of one person plus iced tea for moi! ROFLMAO!!! But. LOVE the card. Will try to remember to ask my doc tomorrow!!!
  11. Congrats!! You'll do famously! Saying prayers!
  12. FluffyChix

    Tonight’s Dinner (picture)

    Hold me. No. Seriously. Hold me.
  13. FluffyChix

    Very discouraged op 1/11/18

    So lemme ask you? What are you eating. And then the bi*chy part. Just because you CAN eat way more than you're supposed to, doesn't mean you SHOULD eat way more than you're supposed to... You know? It is up to each one of us to follow our surgeon's rules to the letter of the law, or as closely as we understand them. Right? If it says at 1 month, you're supposed to be eating 1/4c of food 6 times a day...then make it so! I don't have feelings of satiety right now either at only 2 weeks. None of us will. We just have to blindly try our hardest to process the information they give and follow it. Once you start eating dense protein first, not drinking before or after meals, etc, and kicking carbs to the very end IF you have room, you will start feeling restriction. Swearsies. And in the meantime, 27 fu*king pounds in 1 month is incredible. Makes me want to cut a bit*h. LOL. Deep congratulations to you on 27lbs!!!! That's amazing and outstanding. Are you overjoyed? (Sorry for the newbie-splaining. Newbie splaining=When a new post-op baripatient tries to give advice to anyone as if they know what the fu*k is going on.)
  14. Congrats! Saying prayers. While you're waiting, fill out your information in the profile area so we can keep track of you.
  15. Love this. I shall borrow it, steal from it shamelessly and never offer attribution. Beauty!
  16. FluffyChix

    It's days like these

    I think @Creekimp13 (maybe? can't remember), put it into perspective. The liquid pre-op diet is like hell week or a right of passage. Like in SERE or Buds Week lol. It's tough as ****. It wants to make you tap out. It thrives to hear the bell! LOL. ROFLMAO. So don't do it, mkay? You've got bigger cahones than that and can make it!
  17. FluffyChix

    Photo of stretched sleeve

    Wow! Very enlightening piccys! Who knew?
  18. FluffyChix


    What are you a masochist? Stop watchin food shows/vids!!! Even watching, gets stomach acid and the gut churning. And that inhibits healing AND increases hunger! Dude!!!!!
  19. FluffyChix

    Surgery today

    Good luck, you'll do great. After surgery you will be surprised and thrilled how little you'll care that you will choose NOT to eat all that old crap. Your challenge once healed will not be "being able" to eat all that crap again. Your challenge will be "BEING ABLE TO" eat all that crap again and worse, learning how to eat around your surgery. Surgery is not magic pixiedust. It only operates on your gut, you are responsible for getting your head right and in the game. You can do this.
  20. FluffyChix

    It's days like these

    Dude, deep breaths, eye on the prize. It gets better. Like @Creekimp13, I think the liquid diet pre and post op are THE hardest parts of the whole shebang she-bangs! And Optifast is worse than most! So you got a double down deal. You're high cuz of dawn phenomenon. It will drop and be lowest this afternoon. Just keep drinking your fluids, walking/moving/ and drinking your Opti at scheduled times!!! You're doing so good and only 1 more week!!! ((hugs)) Fu*k Old Country Buffet. Nothing tastes as good as being skinny enough to fu*k feels! hehe. Remember that one!
  21. Guiltless Nut-Less Pesto (Phase 3 Soft Foods) Serves: 34 teaspoons (about 2/3c + 2 tsp); 1s=1tsp 1 cup of fresh basil, leaves only--no stems, packed 1/2c of organic baby spinach, leaves only, no stems, loosely packed 1 clove garlic, peeled and pressed 3 tbsp grated parmesan cheese, Frigo 2 tsp lemon juice, freshly squeeze 1/2 tsp grated lemon zest (optional) 1 pinch kosher salt 1 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, HEB 1 1/2 tbsp water Blend all ingredients into a fine puree with a small food processor or smoothie blender. Freeze in 1tbsp portions in ice cube trays, or store in the fridge up to 1 week. Nutritionals (full recipe): 277 calories; 9g protein; 27g fat; 2g carbs; 0g fiber; 2g net carbs Nutritionals (1 tsp serving): 8 calories; 0g protein; 1g fat; 0g carbs; 0g fiber; 0g net carbs Notes: This recipe is a cross between a classic pesto and a chimichurri. The brightness of the lemon zest and lemon juice are what move it into the direction of a chimichurri sauce rather than a pesto. But at Stage 3 Soft Foods, we are not yet cleared for nuts. And the lemon adds to the complexity of the sauce in the absence of the nuts. It also helps keep the basil and spinach from turning brown with oxidation. If you don't want to use the lemon, you can blanch the basil and spinach in boiling water for about 10-15 seconds then submerge into an ice water bath. Once cool, drain and ry the leaves and proceed with recips. But, I think blanching basic reduces its pungency. You be the judge. This pest will work until I can make one with full on nut-power!
  22. Damn! I feel for both of ya. Mine started falling out earlier this year and still hasn't stopped. I agree, a lot of mine is all over, but I have a big spot at the front that I try not to freak out over every day!
  23. Day 13 Post Surgery - 215.6lbs (-6.8lbs) Holy cow!!! I slept great AGAIN!!! And woke up full of energy and joyful intentions toward the morning!! I can NOT explain the boost and motivation that it gives a person to see quick weight loss success on the scale! LOL. And I know I will ride that muthah truckin' wave til it ends! And there will be an end cuz all magic has a price. Doesn't it, deary? Hehe. I know sometime between now and the next couple of weeks the awful, terrible, very bad, 3 week stall shall descend upon me and my house. And there will be a pox and a scar upon the land complete with wailing, pissing and moaning, and gnashing of teeth! Ha! I will step on a non-responsive scale multiple times during the day just to confirm it's bitchi-ness. I was so ready for the scale to start moving, though. I KNOW my body. And my body HATES whey protein isolate in large amounts. It can take having 1 protein drink a day, or some supplementation with it, but not for all meals every meal! It's too insulinogenic for me. But give me low fat protein and low fat veggies? And BAM baby. Just like that, my body will start to tap into its fat stores!!! And that is exactly what's happening. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that I'm only taking an occasional 20ml of liquid sf tylenol for transient pain rather than taking gabapentin, tramadol, or worse, narcotics and muscle relaxants! I'm walking as much as I can. Yesterday I hit 40 minutes for the day--almost back to pre-op. I am so limited by the hip bursitis. My hips are back to hurting like a little b***h. But I'm still walking on them at 10 and 20 minute intervals. I think this is really important! Two things concern me right now. I am not getting a sense of fullness. I can easily eat 1/4c of food and could probably eat more than that, but I'm trying to be very conscientious about following my doc's orders. Until last night. One of my diet forms says at Phase 3 soft foods I can have 1-2oz dense protein + 1/4c soft veggies. So I am taking them at their word. Last night I had 1.75oz of grilled tilapia + 1tsp low fat nut-less pesto, 1oz frozen broccoli, 1/2oz avocado, 1/2oz heirloom tomato (skinless/seedless). I wasn't full, but my spidey senses were on alert to tell me I should not eat any more. But and it's a big butt...I did NOT feel full. And I WANTED more food! LOL. That was me all day yesterday! But I still ate my 1/4c of egg scramble, my 3tbsp egg salad + 1/2slice of low carb CheezeItz crackers, 1/2c of yogurt/cottage cheese+apple sauce and cinnamon, plus my 9oz Premier Protein in decaf coffee for a grand total of: 512cals; 61g protein; 18g fat; 15g carbs; 1g fiber; 14g net carbs; 7g sugar naturally occurring. I hope the lack of satiety is because I have little inflammation and because my nerves are not yet firing on all cylinders? OK, more later. Will come back to share my Guiltless Nut-Free Pesto later.
  24. FluffyChix

    Not losing weight

    What is likely happening at the 7 week mark: 1. Rebound fluid retention cuz of the ass kicking you're giving yourself in Pilates. 2. You're building some muscle and displacing fat and hanging on to fluid cuz of the ass kicking you're giving yourself in Pilates and cuz you're losing weight. LOL> TAke your measurements and lots of photos. A stall is only a stall when neither the scale nor the measuring tape move for 3 weeks. Otherwise, it's a scenic detour.
  25. FluffyChix

    Pre Op

    Six months for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
